"Progressive; Green"@en . "Aldegaria"@en . "FA8072"@en . "2609"^^ . "Progressive Left Party"@en . "Jeanne Tanczos & Ashleigh Cox"@en . . "The Progressive Left Party was founded in 2609 in Aldegaria, Aldegar as an opposition to the dominant environmental skeptics and social conservatives of the Pantheism Capitalistic Party and the Democratic Unity Party. Since then, the PLP has been in government a number of times, baing a junior coalition member with the People's Action Party, Conservative Liberalism Party and Meritocrat Libertarian Party."@en . "-International Greens\n-Feminist International\n\n-International Federation of Libertarian Socialists\n\n-International Secularist Society\n\n-International Human Rights Movement\n\n-Internationalists\n\n-Anti-Gun League\n\n-International Lesbian & Gay Rights Association \n\n-Green Socialism\n\n-World Peace Society"@en . ""@en . ""@en . . ""@en . . ""@en . "Fiscal: Far-left\nSocial: Liberal"@en . "The Progressive Left Party was founded in 2609 in Aldegaria, Aldegar as an opposition to the dominant environmental skeptics and social conservatives of the Pantheism Capitalistic Party and the Democratic Unity Party. Since then, the PLP has been in government a number of times, baing a junior coalition member with the People's Action Party, Conservative Liberalism Party and Meritocrat Libertarian Party."@en . "Progressive Left Party"@en .