"A fandom and shipping phenomenon, most of them based on LiveJournal. A Kink Meme is where a user (usually anonymously, though the rules on this differ between kink memes) posts both a pairing and a kink. Another user then anonymously fills this request with either fanart or fanfiction. While kink memes, true to their name, usually contain plenty of smut, it is usually permissible to request fluff or a more serious fic with no sex, as well."@en . . "Kink Meme"@en . . "A fandom and shipping phenomenon, most of them based on LiveJournal. A Kink Meme is where a user (usually anonymously, though the rules on this differ between kink memes) posts both a pairing and a kink. Another user then anonymously fills this request with either fanart or fanfiction. While kink memes, true to their name, usually contain plenty of smut, it is usually permissible to request fluff or a more serious fic with no sex, as well."@en .