. "Haka began his life as a Fe-Matoran from the Northern Continent, completing tasks and forging weapons. He and his very close Matoran of lightning friend, Mekia, spent much time together during this period. However, this changed when he and Mekia where transformed into Toa. They went on many missions to protect their city, until Mekia was kidnapped. Haka, believing it was his fault, threw himself into the sea. He floated for nearly a week, until he was rescued by Toa Hagah Norik, who took him to Destral. He was trained, and soon became Makuta Teridax's skilled apprentice. But when the Toa Hagah found out of the Brotherhood of Makuta's treachery, they asked Haka to help them rebel. Haka, faithful in his Master, refused. A week after, though, he discovered the Brotherhood's secret record room, and discovered it was the Brotherhood who had taken Mekia. Outraged, Haka sprouted a wing (no one knows how) and ravaged the Makuta Fortress. He was soon confronted by Teridax. The two fought, but Haka was soon defeated. Out of compassion for his apprentice, Teridax let him live, saying that they must never cross paths again. Fleeing to the island of Nynrah, Haka met Vokar, a retired Nynrah Ghost. Vokar helped Haka disguise himself, painting parts of his armour red. Haka then left the main village, and spent all year on a rocky cliff, staring into the horizon. Three Thousand years later, Haka was attacked by a mysterious robot. After defeating his foe, Haka brought it to Vokar, who found a 2,000 year old transmission by Makuta Teridax, claiming war against the Toa. Vokar gave Haka directions to an experienced crafter on Xia. As Haka left Nynrah, though, he was attacked by two Mutant Kavinka under the influence of Tolvak, a mutant Toa-Wolf who was hired by the Brotherhood to eliminate any remaining Toa of Iron. When Haka arrived at Xia, he found the crazed Vortixx Dyklar, who claimed he had built the Sephidrone. They were interrupted, however, as Tolvak again attacked Haka, knocking him unconcious. Haka awoke on Artahka, where he found Vokar. The ruler of the island gave Haka an advanced Exo-Toa. They were teleported to Nynrah, where the village had been destroyed by a legion of Sephidrones. Haka, outraged, fought them all by himself. He was wounded by the last one, however, and Vokar then sacrificed his life for Haka."@en . . . "Haka was the Rokugani word for Tomb."@en . "Haka was a Sangheili of the Covenant Empire that served as a military assistant to the High Prophets during the early years of the alliance. His rank is unknown, but he is assumed to be a swordsman."@en . . "Haka war ein milit\u00E4risch hochrangiger Sangheili, der zudem der milit\u00E4rische Berater eines Hohen Propheten war."@de . . "Haka \u00E4r ett omr\u00E5de p\u00E5 ett ansikte, d\u00E4r de tv\u00E5 sidorna av k\u00E4ken kom tillsammans. Under 2000 efter Chaka hade f\u00E5ngat Doktor Daniel Jackson gjorde han en inspelning med sin tid med Chaka. I hans inspelning ber\u00E4ttade han att han trodde att Chaka tycktes ha outvecklade haka och ansiktes horn som indikerar att han kunde vara en underart. (SG1: \"The First Ones\")"@sv . "Haka war ein milit\u00E4risch hochrangiger Sangheili, der zudem der milit\u00E4rische Berater eines Hohen Propheten war."@de . . "(\u5893) literally meaning \"Grave\""@en . . . . . . . . . "Haka was the Rokugani word for Tomb."@en . . . "Male"@en . "Haka.png"@de . . . "gelb"@de . . "250"^^ . "Haka was a Sangheili of the Covenant Empire that served as a military assistant to the High Prophets during the early years of the alliance. His rank is unknown, but he is assumed to be a swordsman."@en . "Sword"@en . . . "Haka \u00E4r ett omr\u00E5de p\u00E5 ett ansikte, d\u00E4r de tv\u00E5 sidorna av k\u00E4ken kom tillsammans. Under 2000 efter Chaka hade f\u00E5ngat Doktor Daniel Jackson gjorde han en inspelning med sin tid med Chaka. I hans inspelning ber\u00E4ttade han att han trodde att Chaka tycktes ha outvecklade haka och ansiktes horn som indikerar att han kunde vara en underart. (SG1: \"The First Ones\")"@sv . "There are many versions of the haka but all look the same to anyone who isn't a Maori or lives in New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga or Fiji. Each country has their own version and their own name to the dance of men and women squatting in a formation and sticking their tongues out and jerking their arms and legs at the same time. Critics call it it macho epilepsy as the intention is loosen the bowels of the opposition team."@en . . . "Haka"@de . . . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . "Zwischen 2142 und 2524"@de . . . . "Haka"@de . . . "Haka"@en . . . . . "There are many versions of the haka but all look the same to anyone who isn't a Maori or lives in New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga or Fiji. Each country has their own version and their own name to the dance of men and women squatting in a formation and sticking their tongues out and jerking their arms and legs at the same time. Critics call it it macho epilepsy as the intention is loosen the bowels of the opposition team."@en . . . . . . "Haka"@en . . "Schwert"@de . . . "Haka began his life as a Fe-Matoran from the Northern Continent, completing tasks and forging weapons. He and his very close Matoran of lightning friend, Mekia, spent much time together during this period. Fleeing to the island of Nynrah, Haka met Vokar, a retired Nynrah Ghost. Vokar helped Haka disguise himself, painting parts of his armour red. Haka then left the main village, and spent all year on a rocky cliff, staring into the horizon. Haka awoke on Artahka, where he found Vokar. The ruler of the island gave Haka an advanced Exo-Toa."@en . . "Haka"@sv . . . . . "(\u5893) literally meaning \"Grave\""@en . . . .