"It is an warhammer obtained at the Ironfist Stronghold after completing the quest at Mount Galadrym. Standalone: \n* STR+6, Electrical 10/-, Charge: 15+1d15 hits, Alchemical Silver; Dwarf, Martial, Warhammer Full suit (with the Belt and the Gauntlet): \n* STR+6, Electrical 10/-, Electrical+1d8, DC20 Knockdown 5%/9 seconds, Self: Bolt of Lightning Electrical Dmg 8d6, DC25 Stun 9 seconds, Deafen 3 rounds, Alchemical Silver"@en . . "Hammer of Ironfist"@en . . "It is an warhammer obtained at the Ironfist Stronghold after completing the quest at Mount Galadrym. Standalone: \n* STR+6, Electrical 10/-, Charge: 15+1d15 hits, Alchemical Silver; Dwarf, Martial, Warhammer Full suit (with the Belt and the Gauntlet): \n* STR+6, Electrical 10/-, Electrical+1d8, DC20 Knockdown 5%/9 seconds, Self: Bolt of Lightning Electrical Dmg 8d6, DC25 Stun 9 seconds, Deafen 3 rounds, Alchemical Silver"@en .