"115"^^ . "116"^^ . "fsadf"@en . "This is the one-hundred-and-Fifteenth episode of the Internet Box Podcast. It was released on January 15, 2014. It featured Andrew, Kerry, Ray and Lindsay."@en . . . "115"^^ . . "Yes"@en . "Sara appears in an alleyway with the Holy Sword lying next to him. When he takes out the sword, it leaves a faint trail on the ground. Sara follows it and finds Jeneus. In vengeance, Sara gives the power of the Holy Sword to Jeneus. Jeneus goes on a rampage and destroys everything in his path. However, when he attacks Sara, Alazon protects him and ended up getting hurt in the process. Sara then realizes that he had been wrong and his mother had rejected him to protect him. Meanwhile, Shin Makoku battles against Jeneus and his monsters. Yuuri then joins the battle and transforms. Murata then arrives along with Shinou."@en . "6"^^ . . . . "2002-06-16"^^ . "\u77E2\u91CE\u535A\u4E4B"@en . . . . . . . . . . "2010-01-19"^^ . "Blow Up!"@en . . . "Usopp - Sanji"@en . . "Sistema C.A.I."@de . "Episode 11.5 is the 15th episode of the eleventh series of Shameless. Chesney meets Remona, a white Muslim chemist while looking for replacement chillers. But he soon decided to renovate Chesco's by adding a pharmacist department and employ her services in running it. But a chance discovery in Remona's backroom puts him in fear of his life. Meanwhile, Jamie, Shane and Kassi decide to go on a night out. But the police arrive to arrest Kassi the following morning. After the charges are mentioned, Kassi persuades Jamie and Karen to look after his family in his absence, but are shocked by Esther's relaxed attitude. Elsewhere, Avril gets a job at her sister's car wash. But she soon discovers that Patreesha's life isn't as perfect as she thought."@en . "Sistema C.A.I."@de . . . "2003-06-16"^^ . "Lured by the Black Light is the one hundred fifteenth episode of the InuYasha anime."@en . "Lured by the Black Light"@en . . "Suikomareru Kuroi Hikari"@en . . . . "Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura, Kyuubei, Otae, Hasegawa, and Katsura are shipwrecked on an island, and find themselves caught in a plot involving the legendary palace of Ryugu-jo."@en . "thumb|left|Spanner hat Kontaktlinsen zur Optimierung des X-Burners gemacht.Spanner erkl\u00E4rt Tsuna und dem Hologramm-Reborn, wie er den X-Burner perfektionieren will. Er hat Kontaktlinsen gebaut, die mit den X-Kopfh\u00F6rern verbunden sind und Tsuna so akkustische Hinweise auf Ausrichtung und Intensit\u00E4t seiner Flammen geben. So k\u00F6nnen die beiden Flammen perfekt ausbalanciert werden. Reborn findet die Idee ausgezeichnet, aber Giannini, der \u00FCber die Sprechanlage alles mitgeh\u00F6rt hat, ist dagegen. Er vertraut Spanner als Millefiore-Mann nicht, au\u00DFerdem sieht er sich in seiner Ehre als Techniker der Vongola Famiglia gekr\u00E4nkt. Aber Reborn befiehlt ihm, Ruhe zu bewahren. In ihrer Situation m\u00FCssen sie jede Chance nutzen."@de . "Episode 115 is a Drunken Peasants episode. This was the last episode of DP before going on the month long Europe trip. It took place on Ben's birthday."@en . . . . . "Episode 115 ist die x. Episode aus dem Anime. Angelockt durch das schwarze Licht"@de . "186"^^ . "83"^^ . . "thumb|left|Spanner hat Kontaktlinsen zur Optimierung des X-Burners gemacht.Spanner erkl\u00E4rt Tsuna und dem Hologramm-Reborn, wie er den X-Burner perfektionieren will. Er hat Kontaktlinsen gebaut, die mit den X-Kopfh\u00F6rern verbunden sind und Tsuna so akkustische Hinweise auf Ausrichtung und Intensit\u00E4t seiner Flammen geben. So k\u00F6nnen die beiden Flammen perfekt ausbalanciert werden. Reborn findet die Idee ausgezeichnet, aber Giannini, der \u00FCber die Sprechanlage alles mitgeh\u00F6rt hat, ist dagegen. Er vertraut Spanner als Millefiore-Mann nicht, au\u00DFerdem sieht er sich in seiner Ehre als Techniker der Vongola Famiglia gekr\u00E4nkt. Aber Reborn befiehlt ihm, Ruhe zu bewahren. In ihrer Situation m\u00FCssen sie jede Chance nutzen. Shoichi Iries M\u00E4nner sind immer noch auf der Suche nach Tsunas Leiche. Auf seinen Monitoren sieht er, dass Yamamoto bei seinem Kampf gegen die Arachide Br\u00FCder verletzt wurde, au\u00DFerdem ist Lal Mirch immer noch bewusstlos. Ryohei wurde von Gamma besiegt und dass er auch gegen Gokudera gewinnen wird, ist f\u00FCr ihn bereits sicher. Die Zerst\u00F6rung der Vongola Famiglia ist nur noch eine Frage der Zeit. thumb|left|Gokuderas Sistema C.A.I. beinhaltet 16 verschiedene Boxen, die von f\u00FCnf Flammen ge\u00F6ffnet werden.Gokudera erinnert sich daran, wie er hinter das Geheimnis des Sistema C.A.I. kam. Er hatte 16 Boxen, doch mit seinem Vongola Ring konnte er nur Uris und drei weitere Boxen \u00F6ffnen. Doch in einer der Boxen war ein weiterer Ring, mit dem er wiederum ein paar Boxen \u00F6ffnen konnte. Nach und nach waren alle Boxen offen und er konnte ein System erstellen, mit dem seine Waffen optimal aufeinander eingestellt sind. Gamma geht immer noch davon aus, dass die Sturm- und die Regen-Flamme die einzigen sind, die Gokudera beherrscht. Aber die Kugeln, die dieser nun auf ihn abfeuert, haben Sch\u00F6nwetter-Flammen und sie werden ihm zum Verh\u00E4ngnis."@de . "Today's Grand Performance! Mane Mane Montage!"@en . "300.0"^^ . "Yamada Kenichi"@en . . . . . . . . . "\u30B9\u30A3\u30B9\u30C6\u30FC\u30DECAI"@de . "114"^^ . "115"^^ . "Counterattack of the Soccer Kingdom! (\u30B5\u30C3\u30AB\u30FC\u738B\u56FD\u306E\u9006\u8972\uFF01, Soccer Oukoku no Gyukusyuu!) is episode 115 of the Inazuma Eleven anime ."@en . "Episode 115 is a Drunken Peasants episode. This was the last episode of DP before going on the month long Europe trip. It took place on Ben's birthday."@en . "Freezing Fighting Spirit"@en . "Episode 115"@en . . . . "Ben's Birthday Money Making Spectacular! PaulsEgo Talks Shrooms - GMan in a Blonde Wig! - DPP #115"@en . "Sisut\u0113ma C.A.I."@de . . "Sara appears in an alleyway with the Holy Sword lying next to him. When he takes out the sword, it leaves a faint trail on the ground. Sara follows it and finds Jeneus. In vengeance, Sara gives the power of the Holy Sword to Jeneus. Jeneus goes on a rampage and destroys everything in his path. However, when he attacks Sara, Alazon protects him and ended up getting hurt in the process. Sara then realizes that he had been wrong and his mother had rejected him to protect him. Meanwhile, Shin Makoku battles against Jeneus and his monsters. Yuuri then joins the battle and transforms. Murata then arrives along with Shinou."@en . "Frozen Spirit"@en . "Where it ain't no lie, baby BYE BYE BYE"@en . . . . . "2008-06-06"^^ . "1614.0"^^ . . . "date"@en . "115"^^ . . "2007-03-17"^^ . "Episode 115"@en . . "280"^^ . . "11.3"^^ . . . "3"^^ . . "116"^^ . . . . "5"^^ . "Episode 115.jpg"@de . "2009-01-10"^^ . . . . . . "11060.0"^^ . "114"^^ . . . . . "Kogoeru T\u014Dshi"@en . "4190.0"^^ . . . . "Frozen Spirit is the 115th episode of the Fairy Tail anime. It first aired on January 28, 2012. Rustyrose and Bluenote Stinger are defeated after the Magic of the Fairies is restored. While the other members start to formulate their plan to take down Grimoire Heart, Gray confronts Ultear."@en . . . . . "\u30B5\u30C3\u30AB\u30FC\u738B\u56FD\u306E\u9006\u8972\uFF01"@en . . . "This is the one-hundred-and-Fifteenth episode of the Internet Box Podcast. It was released on January 15, 2014. It featured Andrew, Kerry, Ray and Lindsay."@en . "\u6B66\u5185\u7F8E\u6708"@en . . "Episode 115.png"@en . "Honjitsu dai k\u014Dkai! Manemane Mont\u0101ju!"@en . . . . "2011-01-19"^^ . . . . "5"^^ . . "115"^^ . "1"^^ . "2012-01-28"^^ . . . "Itazura na Kiss"@en . "Frozen Spirit is the 115th episode of the Fairy Tail anime. It first aired on January 28, 2012. Rustyrose and Bluenote Stinger are defeated after the Magic of the Fairies is restored. While the other members start to formulate their plan to take down Grimoire Heart, Gray confronts Ultear."@en . "[[Category:Season |115]]ca:Episodi 115it:Episodio 115fr:\u00C9pisode 115es:Episodio 115 \"Today's Grand Performance! Mane Mane Montage!\" is the 115th episode of the One Piece anime."@en . . . "2015-05-06"^^ . "The Internet Box is a Maxident this week!"@en . "sdfasd"@en . "Counterattack of the Soccer Kingdom!"@en . "116"^^ . . . "\u672C\u65E5\u5927\u516C\u958B\uFF01\u30DE\u30CD\u30DE\u30CD\u30E2\u30F3\u30BF\u30FC\u30B8\u30E5\uFF01"@en . . . . "300"^^ . "Episode 11.5 is the 15th episode of the eleventh series of Shameless. Chesney meets Remona, a white Muslim chemist while looking for replacement chillers. But he soon decided to renovate Chesco's by adding a pharmacist department and employ her services in running it. But a chance discovery in Remona's backroom puts him in fear of his life. Elsewhere, Avril gets a job at her sister's car wash. But she soon discovers that Patreesha's life isn't as perfect as she thought."@en . . "1"^^ . . . "[[Category:Season |115]]ca:Episodi 115it:Episodio 115fr:\u00C9pisode 115es:Episodio 115 \"Today's Grand Performance! Mane Mane Montage!\" is the 115th episode of the One Piece anime."@en . . "Episode 115 ist die x. Episode aus dem Anime. Angelockt durch das schwarze Licht"@de . . . . . "114"^^ . . . "Tomiyasu Daiki"@en . "Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura, Kyuubei, Otae, Hasegawa, and Katsura are shipwrecked on an island, and find themselves caught in a plot involving the legendary palace of Ryugu-jo."@en . "115"^^ . . . "no"@en . . . . "asdfasd"@en . "\u5438\u3044\u8FBC\u307E\u308C\u308B\u9ED2\u3044\u5149"@en . "Episode 115"@de . "Lured by the Black Light is the one hundred fifteenth episode of the InuYasha anime."@en . "Counterattack of the Soccer Kingdom! (\u30B5\u30C3\u30AB\u30FC\u738B\u56FD\u306E\u9006\u8972\uFF01, Soccer Oukoku no Gyukusyuu!) is episode 115 of the Inazuma Eleven anime ."@en . "Grip!"@en . "Staffel 5"@de . "Big Opening Day Today! The Copy-Copy Montage!"@en . "\u51CD\u3048\u308B\u95D8\u5FD7"@en . .