"Unicameral"@en . "#084B8A"@en . "National Assembly"@en . "Bundesversammlung"@en . . "Svgfiles-2017-03-21-18-20-51-940842-7924915004088245177.svg"@en . . "President of the National Assembly (dun. Prasident der Dorvischen Bundesversammliunges) presides over sessions of the Bundesverammlung. The President of the NA is elected during the constituent session of each election period after the Federal elections or in a later session, if the office has fallen vacant. Usually, accordingly to one of the parliamentary customs, the President of NA is a member of the largest parliamentary group. Members of the National Assembly can issue a vote of no confidence towards the president of NA. The President of the Bundesversammlung usually has several deputies who are supplied by other parliamentary groups."@en . . "4187"^^ . "505"^^ . "(National Assembly)"@en . "200"^^ . "Peoples-palace-bucharest-romania-2.jpg"@en . . . . "President of the National Assembly (dun. Prasident der Dorvischen Bundesversammliunges) presides over sessions of the Bundesverammlung. The President of the NA is elected during the constituent session of each election period after the Federal elections or in a later session, if the office has fallen vacant. Usually, accordingly to one of the parliamentary customs, the President of NA is a member of the largest parliamentary group. Members of the National Assembly can issue a vote of no confidence towards the president of NA. The President of the Bundesversammlung usually has several deputies who are supplied by other parliamentary groups. Although most legislation is initiated by the executive branch, the Bundesversammlung considers the legislative function its most important responsibility, concentrating much of its energy on assessing and amending the government's legislative program. The committees (see below) play a prominent role in this process. Plenary sessions provide a forum for members to engage in public debate on legislative issues before them, but they tend to be well attended only when significant legislation is being considered."@en . "Bundesversammlung (Dorvik)"@en . "200"^^ . . . "8"^^ . "#FFFFFF"@en . . "National Assembly"@en . "200"^^ . . "BUNDESVERSAMMLUN11G.png"@en . . . "Sophie Gehrig"@en .