"10. \"I actually believe that my personal views supersede canon as established by those who are actually on Lucas' payroll.\" 9. \"I am too stupid to realize that I can still play the game as a male character.\" 8. \"I fear anything with a vagina.\" 7. \"I take my KOTOR characters more seriously than my online reputation.\" 6. \"I believe cooties exist and are transmissible via game controllers.\" 5. \"I have failed to embrace the egalitarian ethic of the Star Wars films. George Lucas would be ashamed of me if I was important enough to register on his radar, which I will never be.\" 4. \"I am either a sexist pig, or I am violating COPPA. Quite possibly both.\" 3. \"I have ignored the wisdom of Qui-Gon Jinn, who said: 'Your focus determines your reality.' I remain too focused on my own penis.\" 2. \"I want to be banned from Wookieepedia.\" And the number one Thing that You Implicitly Say About Yourself When You Complain About the Exile Being Female, Make Erroneous Edits Implying She's Male, or Otherwise Illustrate Your Nonacceptance... 1. \"I will never know the touch of a woman.\" Repeat this list to yourself every five minutes, then call us in the morning. (Created by G*nk, unofficially essayfied by Darth Culator.)"@en . . "10. \"I actually believe that my personal views supersede canon as established by those who are actually on Lucas' payroll.\" 9. \"I am too stupid to realize that I can still play the game as a male character.\" 8. \"I fear anything with a vagina.\" 7. \"I take my KOTOR characters more seriously than my online reputation.\" 6. \"I believe cooties exist and are transmissible via game controllers.\" 5. \"I have failed to embrace the egalitarian ethic of the Star Wars films. George Lucas would be ashamed of me if I was important enough to register on his radar, which I will never be.\""@en . . . "Wookieepedia:Jedi Exile"@en .