. . . . . . "Velia Renata Rend\u00F3n, was born to Gabriel and Adela Rend\u00F3n around the 1400s in Barcelona, Spain. She was later recruited by the Volturi after Alec had observed her concealing powers in their human carnation. Her parents were killed by Demetri and Felix, Alec has never told her this factor in her transformation. As a vampire Velia is somewhat untrusting of the Volturi, but is nonethless, loyal towards them. Velia is described as being one of the fastest vampires in the world, even faster than Edward Cullen, but as graceful as Alice Cullen. She can be very stubborn when not following orders directly from Aro, Caius or Marcus and very independant. Her concealing powers have magnified and she can now hide herself completely, this includes cutting off all of the senses of a person when aimed at her, making her practically invisible. Velia over time fell in love with Alec, although she does playfully tease him when they are alone. Velia was transformed when she was 16 years old and thus held a desire to have a child, she lost all hope when she was told that vampires couldn't bear children. She obeys vampire laws and holds anyone in contempt for disobeying the law. Although this is overlooked when she witnessed Edward's love for Bella in the hall of the Volturi, thus allowing her to become more open-minded towards everything, this displeases Alec."@en . . . . . "Velia Renata Rend\u00F3n, was born to Gabriel and Adela Rend\u00F3n around the 1400s in Barcelona, Spain. She was later recruited by the Volturi after Alec had observed her concealing powers in their human carnation. Her parents were killed by Demetri and Felix, Alec has never told her this factor in her transformation. As a vampire Velia is somewhat untrusting of the Volturi, but is nonethless, loyal towards them. Velia is described as being one of the fastest vampires in the world, even faster than Edward Cullen, but as graceful as Alice Cullen. She can be very stubborn when not following orders directly from Aro, Caius or Marcus and very independant. Her concealing powers have magnified and she can now hide herself completely, this includes cutting off all of the senses of a person when aimed at "@en . "Velia Rend\u00F3n"@en .