"Jedi Consular (Powerstaark)"@en . . . "A Jedi Consular (also called a Jedi seer) was a Jedi who preferred to study the mysteries of the Force rather than focusing on combat. Consulars were the primary scholars and diplomats and seers of the Order, often becoming instructors. They were the light side version of a Sith Philosopher. When they attained the rank of Jedi Master, consulars became known as Sage Masters. Two Sage Masters joined with two Warrior Masters to build the initial Jedi Temple on Coruscant."@en . . "A Jedi Consular (also called a Jedi seer) was a Jedi who preferred to study the mysteries of the Force rather than focusing on combat. Consulars were the primary scholars and diplomats and seers of the Order, often becoming instructors. They were the light side version of a Sith Philosopher. What the Jedi Guardian preferred to achieve by combat, the Jedi Consular achieved by words or the Force. Traditionally, they wielded a green lightsaber, but, like all Jedi, they were free to choose their own color for the blade. Some Jedi Consulars, such as Yoda, Kit Fisto and Shaak Ti were as skilled with a lightsaber as they were with the Force and so they could be mistaken for Jedi Guardians or perhaps Jedi Sentinels. When they attained the rank of Jedi Master, consulars became known as Sage Masters. Two Sage Masters joined with two Warrior Masters to build the initial Jedi Temple on Coruscant."@en .