. . "1156115811591160"^^ . "A Lion's Honor"@en . "A Lion's Honor By Shawn Carman and Rich Wulf The Shadowlands, year 1156 Two Tsuno guards fell to the ground, gasping for air and digging tiny troughs in the stone floor as their claws flailed about pointlessly. After a moment of spasms, they lay still. The doorway they had blocked was now unobstructed, and a small figure clad in a ruined blue cloak walked through without further disruption. His footsteps made a sickening, squelching noise, as if he were treading through mud. \u201CI will,\u201D the stranger offered. \u201CBut not until you have heard my proposal.\u201D The stranger laughed. \u201CFair enough...\u201D \u201CI am.\u201D"@en . . . "Shawn Carman and Rich Wulf"@en . "A Lion's Honor By Shawn Carman and Rich Wulf The Shadowlands, year 1156 Two Tsuno guards fell to the ground, gasping for air and digging tiny troughs in the stone floor as their claws flailed about pointlessly. After a moment of spasms, they lay still. The doorway they had blocked was now unobstructed, and a small figure clad in a ruined blue cloak walked through without further disruption. His footsteps made a sickening, squelching noise, as if he were treading through mud. The chamber beyond was a vast temple of some sort. Many Tsuno were present, all turning to face the mysterious newcomer. The particularly large specimen at the chamber\u2019s other end looked on with interest, and then gestured for two of his guards to intercept the stranger. Roaring, the two beasts rushed headlong through the chamber, their blades in hand and their gaping jaws dripping with saliva in anticipation. The stranger did not falter in his approach, but lifted a single hand. \u201CFall.\u201D The two Tsuno were sent sprawling headlong, twisted as if by the force of some monumental blow. Their weapons slid across the floor, away from their reach. \u201CDrown,\u201D the strange said in the same, low, disinterested tone. Both Tsuno began writhing much as the two beyond the chamber had, with thick gouts of black water leaking from their eyes, ears, mouth, and nose. After a moment, they too stopped moving, with only a spreading puddle beneath them to mark their passing. The stranger never halted, but continued his casual pace toward the chamber\u2019s front. Other Tsuno looked as though they might attack him as he passed, but the beast at the chamber\u2019s front did not move, and thus neither did they. Within short order, the man had reached the altar at the other end, and stood face to face with the titanic Tsuno waiting there. \u201CGreetings, Tsuno Kurushimi,\u201D the man offered. When there was no response, he added, \u201CYou are not going to attack me, as your brothers did? Strange to find so diplomatic a soul among the Tsuno.\u201D \u201CI know what you are,\u201D Kurushimi growled in response. \u201CI will not invite your power by attacking, but you are nevertheless unwelcome here. Leave.\u201D \u201CI will,\u201D the stranger offered. \u201CBut not until you have heard my proposal.\u201D The Tsuno snarled, its immense fangs gleaming in the torchlight. \u201CYou kill my brethren and then make demands of me? You are arrogant, human.\u201D \u201CI left their bodies intact,\u201D Turi replied. \u201CYour Soultwisters will restore them to life with little effort, I think.\u201D \u201CYou know of our magic,\u201D Kurushimi said, ridged brows furrowing. \u201CThere is little that I do not know that concerns me,\u201D Turi said, \u201Cbut with your aid soon there will be nothing beyond my power.\u201D \u201CThen say your piece and be gone, lest I discover if such as you are truly beyond death,\u201D Kurushimi said. The shadowed face beneath the hood shifted, and for a moment a smile was obvious in the low light. \u201CAn intriguing proposition. I wonder if you could kill me. But again, this is not the reason for my presence here.\u201D The stranger looked about the room. \u201CI wish to ally with your people, Kurushimi. I feel confident we can aid one another.\u201D The short roar that escaped Kurushimi might be mistaken for amusement, if the Tsuno were capable of such a thing. \u201CWe are already allied with Daigotsu, your lord and sovereign. Why should we deign to make arrangements with his lackey?\u201D \u201CDo not discount the power I offer,\u201D the stranger countered. \u201CDaigotsu may be your ally, but he does not share your hatred of the Lion as I do. They abandoned me when I needed them most. I will see them suffer. If you know of my powers, then you know am limited in my ability to act directly against the Lion,\u201D the stranger confessed. \u201CI need allies without such restrictions. I can give you much information on our mutual enemy\u2019s abilities. I can tell you when and where to find what you seek. Once you maneuver them into my clutches, they will be utterly destroyed, just as you wish. All the families of the Lion will fall before me.\u201D \u201CNo,\u201D Kurushimi said. He leaned in close to the cloaked figure. \u201CNot the Kitsu. The Kitsu are ours.\u201D The stranger laughed. \u201CFair enough...\u201D The Kitsu Tombs, year 1158 \u201CDomotai!\u201D Another samurai died on Domotai\u2019s right, just a Tsuno warrior on his left eviscerated a young Akodo bushi. Blood and death were all around him, an ocean of carnage and confusion. Domotai heard one of his men calling for aid as he ripped his blade free from the Tsuno skull where he had buried it. He looked around and finally found the one who had called out to him, but it was too late. The soldier disappeared under the onslaught of three Tsuno warriors, his face a mask of grim determination and he lashed out at his killers with his last bit of strength. This was not how it was supposed to be. When the Tsuno had first appeared at the Hall of Ancestors, Domotai had known instantly there were too few attackers to be a real threat. His men had dispatched them quickly, and he had led his entire legion directly to the Kitsu Tombs, believing that to be the beasts\u2019 true objective. Domotai\u2019s suspicions had been well founded. As his men had crested the hill overlooking the Tombs, they saw far more Tsuno than had appeared at the Hall of Ancestors. They had been badly outnumbered by the creatures, but that was never a consideration for a Matsu. His men had charged into the creatures\u2019 midst without fear or hesitation. Now, Domotai scanned the battle and was hard pressed to pick out more than a dozen of his men still fighting. A Tsuno blade bit into Domotai\u2019s shoulder. He ground his teeth against the pain and spun to face his attacker. A single blow severed the creature\u2019s sword hand, causing it to recoil in agony. Domotai ended its pain by burying his blade between its eyes. He tried to pull it free, but another of the beasts collided with him and drove him to the ground, his blade disappearing from his field of vision. The Tsuno leaned in close, trying to gore Domotai with its fearsome horns. The mighty Lion warrior grabbed the creature\u2019s horns and wrenched its head with all his might. The crack of its neck was very satisfying. Domotai lurched to his feet, but another Tsuno instantly knocked him to the ground with a swipe from one massive arm. The Lion struggled to regain his footing, but a kick to his ribs sent him rolling across the battlefield. A flurry of blows followed, and blackness claimed him. The last thing that reached him as he drifted into oblivion was the harsh, rasping voice of a Tsuno. \u201CThis one will serve us well. Bring him.\u201D The Shinomen Mori, year 1159 He was roused from his painful slumber by unfamiliar noise. Not the normal sounds, the screaming and the unanswered pleas for mercy; he had grown immune to those long ago, ceased to even realize that the screams came from his own throat. This was different. It was a familiar sound, one that he had known his entire life but had not heard in many long months. It was the sound of battle. Energy rushed through Domotai\u2019s tortured form. His torn and bloodied muscles surged with strength, a sensation he had not known in longer than he could remember. His mind cleared, the haze receding. The warrior was careful to remain exactly as he had been, slumped on the floor in apparent defeat. Another sound approached, this one more familiar. The door slid open, and the rasping breath of his jailor could be heard. Then, the sound of a sword being drawn. \u201CTime for one last kill before I go,\u201D the man muttered. Domotai moaned slightly, drawing a dark laugh from his would-be executioner. The man stepped quickly across Domotai\u2019s chamber\u2026 and within reach. In the months since the Tsuno had handed Domotai over to Shahai and her minions, he had long since ceased to offer resistance. Instead, he had quietly waited for his opportunity. Domotai\u2019s eyes fixed on the uneven stone a few paces away. For months he had watched that stone, marked that as the farthest point his chains could reach. His jailers had never paid attention to such things. Why should they bother when Domotai was too weak to struggle? One of the torturers stepped across the line into Domotai\u2019s range, his stained knife held aloft, a murderous grin plastered across his face. The Lion kicked with all his remaining strength, catching his assassin directly in the knee. Domotai felt it give, then snap. The man fell to the ground, crying out in agony. Domotai was on him in an instant, knocking his blade away and wrapping his muscular arms about the man\u2019s head, looping his chains about the torturer\u2019s throat. He squeezed with all his might, the man\u2019s muffled shriek of panic blending with his own scream of pain as his injured muscles burned with the sudden exertion. There was a snap, and then the man went limp. As he fell, another figure appeared behind him. He wore long blue robes, damp and stained with mud. A deep hood covered his features. He stood just beyond the reach of Domotai\u2019s chains, watching him cautiously. \u201CWho are you?\u201D Domotai snarled between gasping breaths. \u201CAnother tsukai come to torture me?\u201D \u201COnly an observer, Domotai,\u201D the man said in a thoughtful voice. \u201COnly an observer.\u201D The robed man faded; Domotai was uncertain if he had truly seen the stranger or if it had been another pain induced hallucination. He released the broken corpse still clutched under his arm and collapsed. His head swam with pain and confusion. He felt rough hands inspecting him, but the normal pain of torture was not there. \u201CWe have found Domotai!\u201D someone called out. A moment later, \u201CHe is badly injured! We need a healer!\u201D Darkness claimed Domotai again, but this time, there were no tormented visions. Only peace and confidence that his pain was over. Shiro Matsu, year 1159 \u201CWhat is the meaning of this, Nimuro-sama?\u201D Kitsu Juri demanded. \u201CWe are all very busy, as you well know. You cannot expect us to accomplish what you ask of us if we are constantly being summoned to some sort of impromptu war council.\u201D \u201CHow is your brother, Nimuro-sama?\u201D Akodo Ginawa asked quietly. The Lion Champion leveled an emotionless stare at Kitsu Juri, causing the old shugenja to frown and shift uncomfortably. Matsu Nimuro then turned to Ginawa. \u201CHe is recovering, Ginawa-san. Thank you for your concern, I know Domotai will greatly appreciate it.\u201D He looked back to the group, which also contained the venerable Ikoma daimyo, Sume, and his mother Ketsui, daimyo of the Matsu family. \u201CBut that is not why I have brought you here. As Juri-san so politely points out, many of you are in the midst of important matters that I have bidden you to deal with on behalf of our clan. Unfortunately, a matter of much more importance has arisen.\u201D Sume\u2019s eyes narrowed. \u201CWhat has happened? Is it the Crane? I knew we could not trust them to keep the treaty at Toshi Ranbo.\u201D \u201CThey would not dare,\u201D rumbled Ginawa. \u201CThey have too much to gain from peace.\u201D \u201CIt is another matter altogether,\u201D Nimuro said darkly. \u201CFour days ago, the corpse of Matsu Giriko was found cast against the walls of Matsu Shiro.\u201D \u201CGiriko was lost in a scouting mission to the south some weeks ago,\u201D Ketsui offered. \u201CWe assumed she had died in the rockslides.\u201D \u201CPerhaps she did, perhaps she did not,\u201D Nimuro continued. \u201CHer throat had been crushed. More to the point, the corpse was saturated with sea water, as if she had drowned.\u201D \u201CDisgusting,\u201D muttered Juri. \u201CAnd a message was attached to Giriko\u2019s do-maru,\u201D Nimuro said. He held a wrinkled scroll before him. \u201CIt bears a familiar chop.\u201D \u201CMatsu Turi?\u201D Sume said, surprised. \u201CHe was lost shortly after Oblivion's Gate.\u201D \u201CYes,\u201D Nimuro said. He nodded at the old courtier, impressed that he recognized the symbol. \u201CIf his letter is to be believed, he is now the Dark Oracle of Water.\u201D \u201CWhat?\u201D Matsu Ketsui had risen from her seat, her disbelief obvious. \u201CMatsu Turi is one of the most venerated heroes of the Matsu family! You cannot be serious!\u201D \u201CTuri single-handedly turned the tide of battle at Otosan Uchi\u2019s west wall on the Day of Thunder,\u201D Ikoma Sume agreed. \u201CHe was lost during the retreat from Oblivion's Gate,\u201D Ginawa finished in a low voice. \u201CHe defended a low canyon while the Lion armies marched back to the Wall. His sacrifice bought the lives of hundreds of samurai. He died as he lived, a hero and a Lion.\u201D \u201CThen apparently reports of his death were a mistake,\u201D Nimuro said firmly. An oppressive silence filled the room. The Lion daimyo glanced at one another, their expressions grim. \u201CTuri claims to have recovered the remains of Akodo One-Eye,\u201D Nimuro said, his voice empty. \u201CAnd he will return them to us, if a single Lion agrees to serve him as his vassal and student.\u201D \u201CWhat?\u201D roared Ginawa. \u201COutrageous! How do we even know if his wild claims are true?\u201D \u201CJuri,\u201D Nimuro said. \u201CHe invites the Kitsu to verify his claim. Summon your finest sodan-senzo and commune with Akodo\u2019s spirit. I want no ambiguity.\u201D \u201CAt once, Nimuro-sama.\u201D Juri rose and left the chamber without hesitation, all trace of his former recalcitrance gone. The Lion Champion turned to the others. \u201CI have no doubt that Juri will confirm what the message says. Such an elaborate hoax would accomplish nothing, and thus I must believe that it is genuine.\u201D \u201CWhat shall we do if it is true?\u201D Ketsui asked, her face a mask of determination. \u201CI do not yet know,\u201D Nimuro said, anger blazing in his eyes. \u201CBut someone will pay for this blasphemy. Someone will pay with their life.\u201D The Matsu Provinces, the present day A Lion was taught to live without fear. In his youth such had always been an easy task. Now things were not so simple. At night, the demons always came for him. He would hear them first, their thick, rough armored plates scraping against one another in the shadows, filling the night air with a terrible rattling sound. He always drew his blade, ready to fight, but he could never find the source of the noise. It was all around him, constantly moving just outside his field of vision. Golden-red eyes blazed in the darkness in the corner of his eye, but faded before he could find them. And then there was the laughter. It was a low, husky sound that filled him with terror. So he ran. No matter how hard he tried to stand and fight, he always ran. Steel in hand, the ground racing beneath his feet, his breath coming faster and faster, but the things in the shadows never went away. It didn\u2019t matter that he ran. They were still there. Then he felt the claws. Claws, teeth, and steel. He fell to the ground, blood streaming from a dozen wounds. They were upon him now, still wreathed in shadows. Their weapons tore his body apart, ripping his flesh away in ragged strips as he screamed to Lady Moon. There was pain, fear, hatred, outrage\u2026 and relief. Terrible, blessed relief to be home again. Matsu Domotai woke up with a scream trapped in his throat, breathing heavily as the nightmares of the Tsuno faded away. The Hall of Ancestors was empty. In recognition of his valor, even the monks and Kitsu shugenja had left the temple last night, leaving it completely empty for perhaps the first time in centuries. Domotai was alone with his ancestors, having spent the night in meditation. It was strange. Up until this point, there had been fear. As a Matsu, he had crushed it and buried it deep within him, of course, but it had been there. Now, there was none. He was ready. His destiny awaited, and he would meet it as a Matsu. The statue before him was of the first Matsu Domotai, an ancient hero of the Lion Clan. The first Domotai had stood bravely against Iuchiban and his blasphemous undead minions at the Battle of Stolen Graves in Otosan Uchi. The legionnaire had pursued half a dozen escaping Bloodspeakers and defeated them single-handedly. His will alone had protected him from their dark magic. Yet for all that, the first Domotai had been generally forgotten among the many other heroes forged that day. Domotai had taken this hero\u2019s name as his own at his gempukku ceremony, vowing to overcome his own obscurity as second son of the Matsu daimyo and to bring honor and glory to a great Lion hero in the process. Footsteps approached from the temple\u2019s primary entrance. Domotai did not turn around. There was no need. None would dare interrupt his vigil unless it was of the utmost importance. The footsteps halted behind him. Still he said nothing. Finally, someone spoke. \u201CIt\u2019s time, little brother.\u201D Domotai nodded. \u201CI know, Nimuro-sama.\u201D \u201CDo not do that,\u201D came a second voice. \u201CDo not make this about duty. This is a family matter. I will not pretend otherwise.\u201D Domotai smiled. \u201CI am sorry, Satomi-chan.\u201D He paused. \u201CWhere is mother?\u201D The others were silent for a moment. \u201CShe asked us to speak to you first. She\u2026 needed a moment to compose herself.\u201D \u201CShe always was the emotional one,\u201D Domotai noted sadly. He rose to his feet and turned to face his brother and sister. \u201CI suppose she is entitled, though.\u201D \u201CThis is madness!\u201D Satomi burst out suddenly. \u201CYou are the Lion Clan Champion\u2019s brother! Son of the Matsu daimyo! Guardian of the Hall of Ancestors! You cannot do this! You are too valuable to us!\u201D Matsu Nimuro laid a hand on his sister\u2019s shoulder. \u201CEnough, Satomi. He\u2019s made his choice.\u201D Domotai nodded. \u201CIt is the only way.\u201D The young samurai-ko grimaced, her eyes swimming with tears. She looked down at the floor in agony. \u201CThis is not right,\u201D she said again, softly. \u201CGo tell mother we will be out in a moment, Satomi,\u201D Nimuro said quietly. Satomi turned and left immediately without saying a word. Domotai looked after her sadly. \u201CNo matter what happens, you must not tell her.\u201D \u201CYou have my word, brother,\u201D Nimuro promised somberly. \u201CThe dreams\u2026 you are still having them?\u201D The other Lion warrior nodded. \u201CThey\u2019re getting worse. I am not sure what the Tsuno intended for me, but there is a darkness inside me. I am not certain if I can control it for much longer.\u201D \u201CThe Kitsu could help you, surely. Juri could find some way to alleviate your suffering.\u201D \u201CNo,\u201D Domotai shook his head firmly. \u201CIf I am dependent upon the Kitsu, then I am weak and a liability.\u201D He chuckled darkly. \u201CBut of course I am already a liability, aren\u2019t I? And that is why I must go.\u201D \u201CThere are thousands of others who would gladly take your place,\u201D Nimuro observed. \u201CTuri asked for a member of the true Matsu line,\u201D Domotai countered. \u201CI could not ask another to go in my place, and you are too valuable to our clan.\u201D \u201CI could order you to remain,\u201D Nimuro said flatly. He regarded his younger brother without emotion. \u201CBut you won\u2019t.\u201D The Lion Champion inhaled deeply. \u201CNo. No, I would not rob you of your dignity. If you are resigned to this course of action\u2026\u201D \u201CI am.\u201D \u201C\u2026then you have my blessing and support.\u201D Nimuro clapped the other man on the shoulder. \u201CI am proud to call you my brother.\u201D Domotai grinned, but only for a moment. \u201CNimuro,\u201D he said hesitantly, \u201Cif this fails somehow, if I should return at Turi\u2019s side\u2026\u201D \u201CI will take your head, brother,\u201D Nimuro said sternly. \u201CI would never permit the Dark Oracle to destroy your honor in such a way.\u201D \u201CThe dreams,\u201D Domotai rasped. \u201CI may not be able to help myself.\u201D \u201CThen I will help you,\u201D the Champion said. His tone implied the discussion was finished. \u201CNow come. Let us find our mother and sister. I suspect whatever ordeal you will be facing in the coming days will pale before the prospect of facing the two of them together.\u201D Domotai and Satomi rode side by side, a hundred Lion soldiers following them. They went for a long while without speaking, until finally Domotai looked over his shoulder at the soldiers with disdain. \u201CI do not understand why you insisted on a full platoon. It seems unnecessary.\u201D \u201CDo not speak to me of unnecessary,\u201D Satomi said angrily. Domotai shook his head. Despite her anger over his decision, Satomi had demanded that she accompany him. The message the clan had received from Matsu Turi specified the day upon which a Matsu was to surrender to him, and where. Black Tear Mountain was on the northern edge of the Twilight Mountains, west of the Crab lands and north of the Plains Above Evil. Few ever went there. Yet Satomi had insisted on accompanying him, and that they bring a full platoon of Lion warriors. She clearly expected treachery, and in that perhaps she was correct. \u201COne day, little sister, you will understand what I do here.\u201D \u201CUnderstand why you must give yourself to an honorless madman in exchange for something we should seize by force?\u201D Satomi snorted. \u201CI do not think I will ever understand something so foolish.\u201D \u201CEven if we wished to attack a Dark Oracle,\u201D Domotai countered, \u201Chow could we ever find Akodo\u2019s bones? A man such as Turi could hide them anywhere. No, we must do as he demands, or they will be lost to us forever.\u201D \u201CI would rather force him to tell us.\u201D Domotai scowled. \u201CDon\u2019t be a fool.\u201D \u201CYou are the fool!\u201D The Lion shook his head. Satomi was overcome with anger and grief, and could not be reasoned with. As when they were children, it would be best to leave her to her own devices rather than force the issue. It was sad, that this was probably the last time he would see his sister and their last words had been spoken in anger. Domotai sighed sadly and looked back toward the lands of his birth for the last time. The wind rustled Domotai\u2019s clothing as he climbed the jagged rocks. He knew without looking that the Lion soldiers that had accompanied him had begun their retreat from the valley below. He had ordered them to do so despite Satomi\u2019s objections. A sarcophagus had been sitting plainly in the valley\u2019s center. The Kitsu had reverently reclaimed Akodo One Eye\u2019s bones from within it, and then Domotai had ordered them to leave. His sister insisted he leave with them. A pact made with a Dark Oracle held no weight, she had claimed. He could leave the valley and feel no dishonor. She was still young. One day she would know better. If the Shadowlands could show more honor than the Lion, where would that leave the Lion Clan? Domotai grunted with effort as he hefted himself onto the final ledge. The entire valley was laid out below, but the Lion paid little attention to the view. There was someone waiting for him - a figure wrapped in a heavy cloak from head to toe, with only the vaguest facial features visible. The garments leaked foul, brackish water onto the hard, cracked stone despite the heat and wind. A Lion Clan mon was emblazoned upon his shoulder. Domotai remembered him from his vision so long ago. This was Matsu Turi, the Dark Oracle of Water. \u201CMatsu Domotai,\u201D Turi said, drawing the last syllable of his family name out uncomfortably. \u201CThe Tsuno promised me that you would be the one to come. Do you not find that odd? That such beasts would know you better than your own kinsman?\u201D \u201CWhat do you want from me?\u201D Domotai said demanded. \u201CI was told that you desired a vassal, but I do not understand what difference you think one Lion could make.\u201D \u201CThen understand,\u201D Turi replied. \u201CI was once honored above all other members of your family. I was a hero of the Clan War. I led Tsuko\u2019s Heart, a legion dedicated to the memory of the greatest hero I have ever known. When I fell to the Shadowlands, it was in battle, surrounded by a legion of fallen enemies. Dark Oracle I may be, but I know the power of bushido.\u201D \u201CBushido?\u201D Domotai asked, confused. Turi nodded. \u201CThe Shadowlands have grown in power of late. The Horde has ravaged Otosan Uchi, crumbled the Kaiu Wall, and released Fu Leng into the Heavens. Why is this?\u201D He narrowed his eyes and looked down at Domotai. \u201CBecause the new Dark Lord is powerful,\u201D Domotai said. \u201CPowerful, yes,\u201D Turi said. \u201CBut Daigotsu is not powerful because of his magic. Daigotsu is powerful because he is a samurai, and he thinks as samurai do. If I will serve the Dark Lord, my soldiers must also understand bushido as he does. They must be Lion. They must know bushido.\u201D \u201CYour soul is lost to Jigoku,\u201D Domotai retorted. \u201CHow could you, or your Dark Lord, understand bushido?\u201D \u201CPerhaps we simply see it differently than you do,\u201D Turi said patiently, as if illustrating an obvious point to a particularly stubborn child. \u201CYou will learn. Your learning has already begun. Why do you think the Tsuno tortured you so? If Tsudao had not rescued you, you might already be serving beside me. I thought it best to let her take you, so that you would see how much you have changed. There is no longer a place for you in Rokugan, Domotai. You have seen what lies within the Pit, and it has changed you. You belong with us now.\u201D \u201CDoes not the Dark Lord already have soldiers enough?\u201D Domotai asked. \u201CYes, but they are not Matsu,\u201D Turi replied with a sneer. \u201CMy status as Dark Oracle of Water grants me many advantages, but so does it bind me in many ways.\u201D \u201CBut a vassal could act freely,\u201D Domotai said. Turi nodded. \u201CThe Tsuno have served well in that function, but a vassal of the true Matsu line will would be more suitable. If the Horde will create a new Empire, let the Lion rule it as the Dark Lord\u2019s Right Hand! You will show the Shadowlands the strength of the Lion!\u201D Domotai looked out at the Lion army retreating from the field, his ancestor\u2019s remains carried alongside them. \u201CThen I say yes,\u201D Domotai said. \u201CI agree to your terms, and I will be your vassal.\u201D Turi\u2019s eyes narrowed suspiciously. \u201CSo easily?\u201D he asked, surprised. \u201CI had expected you to resist.\u201D \u201CWe have made a bargain,\u201D Domotai said. \u201CHonor and my word bind me. If the Lion cannot maintain their honor and the Shadowlands can, how can any Matsu call himself a samurai again?\u201D Turi grinned. \u201CVery well, my vassal,\u201D Turi said. \u201CThen follow me, to the City of the Lost.\u201D \u201CA moment, my lord,\u201D Domotai said. \u201CThere is something I must do first.\u201D His hand went to the hilts of his swords, tucked beneath his obi. Turi looked mildly surprised. \u201CDo not attempt to attack me, Domotai. You cannot imagine the power I wield.\u201D \u201CI would not attack my lord,\u201D Domotai said, drawing his wakizashi, \u201Cbut I will show him the shame I feel for the twisted abomination that he has become.\u201D Matsu Domotai fell to his knees. \u201CSeppuku?\u201D Turi replied. He gestured vaguely at the kneeling man. \u201CYou cannot be serious. Stop.\u201D Domotai\u2019s body froze, paralyzed from within by the Oracle\u2019s magic. He looked up at Turi, jaw clenched in anger. \u201CYou would have me serve as a vassal and yet not give me the freedom to serve as I must? You do not want a samurai, Turi. You want a puppet. You are no Lion.\u201D Turi frowned and lowered his hand. \u201CWhy would you waste your life, Matsu Domotai?\u201D \u201CI do not waste it,\u201D he replied. \u201CI spend it to buy back my family\u2019s honor, as Tsuko once did.\u201D The Oracle\u2019s eyes widened, and Domotai took great satisfaction in the doubt he saw there. \u201CYou struggle to understand bushido,\u201D Domotai said, pushing his chest plate aside and pointing the sword toward his belly. \u201CWatch now, Oracle, and understand.\u201D With that, Domotai fell upon his sword. \u201CYou accomplish nothing with this foolish gesture,\u201D Turi said, sneering as Domotai\u2019s blood spilled. \u201CYour friends will suffer for your stupidity, as will you.\u201D Turi waved one hand. In the canyon below, a handful of Tsuno shimmered into being as if stepping through some curtain to another realm. They were joined by dozens more, then hundreds. Hungrily, they began surging north after the outnumbered Lion forces, their loping gait exactly as Domotai remembered it from his dreams. Domotai managed a laugh, splattering the ground with his life\u2019s blood. He turned the sword for the second cut. \u201CNo. The Kitsu taught me something before I left. Travel the Spirit Realms too much and you weaken the boundaries between them. Others who know the proper paths might follow you...\u201D Turi frowned in anger and confusion. He looked up at the Lion army, still retreating, and at the hundreds of Tsuno that had emerged from the spirit realms at his summons. A shimmering in the distance caught his attention, and he used his magic to see across the distance between the Lion and the cliff on which he stood. Matsu Turi swore violently. The hills surrounding the canyon\u2019s mouth shimmered and disappeared. Beneath each one was a legion of Lion soldiers, each masked by Kitsu magic. They had hidden at the edge of his perception, waiting for the betrayal they knew would come. Turi turned back to the triumphant Domotai, whose face had paled considerably. The stone on which they stood was dark and wet. \u201CSee, fallen hero,\u201D the dying Lion groaned, \u201CEven the shadow gives pause\u2026 How a lion dies.\u201D His death poem completed, Domotai gave a final wrench, pulling the sword deeper into his abdomen. His eyes never left Turi\u2019s, and the look of victory never faded. The great warrior fell to the cold stone floor, dead. The Dark Oracle shook his head in exasperation. It was all so futile. \u201CRise,\u201D Turi said, holding his hand over Domotai\u2019s cooling corpse. There was a twitch from the body, but there was no way to be certain if it was merely a death spasm or the beginning of something else. But then a second twitch, and another spasm. And then the body rose to its feet haltingly, one hand clutching the blade\u2019s hilt and slowly drawing it from its stomach. \u201CNow, my servant,\u201D Turi began, \u201Clet us see to your brethren\u2026\u201D Turi\u2019s threat trailed off into nothingness. He stared intently at the creature before him. There was intelligence in the eyes, but there was no fire. Matsu Domotai had been a warrior. This thing was none of those. It was just some shambling beast. Turi reached out with his magic and felt nothing, no Lion\u2019s soul. Domotai\u2019s soul had ascended to Yomi the instant his body died, and not even a Dark Oracle could reach that sacred realm. \u201CYou are not Domotai,\u201D he finally said. \u201CYou are no Lion.\u201D The dead thing said nothing, only stared. Turi snorted in disgust and waved his hand. The thing collapsed in a heap. The Dark Oracle frowned. How could such a simple thing be beyond his power? How could this insignificant speck have thwarted his will? He had expected such a gesture of defiance. Seppuku was never far from a Matsu\u2019s mind when forced to accept dishonor after all. He remembered that much, at least. What he had not expected was for it to affect him so. To hear Tsuko\u2019s name, after all this time\u2026 Turi pushed the thought out of his head. He snarled, kicking Domotai\u2019s broken corpse. It all but disintegrated at his touch, flying in all directions. He looked to the north, where the Lion were routing the Tsuno. Turi melted into the ground, joining the water beneath the earth and racing through the land between his cliff and the Lion. In an instant, he reappeared miles away, on a cliff overlooking the battle between Lion and Tsuno. The Lion\u2019s clever scheme had succeeded, and the Tsuno were being overwhelmed. He could just travel to the depths of Shinomen Mori and alert the other Tsuno there that their brothers were dying, but why bother? Not when he could deal with the Lion himself. And it was so much more satisfying. He lifted his hand to crush the Lion army with a vast tidal wave\u2026 and stopped. His offer to the Lion had been so utterly perfect. They would have no choice but to offer one of their own in return for Akodo\u2019s remains. Matsu Domotai had been a fool, yet somehow he had thwarted the Dark Oracle\u2019s plans. How was such a thing possible? How could he have anticipated how Turi would respond, and how could he have known his soul would have been beyond an Oracle\u2019s reach? Surely it was fool\u2019s luck, and nothing more. Yet as he surveyed the battle, he could not help but wonder\u2026 he had placed such high value on bushido, on the strength of a samurai\u2019s spirit. How galling, in the end, that he was defeated by the same. Turi\u2019s hand slowly sank back down to rest at his side, his hooded eyes glaring at the Lion, probing them for weakness or duplicity. He saw only valor and courage. In some measure, he wished he could charge out beside his Lion brethren and battle the Shadowlands once more. Preposterous. He was an Oracle. How could the action of one pathetic little man affect him so? Did not the fires of Jigoku beat in his heart? The Dark Oracle of Water watched his former clansmen on the field of battle, and for the first time since being granted his sinister power by the forces of Jigoku, he felt uncertainty. This would require more thought. There was a swirling sound, like a great vortex upon the sea, and the Dark Oracle was gone. In the valley below, Tsuno warriors fell to Lion steel by the score as the Lion commander screamed her throat raw in rage and loss. Somewhere beyond Rokugan The Lion awoke with a start. He was laying in what appeared to be an endless green field. He leapt to his feet, looking all around for his enemies. Yet somehow, he felt at peace. \u201CThere are no enemies here, Domotai,\u201D a gruff voice said. Instinct took over, and Domotai wheeled to face the voice, his hand on his blade. He was startled to find a Lion samurai-ko, beautiful for all the scars of battle that marred her flesh. \u201CWho are you?\u201D he asked breathlessly. \u201CWhat is this place?\u201D \u201CYou know the answer to both questions,\u201D she said simply. Domotai took his hand from his blade. \u201CYes, I suppose I do.\u201D He looked around the beautiful landscape. \u201CWhat of my family?\u201D \u201CIt is not yet their time,\u201D the stranger answered. \u201CThey are strong. They will join you in time.\u201D \u201CCan I aid them?\u201D Domotai asked. \u201CThe Oracle is still a threat!\u201D She shook her head. \u201CIt is their struggle now. You have made your final sacrifice, and have won the day. Your destiny is complete. Theirs is still to come.\u201D She smiled. \u201CIn time, they will earn the same peace you have earned.\u201D \u201CPeace,\u201D Domotai said numbly, enjoying the word\u2019s flavor. \u201CI have been a warrior my entire life so that I might know peace with my ancestors. And now, I do not even know how to begin.\u201D \u201CCome, then,\u201D Matsu Tsuko said. \u201CI will show you.\u201D"@en . "Unknown"@en . . "Unknown"@en . . . .