. . . . . . . . . . . "Sub-Trope of Defeat Means Friendship. In a normal Defeat Means Friendship scenario, someone formerly opposed to the hero joins their side or at least becomes more affable towards them shortly after being defeated by them. In this trope, the defeat is the sole reason for their Heel Face Turn. The defeated character effectively says, \"Okay, now that I know you're stronger, I'm gonna join up with you now. \" The reasons for this varies: \n* They're a Proud Warrior Race Guy, Blood Knight, or other character type that admires strength. Since you proved to be stronger than them, they respect you enough to want to help you. \n* They're an opportunistic Reliable Traitor who feels that his/her interests would be better served on the hero's side. \n* They wanted to join the hero's side all along. They just wanted to test the hero's power first \n* They're a Dirty Coward who doesn't want the hero to finish them off. Examples of I Fight for the Strongest Side include:"@en . . "Sub-Trope of Defeat Means Friendship. In a normal Defeat Means Friendship scenario, someone formerly opposed to the hero joins their side or at least becomes more affable towards them shortly after being defeated by them. In this trope, the defeat is the sole reason for their Heel Face Turn. The defeated character effectively says, \"Okay, now that I know you're stronger, I'm gonna join up with you now. \" The reasons for this varies:"@en . . "I Fight for the Strongest Side"@en . . . .