. . . "Tartarus Port"@en . . . . "Tartarus is a planned villain for the Metroid fanfic Metroid Rebirth. He is created by Metroid Prime so that he can keep Samus and Dark Samus distracted long enough so that he can fulfill his plans."@en . "30"^^ . "2491-07-08"^^ . "Lord of Hell"@en . . . "Tartarus is the Primordial God of Death and the Underworld, and a living universe of pure, bottomless darkness and chaos. He is at least as old as Gaia, and was the entity which fathered the monstrous Typhon"@en . . . "Tartarus"@nl . . "Related"@en . . "Tartarus"@en . "Unknown"@en . . . . "38"^^ . "The Tartarus is an undead/wolf-type enemy from Final Fantasy XII found in the Feywood."@en . . "This structure is a man made giant dome suspended over a geothermal hot spot in the side of a mountain on the Red Line. Although the primarily and almost elusively for the use of the Tenryuubito the structure itself is placed outside the city limits of Mariejois. It is maintained further around the Red Line in an area near where a group of Tenryuubito maintain an enclave of country estates. Tartarus itself is said to be a two faced place, with three entrances. The first is a front entrance exclusively for the Tenryuubito which provides a large number of prohibitive activities, services and products for their entertainment. This front entrance faces away from the geothermal hotspot and is ornately decorated as befits a place where Tenryuubito gather. The second is a smaller much less grand entrance for lesser nobles who have been known to visit the building for gambling purposes. Finally the third and most outwardly famous entrance to Tartarus is the Paths of Flame. These paths being the suspended walkways over the geothermal hot spot that both powers the facility and adds to its mystique. Every slave, animal, monster and supply required by the edifice must pass over one of these paths. To the slaves it is like the descent into hell itself from which almost none ever return."@en . . "Dunkel-Kristallit"@de . . "56"^^ . . "Real Name: Xander Theroux Aliases: None Age: 21 Gender:Male Alignment: Evil Race: Metahuman Goals: To possess Bastion's body"@en . . . "8.0"^^ . . "200"^^ . "Eine Wahrscheinlichkeit von 50%, dass dieser Gegner im Hast-Zustand anzutreffen ist."@de . . . "Pebble"@en . . "220"^^ . "25"^^ . . "14"^^ . "Tartarus is a location in the Underworld, and the place where the Titans are kept. Kronos and some of the other Titans are trying to escape from their prison. There were four entrances to this location, but they were all closed in the events surround the Fall of the Trident (the campaign of Age of Mythology). During the events of The New Atlantis, the campaign from The Titans expansion, Kronos uses his servant, disguised as Krios the theocrat, to open one of the gates. He succeeds, but is sent back to Tartarus by his mother, Gaia."@en . . "In Greek mythology, Tartarus is both a deity and a place in the underworld. In ancient Orphic sources and in the mystery schools, Tartarus is also the unbounded first-existing entity from which the Light and the cosmos are born. In the Greek poet Hesiod's Theogony, c. 700 BCE, Tartarus was the third of the primordial deities, following after Chaos and Gaia (Earth), and preceding Eros, and was the father, by Gaia, of the monster Typhon. According to Hyginus, Tartarus was the offspring of Aether and Gaia. As for the place, Hesiod asserts that a bronze anvil falling from heaven would fall nine days before it reached the earth. The anvil would take nine more days to fall from earth to Tartarus. In the Iliad (c. 700 BCE), Zeus asserts that Tartarus is \"as far beneath Hades as heaven is above earth.\" While according to Greek mythology the realm of Hades is the place of the dead, Tartarus also has a number of inhabitants. When Cronus came to power as the King of the Titans, he imprisoned the one-eyed Cyclopes and the hundred-armed Hecatonchires in Tartarus and set the monster Campe as its guard. Zeus killed Campe and released these imprisoned giants to aid in his conflict with the Titans. The gods of Olympus eventually triumphed. Kronos and many of the other Titans were banished to Tartarus, though Prometheus, Epimetheus, Metis and most of the female Titans were spared (according to Pindar, Kronos somehow later earned Zeus' forgiveness and was released from Tartarus to become ruler of Elysium). Another Titan, Atlas, was sentenced to hold the sky on his shoulders to prevent it from resuming its primordial embrace with the Earth. Other gods could be sentenced to Tartarus as well. Apollo is a prime example, although Zeus freed him. The Hecatonchires became guards of Tartarus' prisoners. Later, when Zeus overcame the monster Typhon, he threw him into \"wide Tartarus\". Originally, Tartarus was used only to confine dangers to the gods of Olympus. In later mythologies, Tartarus became the place where the punishment fits the crime. For example: \n* King Sisyphus was sent to Tartarus for killing guests and travelers to his castle in violation to his hospitality, seducing his niece, and reporting one of Zeus' sexual conquests by telling the river god Asopus of the whereabouts of his daughter Aegina (who had been taken away by Zeus). But regardless of the impropriety of Zeus' frequent conquests, Sisyphus overstepped his bounds by considering himself a peer of the gods who could rightfully report their indiscretions. When Zeus ordered Thanatos to chain up Sisyphus in Tartarus, Sisyphus tricked Thanatos by asking him how the chains worked and ended up chaining Thanatos; as a result there was no more death. This caused Ares to free Thanatos and turn Sisyphus over to him. Sometime later, Sisyphus had Persephone send him back to the surface to scold his wife for not burying him properly. Sisyphus was forcefully dragged back to Tartarus by Hermes when he refused to go back to the Underworld after that. In Tartarus, Sisyphus was forced to roll a large boulder up a mountainside which when he almost reached the crest, rolled away from Sisyphus and rolled back down repeatedly. This represented the punishment of Sisyphus claiming that his cleverness surpassed that of Zeus, causing the god to make the boulder roll away from Sisyphus, binding Sisyphus to an eternity of frustration. \n* King Tantalus also ended up in Tartarus after he cut up his son Pelops, boiled him, and served him as food when he was invited to dine with the gods. He also stole the ambrosia from the Gods and told his people its secrets. Another story mentioned that he held onto a golden dog forged by Hephaestus and stolen by Tantalus' friend Pandareus. Tantalus held onto the golden dog for safekeeping and later denied to Pandareus that he had it. Tantalus' punishment for his actions (now a proverbial term for \"temptation without satisfaction\") was to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches. Whenever he reached for the fruit, the branches raised his intended meal from his grasp. Whenever he bent down to get a drink, the water receded before he could get any. Over his head towered a threatening stone like that of Sisyphus. \n* Ixion was the king of the Lapiths, the most ancient tribe of Thessaly. Ixion grew to hate his father-in-law and ended up pushing him onto a bed of coal and woods committing the first kin-related murder. The princes of other lands ordered that Ixion be denied of any sin-cleansing. Zeus took pity on Ixion and invited him to a meal on Olympus. But when Ixion saw Hera, he fell in love with her and did some under-the-table caressing until Zeus signaled him to stop. After finding a place for Ixion to sleep, Zeus created a cloud-clone of Hera named Nephele to test him to see how much he loved Hera. Ixion made love to her, which resulted in the birth of Centaurus, who mated with some Magnesian mares on Mount Pelion and thus engendered the race of Centaurs (who are called the Ixionidae from their descent). Zeus drove Ixion from Mount Olympus and then struck him with a thunderbolt. He was punished by being tied to a winged flaming wheel that was always spinning: first in the sky and then in Tartarus. Only when Orpheus came down to the Underworld to rescue Eurydice did it stop spinning because of the music Orpheus was playing. Ixion being strapped to the flaming wheel represented his burning lust. \n* In some versions, the Danaides murdered their husbands and were punished in Tartarus by being forced to carry water in a jug to fill a bath which would thereby wash off their sins. But the tub was filled with cracks, so the water always leaked out. \n* The giant Tityos attempted to rape Leto on Hera's orders, but was slain by Apollo and Artemis. As punishment, Tityos was stretched out in Tartarus and tortured by two vultures who fed on his liver. This punishment is extremely similar to that of the Titan Prometheus. \n* King Salmoneus was also mentioned to have been imprisoned in Tartarus after passing himself off as Zeus, causing the real Zeus to smite him with a thunderbolt. According to Plato (c. 427 BCE), Rhadamanthus, Aeacus and Minos were the judges of the dead and chose who went to Tartarus. Rhadamanthus judged Asian souls, Aeacus judged European souls and Minos was the deciding vote and judge of the Greek. Plato also proposes the concept that sinners were cast under the ground to be punished in accordance with their sins in the Myth of Er. Cronus, the ruler of the Titans, was thrown down into the pits of Tartarus by his children. There were a number of entrances to Tartarus in Greek mythology. One was in Aornum."@en . . . . "Immune"@en . . . . "its JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"@en . . "Hemera"@en . "739"^^ . . "Tartarus \u00E4r en gassande planet, med en atmosf\u00E4r av 0,5. Geosf\u00E4r av Tartarus \u00E4r ostabil, med endast sm\u00E4rre jordb\u00E4vningar drabbar Tartarus ungef\u00E4r en g\u00E5ng per hundra dagar. Tartarus har fyra \u00E5rstider, som var och en varade i tjugofem dagar, v\u00E5ren, d\u00E4r temperaturen var runt planetens genomsnitt sommar, under vilken tiden medeltemperaturen stigit ner till elva minus grader Celsius \u00F6ver genomsnittet, h\u00F6sten, d\u00E4r det \u00E5terl\u00E4mnas till genomsnittet, och slutligen vintern, d\u00E5 temperaturen var k\u00E4nda f\u00F6r att sl\u00E4ppa av n\u00E5gonstans ner till tjugofyra minusgrader Celsius fr\u00E5n genomsnittet. Under \u00E5ret p\u00E5 Tartarus genomsnitt ut att ha nittiotv\u00E5 dagar utan regn, en dag av l\u00E4tt regn eller sn\u00F6, tv\u00E5 dagar av skyfall som skulle kunna orsaka \u00F6versv\u00E4mningar som kan f\u00E5 hastigheter p\u00E5 upp till meter per sekund, tv\u00E5 dagar av stormbyar, fyra dagar i vindar upp till 4 meter per sekund. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Living Gods: Stargate System Lords\")"@sv . . "37"^^ . "White"@en . "260.0"^^ . . "Nichts"@de . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . . . . . "Normal"@de . "8"^^ . "Tartaros"@en . . "The planet became extremely affected by these events. Much of the the water has become polluted. Some water supplies having an electromagnetic affect which distorts all computers that happen to be anywhere near them. Other water supplies have a slight acidity and anything that happens to die in the water will be dissolved within two weeks. Magnetic fields cover the surface of Tartarus. Floating peices of junk giving off electricity is a common sight on Tartarus. The atmosphere has become slightly toxic and an overcast of orangish-tan clouds constantly cloaks the planet. Some of the planet's native creators managed to survive. Vegetation grows in the cracks of ship hulls and some naked ground. Smaller creatures were able to evade their natural predators by hiding inside scrap. Even though 30% of the water on the planet has some sort of pollution, it is still drinkable. The creatures began to form adaptations to their new environment like the Resyn that can eat a small amount of metal. The world has not been left alone. Many Batarians and Lystheni come to the planet to find valuable scrap and some fugitives have decided to make the planet their new home. Tribes of Sedi have come to the planet merely to establish a new life. Their has also been rumors of an extremely powerful and brilliant biotic that lives there."@en . . . . "1"^^ . . "Amber"@en . . "Tartarus, Lethe"@en . "38"^^ . . "*Chaos \n*Erebus \n*Gaia \n*Titans \n*Pontus \n*Typhon \n*Echidna"@en . . . . . "FFXII"@en . . . . "250"^^ . . "40"^^ . "Gem of Tartarus; No Image Available.png"@en . . . . . . "Tartarus"@es . . . . "November 2552"@de . . . "27"^^ . "Tartarus fue el \u00FAltimo Cacique de los Jiralhanae conocido en servir al Covenant. Sirvi\u00F3 como el comandante principal de los Profetas Jerarcas, exactamente, como el segundo al mando de Verdad. Tartarus fue el responsable de iniciar el Gran Cisma, la guerra civil que llev\u00F3 a la disoluci\u00F3n del Imperio Covenant. En los \u00FAltimos d\u00EDas de la Guerra Humano-Covenant, Tartarus intent\u00F3 activar la Instalaci\u00F3n 05 para iniciar el Gran Viaje, pero fue asesinado por el Sangheili Inquisidor Thel 'Vadam con la ayuda del Sargento Avery Junior Johnson."@es . "1821"^^ . "Tartarus (or Tartaros) was the Protogenoi (Primordial god) of the stormy Tartarean Pit that lays beneath Earth. He was one of the first to emerge when the Universe was created, after Khaos and Gaia."@en . "Ingen"@sv . . "Unknown"@en . . . . . "Absorbs"@en . . . . . . "7"^^ . . . . "Tartarus was an Imperial Civilised World besieged by Orks, and at one point, five different factions clashed on the planet: they included the Orks, the regiments of the Imperial Guard, the Chaos Space Marines of the Alpha Legion, the Eldar of the Biel-tan Craftworld, and the Space Marines of the Blood Ravens Chapter. The world was the setting for the Dawn of War PC game."@en . "Tartarus \u00E8 il comandante supremo dei Brute durante Halo 2, si differenzia dai suoi simili essendo pi\u00F9 alto e decisamente pi\u00F9 forte; inoltre la sua pelliccia e grigia, segno di un et\u00E0 avanzata e di forza. Nonostante ci\u00F2, Tartarus usa una versione differente del Martello Gravitazionale usato dai Brute Comandanti in Halo 3, pi\u00F9 massiccio e dotato di pi\u00F9 funzionalit\u00E0. Il nome di questa leggendaria arma \u00E8 pugno di Rukt."@it . "Locations"@en . . . "4259"^^ . . . . . . "Normal"@de . . "Real Name: Xander Theroux Aliases: None Age: 21 Gender:Male Alignment: Evil Race: Metahuman Goals: To possess Bastion's body"@en . . "Qlippoth"@en . "Tartarus; Tartarus from Thor Annual Vol 1 19 001.jpg"@en . . "*T\u00F6tete Maccabeus und ernennte sich zum H\u00E4uptling der Jiralhanae.\n*Versuchte den Gebieter zu t\u00F6ten und l\u00F6ste somit den Gro\u00DFer B\u00FCrgerkrieg aus."@de . "2"^^ . "God of Tartaros"@en . "Black"@en . . "Tartarus is a Protogenoi, the Primordial God of the Abyss. He was briefly allied with the Khaos Brigade and a major antagonist of the upcoming fanfic \"The Magic God\"."@en . "Tartaro; Tartaro from Avengers Vol 1 49 001.png"@en . . "Libra-Stein"@de . . . . . . "Avancerad"@sv . "Tartaros"@en . "Temperate"@en . . "25"^^ . . . "1.5"^^ . . "160"^^ . "Tartarus.png"@de . "Die Kosten f\u00FCr die Tartarus beziehen sich auf 200.000 Uridium, f\u00FCr Spieler mit Rabatt-Paket ist dieser Preis um 25% billiger, mit Premium sogar 30%. \n* Rabatt-Vorteil (-25%): 150.000 Uridium \n* Premium (-5%): 190.000 Uridium \n* Beide Vorteile (-30%): 140.000 Uridium"@de . "18"^^ . . "Normal"@de . "Tartarus previue.gif"@en . . . . "Tartarus (or Tartaros) was the Protogenoi (Primordial god) of the stormy Tartarean Pit that lays beneath Earth. He was one of the first to emerge when the Universe was created, after Khaos and Gaia."@en . . . . "Normal"@de . "n/a"@de . . . . "When your opponents look for long enough into the abyss, you'll come screaming out of it with lasers to their face! The Tartarus merits its gloomy name. Equip it with the Chimera P.E.T. and Phantom drones for the full matched set, and this high-tech M.A.S.Q.U.E.-designed. This ship was released on June 2016 Tartarus is basicly a pretty fast ship with all the stuff equiped and other, it has a smaller firepower that the Goliath, but is stronger that the Vengeance."@en . "2.0"^^ . "Tartarus"@sv . "A member of the Devil's Advocates supervillain team."@en . . . . "Ingen"@sv . . "Tartarus was an Imperial Civilised World besieged by Orks, and at one point, five different factions clashed on the planet: they included the Orks, the regiments of the Imperial Guard, the Chaos Space Marines of the Alpha Legion, the Eldar of the Biel-tan Craftworld, and the Space Marines of the Blood Ravens Chapter. The world was the setting for the Dawn of War PC game."@en . "Khaos Brigade"@en . "--11-03"^^ . "Tartarus in his armor"@en . "De Tartaros (Gr. \u03A4\u03AC\u03C1\u03C4\u03B1\u03C1\u03BF\u03C2) of Tartarus is een deel van de onderwereld in de Griekse mythologie, het grote, treurige rijk onder de aarde, 'even ver verwijderd van de aarde als de aarde verwijderd is van de hemel'. Dat zou volgens Hesiodos betekenen dat een koperen aambeeld er tien dagen over zou doen om van het oppervlakte van Gaea (de aarde) naar de onderwereld te vallen. In dat schimmenrijk zwaaide de god Hades, de broer van de oppergod Zeus, de scepter. Daarmee was Hades ook degene die de leiding had over Tartarus, het ergste deel van de onderwereld."@nl . "1821"^^ . "De Tartaros (Gr. \u03A4\u03AC\u03C1\u03C4\u03B1\u03C1\u03BF\u03C2) of Tartarus is een deel van de onderwereld in de Griekse mythologie, het grote, treurige rijk onder de aarde, 'even ver verwijderd van de aarde als de aarde verwijderd is van de hemel'. Dat zou volgens Hesiodos betekenen dat een koperen aambeeld er tien dagen over zou doen om van het oppervlakte van Gaea (de aarde) naar de onderwereld te vallen. In dat schimmenrijk zwaaide de god Hades, de broer van de oppergod Zeus, de scepter. Daarmee was Hades ook degene die de leiding had over Tartarus, het ergste deel van de onderwereld. In de Tartarus werden de geesten van de gestorvenen, die in het leven uitzonderlijk slechte dingen hadden gedaan of de goden hadden uitgedaagd, gestraft. Dit waren onder anderen Tantalus en Sisyphus. Ook werden er van tijd tot tijd reuzen en monsters gevangen gehouden, wanneer zij de toorn van de goden hadden opgewekt. Dat was bijvoorbeeld het geval met de Cyclopen en de Hecatonchiren, die door Uranus (de hemel) gevangen werden gehouden en later door Zeus bevrijd. Zeus zelf hield de Giganten daar gevangen, tot ze met behulp van hun moeder Gaea losbraken om een oorlog tegen zijn heerschappij te beginnen. De Tartarus werd bewaakt door de Erinyen, afschuwelijke vrouwen met slangen op hun hoofd in plaats van haar, met vleugels als vleermuizen en met grote, vurige ogen. Zij droegen brandende fakkels in hun handen en zwepen met metalen weerhaken. Deze Erinyen konden ook naar de aarde komen om mensen te straffen die hun kinderen, hun ouders of oude mensen wreed behandeld hadden of een moord op een familielid op hun geweten hadden zoals Orestes."@nl . . "Covenant, later Covenant Loyalists"@en . . . . . . . "Wolf"@en . "29"^^ . . "Tartarus_acercamiento_H2A.png"@es . . . . . "Nyx"@en . . . "thumb|\u30BF\u30EB\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9 \u767D\u718A\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306A\u4F53\u3067\u3001\u30D6\u30EB\u30FC\u30C8\u65CF\u306E\u9577\u3002 \u300C\u30C7\u30EB\u30BF\u30D8\u30A4\u30ED\u30FC\u300D\u3092\u8D77\u52D5\u3057\u3088\u3046\u3068\u3057\u305F\u5F35\u672C\u4EBA\u3002 \u30AB\u30C6\u30B4\u30EA:\u30AD\u30E3\u30E9\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC"@ja . . . . "Tartarus"@ja . "15"^^ . . "Unknown, once in the tens of millions"@en . "Absorbiert"@de . "25"^^ . . "Advanced"@en . "Immune"@en . . . "21"^^ . . "Unknown"@en . . "Normal"@de . . "Die Kosten f\u00FCr die Tartarus beziehen sich auf 200.000 Uridium, f\u00FCr Spieler mit Rabatt-Paket ist dieser Preis um 25% billiger, mit Premium sogar 30%. \n* Rabatt-Vorteil (-25%): 150.000 Uridium \n* Premium (-5%): 190.000 Uridium \n* Beide Vorteile (-30%): 140.000 Uridium"@de . . "Tarutarosu"@en . . "Tartarus comes from the Greek word Tartaroo which is used only once in the New Testament in 2 Peter 2:4. \"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (Lit. Tartarus) and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment; . . .\" (2 Peter 2:4, (KJV))."@en . "Tidigare Kull produktion"@sv . . . "Ose"@en . "Tartarus is a top secret satellite-fed database that not even operatives of the Sanctuary Network have access to. Abby Corigan of the FBI obtained a number of Tartarus files in 2010, including the autopsy report on detective Stanley O'Farrell."@en . "Martin Scholten"@en . . "2"^^ . "Tartarus"@de . "285"^^ . . "Typhon"@en . "Story"@en . . . "200"^^ . "Naranja"@es . "250"^^ . . . . "The closest planet to the Arcturan Sun, Tartarus was named for it's hellish and extremely inhospitable surface. It sits at only 0.4 AUs, or about 60 million kilometers, from the sun, and thus it is partly tidal locked. This means that it has very long days that last almost 2 weeks."@en . . . . . . "60"^^ . . . . . . "1473"^^ . . . . "Tartarus war der letzte bekannte H\u00E4uptling der Jiralhanae, er verstarb 2552."@de . "60.0"^^ . "21"^^ . "Ingen"@sv . . . "Tartarus \u00E8 il comandante supremo dei Brute durante Halo 2, si differenzia dai suoi simili essendo pi\u00F9 alto e decisamente pi\u00F9 forte; inoltre la sua pelliccia e grigia, segno di un et\u00E0 avanzata e di forza. Nonostante ci\u00F2, Tartarus usa una versione differente del Martello Gravitazionale usato dai Brute Comandanti in Halo 3, pi\u00F9 massiccio e dotato di pi\u00F9 funzionalit\u00E0. Il nome di questa leggendaria arma \u00E8 pugno di Rukt."@it . "Tartarus"@de . . . . "Tartarus was the lowest level of the Ancient Greek Underworld. It is the final destination for lost souls and a prison for those damned by Zeus. The Gates of Tartarus were located beneath Themyscira and were guarded by Queen Hippolyta and her immortal Amazons."@en . "Weak"@en . "Unaligned"@en . . "yes"@en . . "37"^^ . "Tartarus war der letzte bekannte H\u00E4uptling der Jiralhanae, er verstarb 2552."@de . . "In Greek mythology, Tartarus is both a deity and a place in the underworld. In ancient Orphic sources and in the mystery schools, Tartarus is also the unbounded first-existing entity from which the Light and the cosmos are born. In the Greek poet Hesiod's Theogony, c. 700 BCE, Tartarus was the third of the primordial deities, following after Chaos and Gaia (Earth), and preceding Eros, and was the father, by Gaia, of the monster Typhon. According to Hyginus, Tartarus was the offspring of Aether and Gaia. There were a number of entrances to Tartarus in Greek mythology. One was in Aornum."@en . . "its JOHN CENA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"@en . "*Killed Maccabeus to become the Chieftain of the Jiralhanae\n*Began the uprising of the Jiralhanae against the Sangheili, under the Hierarchs' command\n*Killed by the Arbiter Thel 'Vadam"@en . "25"^^ . . "97.0"^^ . . . "Undead"@en . "The planet became extremely affected by these events. Much of the the water has become polluted. Some water supplies having an electromagnetic affect which distorts all computers that happen to be anywhere near them. Other water supplies have a slight acidity and anything that happens to die in the water will be dissolved within two weeks. Magnetic fields cover the surface of Tartarus. Floating peices of junk giving off electricity is a common sight on Tartarus. The atmosphere has become slightly toxic and an overcast of orangish-tan clouds constantly cloaks the planet."@en . "Civilised World"@en . "Tartarus (\u30BF\u30EB\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Tarutarosu)? is a part of the Thanatos Tower in Megami Ibunroku Persona and a massive tower that mysteriously appears each night at Gekkoukan High School during the Dark Hour in Persona 3. In Persona 3, SEES is formed in an attempt to discover the true nature of the tower and defeat the Shadows. This location is the only place where the player can fight Shadows, except when they appear in outside locations during a Full Moon Operation. Because it \"grows\" out of the ground each night, the layout of the tower is assembled randomly, aside from certain key floors that never change. The tower consists of 6 blocks, where every section contains a specific Arcana's Guardian blocking anyone from climbing to the top. Each new block is inaccessible until the Major Shadows are defeated on each full moon, thus limiting the progress through the tower. There are 264 floors in total, including the roof and excluding the optional Monad Depths underground dungeon which consists of 10 floors."@en . . "Osee"@de . . "Thesis"@en . "*Rapid Conversion\n*Type-52 Troop Carrier\n*Brute Chopper"@en . "40"^^ . . . . "Hydraulic claw"@en . "21"^^ . . . . "Immune"@en . . . . "Tartarus"@en . "*276.7cm\n*630.2kg"@de . "Tartarus fue el \u00FAltimo Cacique de los Jiralhanae conocido en servir al Covenant. Sirvi\u00F3 como el comandante principal de los Profetas Jerarcas, exactamente, como el segundo al mando de Verdad. Tartarus fue el responsable de iniciar el Gran Cisma, la guerra civil que llev\u00F3 a la disoluci\u00F3n del Imperio Covenant. En los \u00FAltimos d\u00EDas de la Guerra Humano-Covenant, Tartarus intent\u00F3 activar la Instalaci\u00F3n 05 para iniciar el Gran Viaje, pero fue asesinado por el Sangheili Inquisidor Thel 'Vadam con la ayuda del Sargento Avery Junior Johnson."@es . . "Erebus"@en . . "Energiesch\u00E4rpe"@de . . . "Tartarus"@sv . "Tartarus es el lugar donde se desarrolla el videojuego Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Era un planeta imperial que fue sitiado por los Orkos, y en un momento dado, fue donde cinco fuerzas distintas se enfrentaron: los Orkos, la Guardia Imperial, los Marines Espaciales del Caos de la Legi\u00F3n Alfa, los Eldar del Mundo Astronave Biel-Tan y los Marines Espaciales del Cap\u00EDtulo de los Cuervos Sangrientos."@es . "When your opponents look for long enough into the abyss, you'll come screaming out of it with lasers to their face! The Tartarus merits its gloomy name. Equip it with the Chimera P.E.T. and Phantom drones for the full matched set, and this high-tech M.A.S.Q.U.E.-designed. This ship was released on June 2016 \n* Rapid Fire: This ability loads your rocket launcher with the maximum possible number of rockets, and reduces your cooldown from three seconds to one! \n* Speed Boost: Hit the thrusters! Toggle this ability on to receive a speed bonus of 40%. Toggle it off to return to normal speed. Please note that your laser damage is reduced by 5% while this is active. Tartarus is basicly a pretty fast ship with all the stuff equiped and other, it has a smaller firepower that the Goliath, but is stronger that the Vengeance."@en . "The Tartarus is first seen chasing the Dark Wings across Rotelro Bridge, which they detonate, cutting off the land dreadnought's pursuit. Once Jade joins Luke fon Fabre and Tear Grants, it serves as one of the primary modes of transportation for a while. The Tartarus was created and exported from Sheridan to Malkuth. It is equipped with fontech-based weaponry, highly suitable for war. Levitation and propulsion is provided by a fonic glyph at the base of the landship using the fifth fonon of Fire. It has the ability to create a strong fonic barrier that can endure attacks from enemies."@en . . "Holy Elemental"@en . . "Male"@en . "Warmage's Monograph"@en . "Normal"@de . "--11-03"^^ . "Libra-Stein"@de . "Tartarus; No Image Available.png"@en . "27"^^ . "Pontus"@en . . . "52"^^ . "Ophis"@en . . "21"^^ . "The Shadow Zone is a 800Km wide belt that raps around the entire planet, separating the Hot Side and the Cold Side. The average temperature is between 65 and 87, depending on weather conditions. Because of this moderate temperature, the Shadow Zone is home to 98% of the Tartarians and the planetary capital of New Venice. The Hot Side, the name in itself describes this barren desolate waisteland populated by nothing but lizards and those crazy enough to try and live there. The only signs of civiliazation are the scattered settlements, habitat domes usde from growing crops, and military bases. The average temperature is between 180 and 270 degrees, and anyone going to the hotzone must wear some kind of heat resistant suit or combat armor. As the name suggests, the Cold Side is the side of the planet not facing the sun, thus it is in a state of prepetual night. The landscape is dominated by snow covered mountains and valleys, barely illuminated by the stars and the six moons. On this side of Tartarus, there is a greater number of settlements, than on the Hot Side. These include, scattered towns, the Isodesium mines, scattered military outposts, and the Glacier Peak Research Center. The average temperature is between -85 and 47 degrees. The planet was founded in 2497 by UNSC colonists, and it was very rich in Isodesium. In 2557, it was destroyed by New Covenant forces. For more information, see the Battle of Tartarus."@en . "gelb"@de . "29"^^ . . . . . . "0"^^ . "Protogenoi"@en . . . . . . . "The Tartarus is first seen chasing the Dark Wings across Rotelro Bridge, which they detonate, cutting off the land dreadnought's pursuit. Once Jade joins Luke fon Fabre and Tear Grants, it serves as one of the primary modes of transportation for a while. The Tartarus was created and exported from Sheridan to Malkuth. It is equipped with fontech-based weaponry, highly suitable for war. Levitation and propulsion is provided by a fonic glyph at the base of the landship using the fifth fonon of Fire. It has the ability to create a strong fonic barrier that can endure attacks from enemies. Through the aid of Sheridan's Class I and Belkend's Class M, the group modifies the landship to be capable of nullifying the planet core's vibration, which was found to be responsible for the liquified state of the Qliphoth. This was caused by a distortion that developed in the Planetary Storm. Van Grants attempts to sink the Tartarus, knowing that silencing the core's vibration interferes with his goals. He sends the God-Generals Sync and Legretta to accomplish this. Luke and the others prevent Legretta from killing them in Sheridan, but Sync manages to sneak aboard the ship. Upon reaching the core, Sync shows himself and initiates a fight with the group. He loses, causing his mask to fall off in the process. This reveals that Sync and Ion are both replicas of the previous Fon Master. After refusing the group's offer to join them, he feigns his death, falling into the core. Later in the story, Van creates a replica version of Eldrant using the Tartatus as its core, although it continues to act as a stabilizing force. During the final assault on the new Eldrant, the Tartarus is destroyed, sending Eldrant into the sea. As the Planetary Storm is neutralized by this point, the Tartarus is no longer needed."@en . . . . "Ouranos"@en . . "Orange-Yellow"@en . "Tartarus is a Protogenoi, the Primordial God of the Abyss. He was briefly allied with the Khaos Brigade and a major antagonist of the upcoming fanfic \"The Magic God\"."@en . . . "As far below Hades as the Earth is below the heavens, Tartarus is the place where the souls of the wicked receive divine punishment. As a result, the realm is filled with monsters, villains and vile creatures of malevolent intent. Along with certain members of the Titans of Myth, several ancient monsters were imprisoned within Tartarus; including the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, Corrus, the Chimera, Echidna, the Hydra, the Minotaurs, Polyphemus of the Cyclopes and the collective corruptive forces of Pandora's Box. Should any of these beings escape the confines of the underworld, the havoc they would wreck on Earth would threaten the existence of not only humanity but of the Olympian gods themselves."@en . . "Tartarus \u00E4r en gassande planet, med en atmosf\u00E4r av 0,5. Geosf\u00E4r av Tartarus \u00E4r ostabil, med endast sm\u00E4rre jordb\u00E4vningar drabbar Tartarus ungef\u00E4r en g\u00E5ng per hundra dagar. Tartarus har fyra \u00E5rstider, som var och en varade i tjugofem dagar, v\u00E5ren, d\u00E4r temperaturen var runt planetens genomsnitt sommar, under vilken tiden medeltemperaturen stigit ner till elva minus grader Celsius \u00F6ver genomsnittet, h\u00F6sten, d\u00E4r det \u00E5terl\u00E4mnas till genomsnittet, och slutligen vintern, d\u00E5 temperaturen var k\u00E4nda f\u00F6r att sl\u00E4ppa av n\u00E5gonstans ner till tjugofyra minusgrader Celsius fr\u00E5n genomsnittet."@sv . "341.0"^^ . . "Faust von Rukt"@de . . . "Aether"@en . "Lord Tartarian Johnson Harryford the Thirty-Second (So named due to the lack of your average Brute Mother's lack of cranial capacity and originality) more commonly know as \"Tartarsauce\", was a gay Boot Minor Chieftain of the Boots in Halo 2, in which he was a major antagonist."@en . "2767"^^ . "The closest planet to the Arcturan Sun, Tartarus was named for it's hellish and extremely inhospitable surface. It sits at only 0.4 AUs, or about 60 million kilometers, from the sun, and thus it is partly tidal locked. This means that it has very long days that last almost 2 weeks."@en . "black"@en . "Tartarus (Tau\u2019ri designation P3W-924) was a planet controlled by Anubis. This was the base where Anubis and his underling Thoth created the Kull Warriors. This planet experiences much volcanic activity."@en . . "6"^^ . "8.0"^^ . . "Tartarus was a robot that competed in the second Dutch series and the seventh UK series, having lost in round one both times. Martin Scholten, the builder of Tartarus, was unable to attend filming of Series 7 so Bryan Cutler, the captain of Reaper NP2, and Michael Hanser, the captain of Sniper who lost in the qualifiers, entered the robot in his place. The team jokingly claimed that Scholten was a top secret agent who was currently on a secret mission."@en . "285"^^ . "Immune"@en . . . "2491-07-08"^^ . . "Tartarus was one of the three moons of the planet Hades in the Cerberus System. (HH8)"@en . . . . "Tartarus"@it . . . "Tartarus is part of the Underworld. It is home to the souls of those Greeks and Romans who lived evil lives. Tartarus is also where the Titans that fought against the Olympian gods were imprisoned. Parts of Tartarus are accessible to visitors from the living realm, likely as a test to prove their worth. In \"The Other Side,\" Hercules and Iolaus traveled through Tartarus to rescue Persephone from Hades and they had an encounter with Tantalus Although all manner of evil deeds could lead to consignment to Tartarus, those who committed the foulest of all evils were banished to Hell instead."@en . "Tartarus is a planet in the Milky Way Galaxy that now acts as the site of an Alliance high-security prison facility. Originally, however, the planet served as a vital base for the Goa'uld, first Anubis and later Baal. It was the birthplace of the Kull warriors, and as such played an instrumental role in the escalation of the Jaffa's rebellion. The region was abandoned after the fall of the System Lords, but the decision of Alliance Intelligence to repurpose the existing facilities on Tartarus brought renewed galactic attention to its surface."@en . . . . "50"^^ . "Frank Peeters"@en . "*Type-25 Carbine\n*Fist of Rukt"@en . "31"^^ . "Tartarus es el lugar donde se desarrolla el videojuego Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War. Era un planeta imperial que fue sitiado por los Orkos, y en un momento dado, fue donde cinco fuerzas distintas se enfrentaron: los Orkos, la Guardia Imperial, los Marines Espaciales del Caos de la Legi\u00F3n Alfa, los Eldar del Mundo Astronave Biel-Tan y los Marines Espaciales del Cap\u00EDtulo de los Cuervos Sangrientos."@es . . . "161"^^ . . . "0"^^ . "Tartarus in the UK wars"@en . . . . "M\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Schwach"@de . . . . . "Tartarus was a robot that competed in the second Dutch series and the seventh UK series, having lost in round one both times. Martin Scholten, the builder of Tartarus, was unable to attend filming of Series 7 so Bryan Cutler, the captain of Reaper NP2, and Michael Hanser, the captain of Sniper who lost in the qualifiers, entered the robot in his place. The team jokingly claimed that Scholten was a top secret agent who was currently on a secret mission."@en . . . "Tartarus is a top secret satellite-fed database that not even operatives of the Sanctuary Network have access to. Abby Corigan of the FBI obtained a number of Tartarus files in 2010, including the autopsy report on detective Stanley O'Farrell."@en . "Tartarus was one of the three moons of the planet Hades in the Cerberus System. (HH8)"@en . "Himself"@en . "Masculino"@es . . . "31"^^ . "Lord Tartarian Johnson Harryford the Thirty-Second (So named due to the lack of your average Brute Mother's lack of cranial capacity and originality) more commonly know as \"Tartarsauce\", was a gay Boot Minor Chieftain of the Boots in Halo 2, in which he was a major antagonist."@en . . . . . . . "Tartarus (\u30BF\u30EB\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9, Tarutarosu)? is a part of the Thanatos Tower in Megami Ibunroku Persona and a massive tower that mysteriously appears each night at Gekkoukan High School during the Dark Hour in Persona 3. In Persona 3, SEES is formed in an attempt to discover the true nature of the tower and defeat the Shadows. This location is the only place where the player can fight Shadows, except when they appear in outside locations during a Full Moon Operation. There are 264 floors in total, including the roof and excluding the optional Monad Depths underground dungeon which consists of 10 floors."@en . "thumb|\u30BF\u30EB\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9 \u767D\u718A\u306E\u3088\u3046\u306A\u4F53\u3067\u3001\u30D6\u30EB\u30FC\u30C8\u65CF\u306E\u9577\u3002 \u300C\u30C7\u30EB\u30BF\u30D8\u30A4\u30ED\u30FC\u300D\u3092\u8D77\u52D5\u3057\u3088\u3046\u3068\u3057\u305F\u5F35\u672C\u4EBA\u3002 \u30AB\u30C6\u30B4\u30EA:\u30AD\u30E3\u30E9\u30AF\u30BF\u30FC"@ja . "The Feywood"@en . . . . . . . "2000"^^ . . "It attacks with a barrage of melee attacks, including a Windmill, and can also fire a laser similar to that of Siren's 3rd grade skill. It has a Danger attack that causes molten debris to fall (similar to the Danger attack of Giant Stone Golem, with the exception of the Jump)."@en . "Arcana"@en . "Gaia"@en . "Immune"@en . . . "52"^^ . . "God of the Abyss"@en . . . "21"^^ . "8"^^ . "A member of the Devil's Advocates supervillain team."@en . . . "25"^^ . . . "Tartarus was the last known Chieftain of the Jiralhanae to serve in the Covenant. He is the Arbiter's primary rival in Halo 2 and acts as the Hierarchs' chief enforcer or, more accurately, Truth's second-in-command. He is also the tertiary antagonist and final boss in Halo 2."@en . "If HP <50% - Evade+, Counter+, Attack CT0"@en . . "Black"@en . "159"^^ . "\u30BF\u30EB\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9"@en . . "Master of the Abyss"@en . . "This structure is a man made giant dome suspended over a geothermal hot spot in the side of a mountain on the Red Line. Although the primarily and almost elusively for the use of the Tenryuubito the structure itself is placed outside the city limits of Mariejois. It is maintained further around the Red Line in an area near where a group of Tenryuubito maintain an enclave of country estates."@en . . . "Alive"@en . . "Tartarus was the lowest level of the Ancient Greek Underworld. It is the final destination for lost souls and a prison for those damned by Zeus. The Gates of Tartarus were located beneath Themyscira and were guarded by Queen Hippolyta and her immortal Amazons."@en . "Immune"@en . . . "8"^^ . . . . "Michael Hanser"@en . "Grandfather of all Monsters"@en . . "The Shadow Zone is a 800Km wide belt that raps around the entire planet, separating the Hot Side and the Cold Side. The average temperature is between 65 and 87, depending on weather conditions. Because of this moderate temperature, the Shadow Zone is home to 98% of the Tartarians and the planetary capital of New Venice. The planet was founded in 2497 by UNSC colonists, and it was very rich in Isodesium. In 2557, it was destroyed by New Covenant forces. For more information, see the Battle of Tartarus."@en . . . . "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection issue 48 gives an alternate address for this planet (File:003.svgFile:008.svgFile:021.svgFile:014.svgFile:011.svgFile:025.svg) but this is overridden by the visual evidence in Evolution, Part 1, which gives the address we currently use."@en . "0"^^ . "Protogenos of the Pit"@en . "Tipo desconocido de escudo personal"@es . "Xenon"@en . "4"^^ . "25"^^ . "*Allianz- Menschen Krieg\n*Gro\u00DFer B\u00FCrgerkrieg\n*Die Gro\u00DFe Reise"@de . "white"@en . "Bryan Cutler"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Tartarus is a location in the Underworld, and the place where the Titans are kept. Kronos and some of the other Titans are trying to escape from their prison. There were four entrances to this location, but they were all closed in the events surround the Fall of the Trident (the campaign of Age of Mythology). During the events of The New Atlantis, the campaign from The Titans expansion, Kronos uses his servant, disguised as Krios the theocrat, to open one of the gates. He succeeds, but is sent back to Tartarus by his mother, Gaia."@en . . . "Tartarus (Tau\u2019ri designation P3W-924) was a planet controlled by Anubis. This was the base where Anubis and his underling Thoth created the Kull Warriors. This planet experiences much volcanic activity."@en . "3619"^^ . "Tartarus is part of the Underworld. It is home to the souls of those Greeks and Romans who lived evil lives. Tartarus is also where the Titans that fought against the Olympian gods were imprisoned. Parts of Tartarus are accessible to visitors from the living realm, likely as a test to prove their worth. In \"The Other Side,\" Hercules and Iolaus traveled through Tartarus to rescue Persephone from Hades and they had an encounter with Tantalus In his battle with Hera in the episode \"Reunions,\" Hercules managed to throw Hera into Tartarus- a room in Olympus apparently reached all the way down. She was later freed from Tartarus by Zeus and Evander. Although all manner of evil deeds could lead to consignment to Tartarus, those who committed the foulest of all evils were banished to Hell instead. This article is a stub, or very short article, that is most likely incomplete and needs expansion."@en . . "21"^^ . . . "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection issue 48 gives an alternate address for this planet (File:003.svgFile:008.svgFile:021.svgFile:014.svgFile:011.svgFile:025.svg) but this is overridden by the visual evidence in Evolution, Part 1, which gives the address we currently use."@en . . "\"Threads\""@en . "*Allianz\n*Allianz Loyalisten"@de . . "1473"^^ . . . . "Formerly the birthplace of the Kull warriors, currently an Alliance prison facility"@en . . . . "None Anubis, Ba'al, Rebel Jaffa"@en . "Typheous and Echidna"@en . "Tartarus is a star system of the Vega Sector, situated in the borders of the Kilrathi Empire it is claimed both by the Terran Confederation and the Empire. By 2638 the Confed maintained a base. CS Iason visited that base for repairs. In 2639 the Kilrathi attacked Tartarus and Hellespont. According to the Handbook, declaration of war came soon after those attacks. In 2641 James Taggart, having escaped Kilrathi capture, was abandoned on Tartarus Port. He found a public communications booth located in the Commercial Customs section of the station and contacted the Confed."@en . . "As far below Hades as the Earth is below the heavens, Tartarus is the place where the souls of the wicked receive divine punishment. As a result, the realm is filled with monsters, villains and vile creatures of malevolent intent. Along with certain members of the Titans of Myth, several ancient monsters were imprisoned within Tartarus; including the Cyclopes and the Hecatoncheires, Corrus, the Chimera, Echidna, the Hydra, the Minotaurs, Polyphemus of the Cyclopes and the collective corruptive forces of Pandora's Box. Should any of these beings escape the confines of the underworld, the havoc they would wreck on Earth would threaten the existence of not only humanity but of the Olympian gods themselves."@en . . . "Ananke"@en . "Great War era"@en . . . "Kull production"@en . . . "Team Dutch Demolition"@en . . . . . "Tartarus is a planned villain for the Metroid fanfic Metroid Rebirth. He is created by Metroid Prime so that he can keep Samus and Dark Samus distracted long enough so that he can fulfill his plans."@en . "Nichts"@de . . "Tartarus"@es . . "Sword"@en . "160"^^ . . "Tartarus(ISAAC); Tartarus___001.png"@en . "Tartarus"@en . "Tartarus is a planet in the Milky Way Galaxy that now acts as the site of an Alliance high-security prison facility. Originally, however, the planet served as a vital base for the Goa'uld, first Anubis and later Baal. It was the birthplace of the Kull warriors, and as such played an instrumental role in the escalation of the Jaffa's rebellion. The region was abandoned after the fall of the System Lords, but the decision of Alliance Intelligence to repurpose the existing facilities on Tartarus brought renewed galactic attention to its surface."@en . "Tartarus"@en . "Dunkel-Kristallit"@de . "Immune"@en . "Inhabited"@en . . "Tartarus comes from the Greek word Tartaroo which is used only once in the New Testament in 2 Peter 2:4. \"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell (Lit. Tartarus) and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved unto judgment; . . .\" (2 Peter 2:4, (KJV)). Most English versions, translate the word as Hell. According to Thayer\u2019s Greek Definitions, Tartaroo is \"the name of the subterranean region, doleful and dark, regarded by the ancient Greeks as the abode of the wicked dead, where they suffer punishment for their evil deeds; it answers to Gehenna of the Jews.\" John F. Walvoord writes that the term \"is frequently found in Jewish apocalyptic literature, where it refers to a place even lower than hell where the wicked are punished.\""@en . ""@en . . . "*Advanced"@en . "3"^^ . "Gaia"@en . "In Greek mythology, Tartarus is the darkest depths of the Underworld. It is where the souls of the evil are sent to for eternal torture, and it is where Zeus imprisoned the Titans. In mythology, Tartarus is a part of Gaia, near the regions of her stomach, while in other variations of the myths, Tartarus is also a primordial deity like Gaia. He made love to Gaia as well, having Gaia give birth to Typhon as a result."@en . "5"^^ . "Back in space, overlooking Empyrean, you sink into a depression. You wish you could find a home but you're an alien, an outsider to everyone. You're barely human, mostly a machine. You have no past, no memory. You're as bad as those lifeless Titans you saw on Empyrean."@en . . "In Greek mythology, Tartarus is the darkest depths of the Underworld. It is where the souls of the evil are sent to for eternal torture, and it is where Zeus imprisoned the Titans. In mythology, Tartarus is a part of Gaia, near the regions of her stomach, while in other variations of the myths, Tartarus is also a primordial deity like Gaia. He made love to Gaia as well, having Gaia give birth to Typhon as a result. Tartarus was envisaged as the opposite of the sky, an inverted-dome lying beneath the flat earth. Together the Ouranion-dome and Tartarean-pit enclosed the entire cosmos in an egg-shaped or spherical shell."@en . . . "The Tartarus is an undead/wolf-type enemy from Final Fantasy XII found in the Feywood."@en . . . . "630.2"^^ . "Luxuspelz"@de . "5"^^ . "Tartarus is a star system of the Vega Sector, situated in the borders of the Kilrathi Empire it is claimed both by the Terran Confederation and the Empire. By 2638 the Confed maintained a base. CS Iason visited that base for repairs. In 2639 the Kilrathi attacked Tartarus and Hellespont. According to the Handbook, declaration of war came soon after those attacks. In 2641 James Taggart, having escaped Kilrathi capture, was abandoned on Tartarus Port. He found a public communications booth located in the Commercial Customs section of the station and contacted the Confed. During the Kilrathi War it became one the biggest Kilrathi colony. In the late stages of the Vega Campaign, Terran Confederation forces pushed inside the borders of the Empire of Kilrah and attacked the system as well as Nifelheim. There was a ground battle on Tartarus and footage was shown on the trid. Eventually the colony fell to the Confederation. Christopher Blair's specific actions here are unknown. Jason Armstrong had a mission here, in which he assisted in the defection of Ralgha nar Hhallas. Freedom Flight tells a different account of Hobbes defection which includes Ian St. James."@en . . "Back in space, overlooking Empyrean, you sink into a depression. You wish you could find a home but you're an alien, an outsider to everyone. You're barely human, mostly a machine. You have no past, no memory. You're as bad as those lifeless Titans you saw on Empyrean."@en . "Tartarus was the last known Chieftain of the Jiralhanae to serve in the Covenant. He is the Arbiter's primary rival in Halo 2 and acts as the Hierarchs' chief enforcer or, more accurately, Truth's second-in-command. He is also the tertiary antagonist and final boss in Halo 2."@en . . "Disputed"@en . . . . . . . "Tartarus"@en . "Tartarus(Hidden One); No Image Male.jpg"@en . . "Tartarus is the Primordial God of Death and the Underworld, and a living universe of pure, bottomless darkness and chaos. He is at least as old as Gaia, and was the entity which fathered the monstrous Typhon"@en . "Heiligenelementar"@de . "50"^^ . . "\u30BF\u30EB\u30BF\u30ED\u30B9"@en . . . . . "Immune"@en . . . . "345"^^ . . . "It attacks with a barrage of melee attacks, including a Windmill, and can also fire a laser similar to that of Siren's 3rd grade skill. It has a Danger attack that causes molten debris to fall (similar to the Danger attack of Giant Stone Golem, with the exception of the Jump)."@en . .