"Theresa Spencer ist eine Bekannte von Daniel Faraday, m\u00F6glicherweise seine Ex-Freundin."@de . "Theresa \"Tracy\" Spencer"@de . "5"^^ . "Theresa Spencer was an acquaintance of Daniel Faraday at Oxford University during the physics professor's brief tenure there researching temporal displacement. Little is known about Faraday and Theresa's relationship, but they were seen together in the photograph of the two on the Oxford University campus. Whether Theresa was a research assistant or an experimental subject, she eventually succumbed to the effects of temporal displacement and, though she survived (unlike the rat Eloise and George Minkowski), she was chronically affected and became an invalid, requiring constant home care by her sister, Abigail Spencer, and a nurse. During her occasional moments of lucidity, she describes being a young child or having just been with relatives long deceased. Having previously funded Faraday's research, Charles Widmore financially provides for Theresa's care. Because of what happened to Theresa, Faraday fled Oxford for the United States, and the university expunged any reference to him from their records."@it . "Theresa Spencer was an acquaintance of Daniel Faraday at Oxford University during the physics professor's brief tenure there researching temporal displacement. Little is known about Faraday and Theresa's relationship, but they were seen together in the photograph of the two on the Oxford University campus. Because of what happened to Theresa, Faraday fled Oxford for the United States, and the university expunged any reference to him from their records."@it . . . "Abigail Spencer - Hermana"@es . . . . "An ill Theresa slips into bouts of temporal displacement."@en . "180"^^ . "Theresa Spencer era a assistente de pesquisa de Daniel Faraday e tamb\u00E9m sua namorada durante a gradua\u00E7\u00E3o do f\u00EDsico na Universidade de Oxford, quando pesquisou as viagens no tempo."@pt . . "Theresa Spencer"@en . . . "Theresa Spencer"@zh . . "Theresa Spencer"@es . . . . . "Theresa Spencer era a assistente de pesquisa de Daniel Faraday e tamb\u00E9m sua namorada durante a gradua\u00E7\u00E3o do f\u00EDsico na Universidade de Oxford, quando pesquisou as viagens no tempo."@pt . "Theresa Spencer"@pt . "Abigail Spencer - Sorella"@it . . "Sarah Farooqui"@de . . . . "United Kingdom"@en . . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . "Odwiedzona przez Desmonda"@pl . . "Theresa Spencer"@fr . . "Asystentka Daniela"@pl . . "Abigail Spencer - S\u0153ur"@fr . "Theresa Spencer"@es . "Theresa Spencer"@zh . . . "dangraduation.jpg"@en . "Theresa Spencer"@en . "Reino Unido"@pt . . . "Theresa Spencer"@pl . . . . "Sarah Farooqui"@fr . "Regno Unito"@it . "Theresa Spencer"@pl . "Female"@en . . . . "\u4E0D\u660E"@zh . . "Daniel introduces Theresa to his mother."@en . . "Daniel Faraday - ex-Boyfriend"@en . "Viva, em estado catat\u00F4nico"@pt . "Sarah Farooqui"@es . "Debora Weigert"@de . "Reino Unido"@es . "Theresa Spencer ist eine Bekannte von Daniel Faraday, m\u00F6glicherweise seine Ex-Freundin."@de . "Anglia"@pl . . . "Abigail Spencer - Sister"@en . "\u96FB\u8996\u52872\u96C6"@zh . . "Forschungsassistentin"@de . . . . . . "Royaume-Uni"@fr . . "left"@en . "Theresa Spencer es una conocida de Daniel Faraday de la Universidad de Oxford, mientras \u00E9l era profesor de f\u00EDsica e investigaba el desplazamiento temporal. Poco se sabe de la relaci\u00F3n de Faraday y Theresa, pero aparecen juntos en una foto en el campus de la Universidad de Oxford. Al parecer, Theresa era una asistente de la investigaci\u00F3n, que finalmente sufri\u00F3 las consecuencias del desplazamiento temporal, y, aunque sobrevivi\u00F3 a ella (a diferencia de la rata Eloise y George Minkowski), qued\u00F3 gravemente afectada y se convirti\u00F3 en una inv\u00E1lida, que requiere constantes cuidados en el hogar de su hermana, Abigail Spencer, y un enfermero. En algunas veces de lucidez, piensa que es una peque\u00F1a o piensa que est\u00E1 con familiares ya muertos. Tras haber financiado la investigaci\u00F3n de Daniel Faraday, Charles Widmore se hizo responsable del cuidado de Theresa. Despu\u00E9s del accidente de Theresa, Faraday huy\u00F3 de Oxford a los Estados Unidos, y al parecer la universidad borr\u00F3 todos sus registros."@es . . "Theresa Spencer"@it . "Theresa Spencer es una conocida de Daniel Faraday de la Universidad de Oxford, mientras \u00E9l era profesor de f\u00EDsica e investigaba el desplazamiento temporal. Poco se sabe de la relaci\u00F3n de Faraday y Theresa, pero aparecen juntos en una foto en el campus de la Universidad de Oxford. Despu\u00E9s del accidente de Theresa, Faraday huy\u00F3 de Oxford a los Estados Unidos, y al parecer la universidad borr\u00F3 todos sus registros."@es . . . "Theresa was introduced to Faraday's mother Eloise Hawking at Daniel's graduate commencement, but Ms. Hawking was dismissive of Theresa and her son's relationship with her, preferring that her son focus only on his research work. (\"The Variable\") After Faraday tested his experimental time apparatus out on himself, he permitted Theresa to act as an experimental subject, and she eventually succumbed to the effects of temporal displacement."@en . . "Theresa Spencer"@en . "Theresa \"Tracy\" Spencer"@de . . "Theresa Spencer \u00E9tait l'assistante de recherche et la petite-amie de Daniel Faraday \u00E0 l'universit\u00E9 d'Oxford quand celui-ci \u00E9tait professeur titulaire de physique et faisait des recherches sur les voyages spatio-temporels. \u00C0 cause de ce qui est arriv\u00E9 \u00E0 Theresa, Daniel a fui Oxford pour se rendre aux \u00C9tats-Unis et l'universit\u00E9 a effac\u00E9 toute r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 son nom dans leur fichier. Il a laiss\u00E9 derri\u00E8re lui une photo sur le sol de Theresa et lui. (Bombe H)"@fr . . . . "Spencer"@pl . "5"^^ . . "2"^^ . . "Theresa Spencer"@fr . . . "Theresa Spencer"@it . . "Theresa Spencer"@pt . "Theresa Spencer"@it . "Kobieta"@pl . . . "Theresa Spencer"@zh . . "Sister - Abigail Spencer"@en . "Sarah Farooqui"@it . . . . . "Theresa was introduced to Faraday's mother Eloise Hawking at Daniel's graduate commencement, but Ms. Hawking was dismissive of Theresa and her son's relationship with her, preferring that her son focus only on his research work. (\"The Variable\") After Faraday tested his experimental time apparatus out on himself, he permitted Theresa to act as an experimental subject, and she eventually succumbed to the effects of temporal displacement."@en . . . "Theresa2.jpg"@en . "Great Britain"@en . "Theresa Spencer"@de . "Theresa2.jpg"@es . "Theresa and Daniel in a photo"@en . "Theresa"@pl . "Theresa Spencer"@pt . . . "Theresa Spencer"@es . . . . "Theresa Spencer.jpg"@pl . "Yes"@es . "250"^^ . "\u3010Theresa Spencer\u3011\u5716\u7247\u9801\u9762"@zh . "Abigail Spencer - Irm\u00E3"@pt . "Sarah Farooqui"@pt . . . . "Dawna mi\u0142o\u015B\u0107 Daniela"@pl . "Sarah Farooqui"@en . . . "Vivante"@fr . "right"@en . "\u017Byje"@pl . . . "Nenhuma"@pt . . "Theresa Spencer \u00E9tait l'assistante de recherche et la petite-amie de Daniel Faraday \u00E0 l'universit\u00E9 d'Oxford quand celui-ci \u00E9tait professeur titulaire de physique et faisait des recherches sur les voyages spatio-temporels. Theresa a \u00E9t\u00E9 pr\u00E9sent\u00E9e \u00E0 la m\u00E8re de Faraday, Eloise Hawking, \u00E0 la remise des dipl\u00F4mes de Daniel. Mais Mme Hawking fut indiff\u00E9rente envers Theresa et la relation que son fils entretenait avec elle, pr\u00E9f\u00E9rant que celui se concentre sur son travail de recherche. (Le Facteur humain) Que Theresa eut \u00E9t\u00E9 une assistante ou un cobaye, elle a finalement \u00E9t\u00E9 affect\u00E9e par des effets similaires \u00E0 ceux des bonds de conscience dans le temps. Bien qu'elle soit toujours en vie (contrairement \u00E0 Eloise ou George Minkowski), elle est atteinte d'une infirmit\u00E9 chronique, requ\u00E9rant constamment des soins \u00E0 domicile. Ceux-ci sont prodigu\u00E9s par sa s\u0153ur, Abigail Spencer, et un infirmier. Durant d'occasionnels moments de lucidit\u00E9, elle se d\u00E9crit comme \u00E9tant une enfant ou ayant des proches qui sont d\u00E9c\u00E9d\u00E9s depuis longtemps. Ayant auparavant subventionn\u00E9 les recherches de Daniel, Charles Widmore paye les soins m\u00E9dicaux pour Theresa. \u00C0 cause de ce qui est arriv\u00E9 \u00E0 Theresa, Daniel a fui Oxford pour se rendre aux \u00C9tats-Unis et l'universit\u00E9 a effac\u00E9 toute r\u00E9f\u00E9rence \u00E0 son nom dans leur fichier. Il a laiss\u00E9 derri\u00E8re lui une photo sur le sol de Theresa et lui. (Bombe H)"@fr . . . .