. . "Belette"@de . . . . "10024"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "Lionel est d'abord un vendeur d'assurance dans Animal Crossing: Wild World, puis un repr\u00E9sentant de l'AJD dans Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City et enfin son directeur dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Il est aussi apparu dans le film D\u014Dbutsu no Mori en tant que simple personnage d'arri\u00E8re-plan."@fr . . "Lionel est d'abord un vendeur d'assurance dans Animal Crossing: Wild World, puis un repr\u00E9sentant de l'AJD dans Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City et enfin son directeur dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Il est aussi apparu dans le film D\u014Dbutsu no Mori en tant que simple personnage d'arri\u00E8re-plan."@fr . "HMS Belette"@en . . "About 950 men"@en . "possibly 200 feet"@en . . . . . "Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort,"@fr . . "Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban, \n\nHarry Potter et la Coupe de Feu,"@fr . . . "Rekrut"@de . "Slow"@en . . . . . "Destroyed or captured by the Victory"@en . . . "The Belette was an enormous man-of-war and the flagship of the English Royal Navy in the Caribbean in the 1630's. It was owned by Govenor Robert Christopher Silehard. In 1631, the vessel was ultimately destroyed or captured by Captain Nathaniel Hawk during the Battle of Khael Roa off of the coast of the lost isle of Khael Roa. Unfortunately for the player, if the Belette is captured, she cannot be used to go \"fort-smashing\" in the hopes of fulfilling many a player's wish to capture all the islands in the entire archipelago (due to the player's inability to go back to sea after the Battle in Khael Roa)."@en . . . . "Rekrutin Belette ist ein Mitglied der Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition, das sich an der Wegkreuzung in den Hinterlanden aufh\u00E4lt."@de . . "Belette"@fr . "Belette"@fr . . . . "Rekrutin Belette ist ein Mitglied der Inquisition in Dragon Age: Inquisition, das sich an der Wegkreuzung in den Hinterlanden aufh\u00E4lt."@de . "270"^^ . . "Cr\u00E9ature non magique"@fr . "Belette"@en . . "Must\u00E9lid\u00E9"@fr . . . . . "Weiblich"@de . . . . . "The Belette was an enormous man-of-war and the flagship of the English Royal Navy in the Caribbean in the 1630's. It was owned by Govenor Robert Christopher Silehard. In 1631, the vessel was ultimately destroyed or captured by Captain Nathaniel Hawk during the Battle of Khael Roa off of the coast of the lost isle of Khael Roa."@en .