. . . . . . . . "Former Powers"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "John Corben (New Earth)"@en . . . . . . . . . "* : After a deal with the demon Neron, Metallo gained the ability to control any and all robotics or cybernetics not already active with a thought. Able to perform self-diagnostic checks, monitor microprocessors and numerous redundancy systems within his body prevent any major breakdowns that might damage his brain or its ability to communicate with the rest of his body. \n:* : Metallo could assimilate volumes of metal into his body in order to maintain a desired physical size. Working in conjunction with his mechashifting capabilities he can greatly augment the effectiveness of it.\n::* : By drawing in excess mechanical mass he can increase his size to monolithic proportions. This ability was upgraded by the villainous Brainiac 13 during the Y2K event.\n::* : In whatever form he took on, Metallo was able create an army of robotic clones to attack with. Or even divvy up a much larger physical vessel into smaller components he could guide with his thoughts alone.\n* : Metallo could transform his physical body into any form he wished, if he could imagine it he could create or become it. His only limitation was the needed quantity of mechanical mass available to him.\n:* \n:* : Corben can leech into and afflict most any form of machinery he can focus on, next to nothing could prevent him from taking over a system he wanted.\n* \n* : Metallo was further upgraded by Brainiac 13 in order to better control and operate his kryptonite radiation. Not only could he fire it from his eyes or heart at will but also had the ability to tap into various light spectra to increase its effective range.\n* : John eventually learned he could also change energy frequencies, imbibing and amplifying absorbed or internalized energy sources.\n:*"@en . . . . . . .