"First-Person Shooter"@pl . "The first person shooter has since been traced as far back as Maze War, development of which began in 1973, and 1974's Spasim. 1987's MIDI Maze for the Atari ST was one of the first network multiplayer action games and also saw release on game consoles. The genre coalesced with 1992's Wolfenstein 3D, which is generally credited with creating the genre proper and the basic archetype upon which subsequent titles were based. One such title, and the progenitor of the genre's wider mainstream acceptance and popularity was Doom, released the following year and perhaps the most influential first-person shooter. Half-Life, released in 1998, enhanced the narrative and puzzle elements, and along with its 2004 sequel Half-Life 2, showcases the considerable development of the genre's potential. Golden"@en . . . . . . . . "First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through a first-person perspective; that is, the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist. The first-person shooter shares common traits with other shooter games, which in turn fall under the heading action game. From the genre's inception, advanced 3D or pseudo-3D graphics have challenged hardware development, and multiplayer gaming has been integral. The first-person shooter has since been traced as far back as Maze War, development of which began in 1973, and 1974's Spasim. The genre coalesced with 1992's Wolfenstein 3D, which has been credited with creating the genre proper and the basic archetype upon which subsequent titles were based. One such title, and the progenitor of the genre's wider mainstream acceptance and popularity was Doom, released the following year and perhaps the most influential first-person shooter. 1998's Half-Life - along with its 2004 sequel Half-Life 2 - enhanced the narrative and puzzle elements. GoldenEye 007 (1997) was a first landmark first-person shooter for home consoles, with the Halo series heightening the console's commercial and critical appeal as a platform for first-person shooter titles. In the 21st century, the first-person shooter is one of the most commercially viable video game genres."@en . . . "First-Person Shooter (often abbreviated FPS) is a videogame format wherein the player sees the world of the game through their selected unit's eyes. The current weapon often protrudes from one of the two bottom corners of the screen, with the crosshairs in the middle of the screen. The weapon will shoot straight forward, negating the need to account for its awkward angle on the screen. Playing a game in first-person format often creates greater accuracy with weapons, even though the screen will shake when walking or running. It also shows which objects or units the player can hit from his current position. Another perspective, third-person, gives the player a better idea of what is happening around him or her, but often sacrifices some accuracy."@en . . . "First-Person Shooter (FPS) - gra, kt\u00F3rej rozgrywka polega g\u0142\u00F3wnie na strzelaniu do przeciwnik\u00F3w z rozbudowanego arsena\u0142u. Niekiedy nazywana strzelank\u0105, strzelanin\u0105 lub gr\u0105 FPP (przestarza\u0142a nazwa). Historycznie pierwszym FPS-em by\u0142 Wolfenstein 3D stworzony przez id Software. Gatunek rozwin\u0119\u0142y gry takie jak Doom, Quake i Duke Nukem 3D i dzi\u015B istniej\u0105 setki gier utrzymanych w tej samej konwencji. Strzelaniny mo\u017Cna podzieli\u0107 na mniejsze podkategorie: \n* strzelaniny \"Quake'opodobne\" - najwa\u017Cniejsz\u0105 umiej\u0119tno\u015Bci\u0105 jest refleks i celne oko. Takie gry maj\u0105 szybk\u0105 akcj\u0119 i napuszczaj\u0105 na gracza tabuny wrog\u00F3w, pozwalaj\u0105c mu odreagowa\u0107 stres. Zwykle nie trzymaj\u0105 si\u0119 kurczowo realizmu. Przedstawiciele: Painkiller, Serious Sam \n* strzelaniny taktyczne - tu niekiedy mo\u017Cna zgin\u0105\u0107, oberwawszy jedn\u0105 kul\u0105. Z tego powodu du\u017Ce znaczenie ma dobre przygotowanie ataku, krycie si\u0119 przed wzrokiem przeciwnika i taktyki dru\u017Cynowe. Przedstawiciel: Operation Flashpoint \n* strzelaniny sieciowe - zazwyczaj posiadaj\u0105 tryb Single Player, ale tylko jako samouczek do gry online. Ich g\u0142\u00F3wn\u0105 cech\u0105 jest rozbudowany multiplayer, pozwalaj\u0105cy na rywalizacj\u0119 mi\u0119dzy graczami z ca\u0142ego \u015Bwiata. Je\u015Bli chodzi o mechanik\u0119, mog\u0105 przypomina\u0107 wszystkie z powy\u017Cszych gier. Przedstawiciele: Unreal Tournament III, America's Army"@pl . . . . "First-Person Shooter (FPS) - gra, kt\u00F3rej rozgrywka polega g\u0142\u00F3wnie na strzelaniu do przeciwnik\u00F3w z rozbudowanego arsena\u0142u. Niekiedy nazywana strzelank\u0105, strzelanin\u0105 lub gr\u0105 FPP (przestarza\u0142a nazwa). Historycznie pierwszym FPS-em by\u0142 Wolfenstein 3D stworzony przez id Software. Gatunek rozwin\u0119\u0142y gry takie jak Doom, Quake i Duke Nukem 3D i dzi\u015B istniej\u0105 setki gier utrzymanych w tej samej konwencji. Strzelaniny mo\u017Cna podzieli\u0107 na mniejsze podkategorie:"@pl . . . "The first person shooter has since been traced as far back as Maze War, development of which began in 1973, and 1974's Spasim. 1987's MIDI Maze for the Atari ST was one of the first network multiplayer action games and also saw release on game consoles. The genre coalesced with 1992's Wolfenstein 3D, which is generally credited with creating the genre proper and the basic archetype upon which subsequent titles were based. One such title, and the progenitor of the genre's wider mainstream acceptance and popularity was Doom, released the following year and perhaps the most influential first-person shooter. Half-Life, released in 1998, enhanced the narrative and puzzle elements, and along with its 2004 sequel Half-Life 2, showcases the considerable development of the genre's potential. GoldenEye 007 (1997) was the first landmark first-person shooter for home consoles, with the Halo series heightening the console's commercial and critical appeal as a platform for first-person shooter titles. In the 21st century, the first-person shooter is one of the most commercially viable and fastest growing video game genres."@en . "200px|right 200px|right 200px|right First-person shooter (ang. strzelec pierwszoosobowy, FPS) \u2013 gatunek gry komputerowej, wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy na wszystkich platformach sprz\u0119towych i konsolach do gier. polegaj\u0105cy na radosnej eksterminacji przeciwnik\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy maj\u0105 wobec g\u0142\u00F3wnego bohatera takie same zamiary, jak on do nich. W\u015Br\u00F3d dziesi\u0105tk\u00F3w gatunk\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re stawiaj\u0105 przed u\u017Cytkownikiem takie zadanie, ten proponuje patrzenie oczami strzelca (widok FPP \u2013 First-person perspective), co pozwala na ogromnie satysfakcjonuj\u0105ce rozwalanie kolejnych hord przeciwnik\u00F3w. Powodowane jest to mi\u0119dzy innymi przez dobrze odwzorowan\u0105 anatomi\u0105 wrog\u00F3w, z kt\u00F3rych, w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od tytu\u0142u, mo\u017Ce ulatywa\u0107 mn\u00F3stwo krwi, a niekiedy elementy uk\u0142adu pokarmowego, oddechowego, nerwowego, a nawet wydalniczego. W niekt\u00F3rych tytu\u0142ach autorzy szarpn\u0119li si\u0119 nawet na kanibalizm, a w innych (cho\u0107by Quake IV) poznawanie anatomii na przyk\u0142adzie bohatera. Dlatego te\u017C niekt\u00F3re tytu\u0142y z tego gatunku nie nadaje si\u0119 na prezent \u015Bwi\u0105teczny, ani urodzinowy. Grafika w grach tego typu musi by\u0107 idealna, gdy\u017C ka\u017Cdy jeden z\u0142o\u015Bliwiec mo\u017Ce podle\u017A\u0107 do jakiejkolwiek \u015Bcianki w poziomie i zobaczy\u0107 na niej rozsmarowane tekstury, po czym gada\u0107 na ka\u017Cdym forum, \u017Ce ta gra to bele co. Pokonany przeciwnik mo\u017Ce si\u0119 te\u017C zwali\u0107 na twarz i pokaza\u0107 puste wn\u0119trze swojej g\u0142owy, kt\u00F3ry b\u0119dzie prze\u015Bwitywa\u0142 przez \u015Bciany tr\u00F3jwymiarowego modelu (cz\u0119sto ostatnio wype\u0142nia si\u0119 jakie rzeczy wn\u0119trzno\u015Bciami). Z tego powodu autorzy first-person shooter\u00F3w staraj\u0105 si\u0119 zawsze o doskona\u0142\u0105 grafik\u0119, \u017Ceby chocia\u017C przez kilka dni by\u0142a na czasie, do momentu premiery kolejnego objawienia graficznego. Aby m\u00F3c ca\u0142y czas pobija\u0107 kolejne szczyty jako\u015Bci grafiki, jej autorzy musz\u0105 co rusz wykorzystywa\u0107 mechanizmy nie daj\u0105ce si\u0119 uruchomi\u0107 na urz\u0105dzeniach dost\u0119pnych na rynku podczas premiery (na przyk\u0142ad Crysis). Tak wi\u0119c FPS-y s\u0105 najbardziej wymagaj\u0105cymi grami komputerowymi. Za nimi s\u0105 shootery z widokiem trzeciej osoby i symulacje."@pl . . . . . "First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre. FPS games center around the usage of guns and other projectile weapons in combat, and the action in these games is depicted from a first-person point of view\u2014that is, the player experiences the game through the eyes of their character."@en . . . . . . "A first-person shooter (FPS) is a videogame genre which centers the gameplay around gun- or projectile weapon-based combat through the first person perspective; i.e., the player experiences the action through the eyes of a protagonist."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . "First-Person Shooter"@en . "First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre. FPS games center around the usage of guns and other projectile weapons in combat, and the action in these games is depicted from a first-person point of view\u2014that is, the player experiences the game through the eyes of their character."@en . . . "First-person shooter"@pl . . . "The first person shooter has since been traced as far back as Maze War, development of which began in 1973, and 1974's Spasim. 1987's MIDI Maze for the Atari ST was one of the first network multiplayer action games and also saw release on game consoles. The genre coalesced with 1992's Wolfenstein 3D, which is generally credited with redefining the genre and the basic archetype upon which subsequent titles were based. One such title, and the progenitor of the genre's wider mainstream acceptance and popularity was Doom, released the following year and perhaps the most influential first-person shooter. Half-Life, released in 1998, enhanced the narrative and puzzle elements, and along with its 2004 sequel Half-Life 2, showcases the considerable development of the genre's potential. GoldenEye 007 (1997) was the first landmark first-person shooter for home consoles, with the Halo series heightening the console's commercial and critical appeal as a platform for first-person shooter titles. In the 21st century, the first-person shooter is one of the most widely played and fastest growing video game genres."@en . . . "First-person shooter"@en . . . . . "A First-Person-Shooter, or FPS, is a style of game where the game world is viewed as if through the eyes of the playable character. The games in the Marathon Trilogy are all FPS style games. Bungie's previous title Pathways into Darkness and its later series Halo are also FPS style games."@en . "200px|right 200px|right 200px|right First-person shooter (ang. strzelec pierwszoosobowy, FPS) \u2013 gatunek gry komputerowej, wyst\u0119puj\u0105cy na wszystkich platformach sprz\u0119towych i konsolach do gier. polegaj\u0105cy na radosnej eksterminacji przeciwnik\u00F3w, kt\u00F3rzy maj\u0105 wobec g\u0142\u00F3wnego bohatera takie same zamiary, jak on do nich. W\u015Br\u00F3d dziesi\u0105tk\u00F3w gatunk\u00F3w, kt\u00F3re stawiaj\u0105 przed u\u017Cytkownikiem takie zadanie, ten proponuje patrzenie oczami strzelca (widok FPP \u2013 First-person perspective), co pozwala na ogromnie satysfakcjonuj\u0105ce rozwalanie kolejnych hord przeciwnik\u00F3w. Powodowane jest to mi\u0119dzy innymi przez dobrze odwzorowan\u0105 anatomi\u0105 wrog\u00F3w, z kt\u00F3rych, w zale\u017Cno\u015Bci od tytu\u0142u, mo\u017Ce ulatywa\u0107 mn\u00F3stwo krwi, a niekiedy elementy uk\u0142adu pokarmowego, oddechowego, nerwowego, a nawet wydalniczego. W niekt\u00F3rych tytu\u0142ach"@pl . "The first person shooter has since been traced as far back as Maze War, development of which began in 1973, and 1974's Spasim. 1987's MIDI Maze for the Atari ST was one of the first network multiplayer action games and also saw release on game consoles. The genre coalesced with 1992's Wolfenstein 3D, which is generally credited with redefining the genre and the basic archetype upon which subsequent titles were based. One such title, and the progenitor of the genre's wider mainstream acceptance and popularity was Doom, released the following year and perhaps the most influential first-person shooter. Half-Life, released in 1998, enhanced the narrative and puzzle elements, and along with its 2004 sequel Half-Life 2, showcases the considerable development of the genre's potential. GoldenEye 0"@en . "A first-person shooter (FPS) is a videogame genre which centers the gameplay around gun- or projectile weapon-based combat through the first person perspective; i.e., the player experiences the action through the eyes of a protagonist."@en . . . . . "First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre centered on gun and projectile weapon-based combat through a first-person perspective; that is, the player experiences the action through the eyes of the protagonist. The first-person shooter shares common traits with other shooter games, which in turn fall under the heading action game. From the genre's inception, advanced 3D or pseudo-3D graphics have challenged hardware development, and multiplayer gaming has been integral."@en . . . . . . . . . "First-Person Shooter (often abbreviated FPS) is a videogame format wherein the player sees the world of the game through their selected unit's eyes. The current weapon often protrudes from one of the two bottom corners of the screen, with the crosshairs in the middle of the screen. The weapon will shoot straight forward, negating the need to account for its awkward angle on the screen. Playing a game in first-person format often creates greater accuracy with weapons, even though the screen will shake when walking or running. It also shows which objects or units the player can hit from his current position. Another perspective, third-person, gives the player a better idea of what is happening around him or her, but often sacrifices some accuracy."@en . "A First-Person-Shooter, or FPS, is a style of game where the game world is viewed as if through the eyes of the playable character. The games in the Marathon Trilogy are all FPS style games. Bungie's previous title Pathways into Darkness and its later series Halo are also FPS style games."@en . . . . .