. "Notorious is an American documentary television series that profiles the lives of infamous individuals in history, which at times have also included criminal/organized crime figures such as Pretty Boy Floyd, Harlem drug kingpin Frank Lucas, and Chicago Outfit leader/mob boss Al Capone. The series airs on The Biography Channel."@en . "3600.0"^^ . "Runtime"@en . "Notorious TV program Opening logo."@en . "2004-09-27"^^ . "Format"@en . . "Documentary"@en . "Notorious is an American documentary television series that profiles the lives of infamous individuals in history, which at times have also included criminal/organized crime figures such as Pretty Boy Floyd, Harlem drug kingpin Frank Lucas, and Chicago Outfit leader/mob boss Al Capone. The series airs on The Biography Channel. Most episodes of Notorious are rehashes of the similar TV Series American Justice and Mobsters, both series that were originally broadcasted on Biography Channel's sister channel, A&E Network. The only differences are the intro of the episodes and the lead-in's after commercials. Besides this, the rehashed episodes are no different in any way."@en . "Country"@en . "First original airing"@en . . "The Biography Channel/US"@en . "Website/URL"@en . "Network/"@en . "Notorious"@en . "Notorious (TV series)"@en . .