"Como su nombre lo indica, esta canci\u00F3n aparece en momentos nost\u00E1lgicos o de tristeza, por lo que su melod\u00EDa es lenta y tenue. Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks"@es . "\"Burial\" is a dirge sometimes heard in installments of Xena: Warrior Princess. Series lead Lucille Frances \"Lucy\" Ryan-Lawless wrote and composed it herself, by improvisation. It can be found on the Xena: Warrior Princess Soundtrack, Volume 1."@en . "Takanashi Yasuharu"@es . "Jorah scowls \"Hizdahr zo Loraq. His father was on that post. He claims to have welcomed the new queen.\" Ser Jorah's face makes his doubt clear."@en . . . . . "There is Another"@en . . . . "Family"@en . . "Como su nombre lo indica, esta canci\u00F3n aparece en momentos nost\u00E1lgicos o de tristeza, por lo que su melod\u00EDa es lenta y tenue. Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks"@es . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . . "From a Certain Point of View"@en . "Entierro"@es . . "Burial is one of the methods used to dispose of the remains of a deceased individual. It involves burying the deceased underneath the surface of a planet, or sealing the deceased inside a tomb. A variation of this was space burial in which the decedent was sealed inside a photon torpedo tube, and the tube was then fired into space. An area of land set aside for the burial of individuals is known as a cemetery While some Ferengi have their remains desiccated and sold, as part of the Ferengi death ritual, others opt for burial when they die. (DS9 novel: Legends of the Ferengi)"@en . "Boss"@en . . . "Mais\u014D"@en . "Burial is one of the methods used to dispose of the remains of a deceased individual. It involves burying the deceased underneath the surface of a planet, or sealing the deceased inside a tomb. A variation of this was space burial in which the decedent was sealed inside a photon torpedo tube, and the tube was then fired into space. An area of land set aside for the burial of individuals is known as a cemetery While some Ferengi have their remains desiccated and sold, as part of the Ferengi death ritual, others opt for burial when they die. (DS9 novel: Legends of the Ferengi) Several members of the Sisko family are buried in the Katrina Memorial Cemetery in New Orleans. (ST - Typhon Pact novel: Rough Beasts of Empire) Following his death on Veridian III in 2371, Captain James T. Kirk was buried in a simple grave by Captain Jean-Luc Picard. About one month after his death, Starfleet sent a team to recover the remains of the USS Enterprise-D and the remains of Captain Kirk from the planet. Kirk's body was taken from its grave by a Romulan ship, and he was then revived. (TNG movie: Star Trek Generations; ST novel: The Return) Kira Nerys had Tekeny Ghemor buried near her father Taban on Bajor after his death in 2373. (DS9 episode: \"Ties of Blood and Water\") After her death at the hands of Skrain Dukat the body of Jadzia Dax was returned to the Trill home world, and buried in a cemetery in the capital city. Her marker had her original name, Jadzia Idaris. (DS9 novel: Trill: Unjoined) In an alternate timeline, Kira Nerys was buried on Gaia IV following her death. (DS9 episode: \"Children of Time\") In alternate version of the future in which the USS Voyager returned to Earth in 2394, Chakotay eventually died, and was buried near Starfleet Command. (VOY episode: \"Endgame\")"@en . "World Meereen.jpg"@en . . "\"Burial\" is a dirge sometimes heard in installments of Xena: Warrior Princess. Series lead Lucille Frances \"Lucy\" Ryan-Lawless wrote and composed it herself, by improvisation. It can be found on the Xena: Warrior Princess Soundtrack, Volume 1."@en . "Whispers of Treachery"@en . "Foreign Queen"@en . . "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones story gallery"@en . "Burial es el d\u00E9cimo soundtrack del \u00E1lbum Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack II, su compositor es Takanashi Yasuharu, est\u00E1 producido por Masashi Kishimoto y posee una duraci\u00F3n de 5:19 minutos. Su nombre en espa\u00F1ol es \"Entierro\". Como su nombre lo indica, esta canci\u00F3n aparece en momentos nost\u00E1lgicos o de tristeza, por lo que su melod\u00EDa es lenta y tenue. Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks"@en . "Targaryen Character.jpg"@en . "Targaryen Character.jpg"@en . "319.0"^^ . "tv-shows/clone-wars/the-gungan-general-episode-gallery"@en . "Burial es el d\u00E9cimo soundtrack del \u00E1lbum Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack II, su compositor es Takanashi Yasuharu, est\u00E1 producido por Masashi Kishimoto y posee una duraci\u00F3n de 5:19 minutos. Su nombre en espa\u00F1ol es \"Entierro\". Como su nombre lo indica, esta canci\u00F3n aparece en momentos nost\u00E1lgicos o de tristeza, por lo que su melod\u00EDa es lenta y tenue. Categor\u00EDa:Banda sonora Categor\u00EDa:Soundtracks"@en . "Burial"@en . "Jorah Mormont"@en . . "star-wars-episode-2-attack-of-the-clones-story-gallery"@en . "Cunning"@en . . "Assure Ser Jorah that most of Meereen loves the queen. There are only a few troublemakers."@en . . "Entierro"@en . "City"@en . . "\u57CB\u846C"@es . "III"@en . . "Mais\u014D"@es . . . . "Burial"@es . "Shmi Skywalker Lars biography gallery"@en . . . . . . "Agree that it must be hard to bow to a queen who killed your father."@en . . "Tell Ser Jorah about the plot to kill the queen."@en . . "\"The Gungan General\" \u2013 Episode Gallery"@en . . "4"^^ . . . . . "Ask about the man who convinced Daenerys to take the bodies down."@en . . "Ser Jorah oversees as Meereenese take down the bodies of the crucified masters and prepare them for burial. \"Tell me what you found,\" he says."@en . . "Jorah Mormont"@en . . . . . "shmi-skywalker-lars-biography-gallery"@en . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en . "\u57CB\u846C"@en . . . . "Truthful"@en . "Takanashi Yasuharu"@en . "The Foreign Queen"@en . . . "Caution: Monsters' elemental/neutral damage is modified by their statistics, which are in majority unknown."@en .