"Ipod Nano 200gb Instructions/Page 4"@en . "There are several components we could attach to compensate for the reduction in battery life. 1) A bigger battery 2) A solar panel 3) A fuel cell 4) A more efficient harddrive 5) A portable nuclear reactor 6) Your mom 7) C.N.R.H.K.S.U (Chuck Norris Round House Kick Storage Unit) It doesn't take much of a genius to realise that option number 5 is clearly the most practical and easy choice, as number 7 goes against all known laws of physics, and is only achieveable in an area of negative gravity. The advantages include virtually infinite battery life, playing with glowing goo, providing employment for sandals-and-socks-donning men with beards, the ability to take over the world and most of all: not voiding the warranty."@en . . "There are several components we could attach to compensate for the reduction in battery life. 1) A bigger battery 2) A solar panel 3) A fuel cell 4) A more efficient harddrive 5) A portable nuclear reactor 6) Your mom 7) C.N.R.H.K.S.U (Chuck Norris Round House Kick Storage Unit)"@en .