. "Dalaran"@en . . "A blond man in silver-trimmed purple robes, with the hood pulled up to conceal all features save his protruding facial topiary, made his way through the streets of Dalaran. His movements were measured, careful, sudden streaks of unfollowable motion between half-minute periods of nonchalant lounging. As he approached the wall surrounding the floating city, he faded from sight entirely, light passing through his very flesh without the slightest alteration of its course. So hidden, he reached his peculiar destination. Not all of the great city of Dalaran was successfully extracted from the foothills near Hillsbrad. The surviving buildings upon the floating island had been walled in for some additional protection, and of course, to reduce the risk of someone taking a habitual path from days of old and finding it now a long walk on a short path, made easy by an unprecedented downhill component. Those few scraps of city that were outside the wall, those for one reason or another not included in the new city, were usually ignored, like scabs at which one is terrified to pick. This man made his way to one such now, one of the great houses of Dalaran had all but died out well before the third war, and their manor had crumbled into the abyss. But one piece of their property remained, in the provenance of the last descendant, as did the building upon it. On a tiny corner of the island sat a neglected outhouse, and this was the target of the seeker\u2019s pilgrimage. He entered. He pushed back his hood to peer more carefully at the wooden seat. Some mischievous trap would be eminently expectable from his host. He sat. He remained sitting. \u201CDamn. Does this thing have a password?\u201D The floor unlatched, and he found himself now to be seated upon an elevator whisking him downwards. Logically he knew that the only feasible destination, unless he was about to be ejected into the upper atmospheres of Northrend, was somewhere in the Dalaran Sewers. As a result, when it came to a stop, he was surprised to find himself looking out into a significantly well-appointed workshop and domicile, in which a firey redheaded woman wearing a heavy grey robe with an upturned scarlet V on the back sat at a table with her back to him, poring zealously over some notes. Normally in such a situation his first response would be to criticize the lack of security in putting one\u2019s back to the entrance, but for the looming presence of the felguard standing just to his left. He tried to ignore the fact that the felguard had saluted him. He didn\u2019t really know what to make of it. He got off the crapper, and strode forth, \u201CWell,\u201D he began, \u201Cwhen you said you\u2019d secured facilities on your family\u2019s old property, I can\u2019t say I expected this...\u201D The woman put down her papers and turned towards him with a whimsical smirk and raised eyebrow, \u201CWhat, Rohnin? You expected a distillery mounted in a closet and a pocket notebook again?\u201D He suppressed a sigh. There were a very small number of people who got away with addressing him so informally these days, and he wasn\u2019t entirely sure he wanted this woman on that list. Still, there were... considerations. \u201CNo Bernita, I suppose not, though how did you manage to get all this set up?\u201D \u201CMagic,\u201D she grinned. Then before he could work himself into a fit interrogating her as to what sort of spells, she relented, \u201CSpecifically, the sort of magic performed by wandering into the engineers\u2019 crafthall and speaking the incantation, \u2018I have a large bag of gold of which the future owner is yet to be determined.\u2019 \u201C Rohnin frowned briefly, then rallied, \u201CThat\u2019s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. You\u2019ve been spending gold quite freely of late. This,\u201D he gestured expansively around them, \u201Ccannot have been cheap, and the battlemaster tells me you recently bought a set of Gladiator\u2019s Plate? Are you considering a career change back away from magic?\u201D He tried not to let the hope show through in his voice, she\u2019d been an excellent fighter in her youth, and she was a better warlock now, but she\u2019d come to that path by a dark route, and obsessed with vengeance was hardly the safest mindset in which to consort with demons. \u201CNah, they\u2019re for Otto once I figure out precisely what measurements they need to fit.\u201D Rohnin blinked in shock, \u201CYou put that much gold into getting armour for your felguard?\u201D \u201CI take care of my team, and they take care of me. Why wouldn\u2019t I want the one who\u2019s going to be taking the pummelling for me to have the best armour I can get them?\u201D \u201CBecause they can\u2019t actually be killed, just kicked into the twisting nether until you resummon them?\u201D \u201CMost of my teachers at this stuff would agree with you. Which is why they have to deal with being constantly on the lookout for struggle against their control and betrayal, and I can give a fairly vague order and expect the intent, rather than the specific verbiage, to be understood and acted upon.\u201D She paused, looking briefly thoughtful, \u201CMost of the time, anyway. I like my way better.\u201D \u201CRegardless, how are you funding all this? Though I reinstated your employment with one of the Kirin Tor\u2019s research subsidiaries, we haven\u2019t-\u201C She cut him off, \u201CGiven me any work?\u201D He blanched, \u201CThat... isn\u2019t how I was going to put it, but yes.\u201D \u201CPartially the fact that my family had a fair amount squirreled away in one of this city\u2019s bank vaults before we got blown up, but also an independent grant. Attempting to increase the caramelization component of fire magics for some reason. The writ showed up in the mail with a sizeable amount of gold and the mild ultimatum of \u2018the chezburgar is watching you.\u2019 \u201C \u201COutside grants are a violation of your contract, you know.\u201D \u201CYes, but I wouldn\u2019t have to if you\u2019d even look at my proposals. I really think that they would prove to be formidable weapons against the Forsaken.\u201D \u201CScourge.\u201D \u201CThem too.\u201D When he sighed she moved to change the subject, \u201CI\u2019m going to have some tea, would you like some too?\u201D Rohnin grimaced briefly at the sudden shift and the gnashing gears in his mind trying to keep up. Tea would probably be a good thing. \u201CYes please, no sugar though.\u201D And of course when Bernita got up, maybe once for old times\u2019 sake... She waved one hand in the felguard\u2019s direction, a glowing circle of the mystical equivalent of fine print encircling it\u2019s feet, \u201COtto, kick Lamaar in the face until he spills the beans on what he\u2019s planning this time, then put a stop to it.\u201D Rohnin had been discomfited by the salute before. It was nothing in comparison to the felguard\u2019s disappearance being preceded by a gaudy bow and a huge, \u2018I\u2019m going to love this\u2019 grin. The circle, however, remained. \u201CThat doesn\u2019t sound much like taking care of your team to me.\u201D \u201CLamaar isn\u2019t part of the team, he\u2019s barely useful enough to avoid a de-beaking. The circle flared, ribbons of purple light dancing in the air briefly before opening and vanishing, leaving one of Bernita\u2019s other familiars behind. \u201CCompanion, be a dear and get two cups of tea on, and fetch those biscuits as well.\u201D He stared. And stared. \u201CThat...\u201D he trailed off, and then rallied, trying again, \u201CThat is...\u201D he fumbled for words, eventually finishing ineptly, \u201CThat is not armour.\u201D Bernita practically purred, her eyes turned firmly towards the small kitchen, \u201CNo, it\u2019s much more useful than that.\u201D \u201CI\u2019m worried about you, Bernita. You know how risky fel magic is ordinarily, and you\u2019re getting far too deeply... involved with your familiars. Don\u2019t forget what they are!\u201D \u201CWhat they ARE is my team. They trust me, and I trust them, each with good reason.\u201D \u201CRight until that succubus you\u2019re so casual about rips your soul out!\u201D \u201CNo, she can\u2019t do that. Or any number of... other things, without my express, and explicit instruction. Which reminds me...\u201D Rohnin watched in fascination and horror as Bernita rummaged in one of the bags near her chair and withdrew a purple crystal which contained a sickly, pulsing glow and looked at it carefully. He closed his eyes when she drew back her arm and lobbed it across the room, \u201CEat the scarlet crusader, dear.\u201D He kept his eyes closed, though the soft sizzling sound was enough for him to visualize the crystal becoming naught but dust, as what was once a living soul, oh fine, a soul enthralled by Mal\u2019Ganis, but still a human soul ceased to exist upon landing in the succubus\u2019s gloved palm. \u201CYou go too far, Bernita!\u201D he shouted. \u201CHow so? Even you, when you go into the field anymore these days, strip any valuables from those you kill to line your own pockets. He tried to stick an axe in me, I think that frees me of any obligations to the sanctity of his person.\u201D He forced himself to try to calm down, \u201CBernita, please, I know I\u2019ve made... concessions in allowing you more free reign than I really should in the name of our friendship, but you really need to take serious consideration on what you\u2019re doing, or you\u2019re going to force me to do something I don\u2019t want to do.\u201D He missed the hardening of her voice, \u201CI don\u2019t recall anyone ever being able to stop you from doing whatever you wanted, Rohnin, and our friendship mostly consisted of you trying to pinch my rear through platemail while I escorted you on inspection tours.\u201D He backpedalled, \u201CThere, there was more than that...\u201D \u201CAnd the real reason for your \u2018concessions\u2019 is that you don\u2019t want to explain to the rest of The Six the utter fiasco of the Greymountain complex, and don\u2019t want me to have any incentive to talk about it.\u201D \u201CEven if that were true, there\u2019d be more than one way to silence you!\u201D Though he shouted this, he quickly quailed, as the succubus was suddenly standing right beside him. Even though all she was holding a silver tea-tray, it was reminder enough that while he could certainly overpower Bernita in a straight up fight, his magery against her skills as a warlock, the last thing she would permit him was a straight-up fight in her own house. \u201CI\u2019m not the only survivor, Rohnin.\u201D \u201CYes, but the former Janice Lichen doesn\u2019t remember any of it.\u201D She laughed, spilling her tea, he noted idly that the succubus cleaned it up, then gave Bernita the second cup as well even though it was going to be his, \u201CYou\u2019re slipping, Rohnnie. I\u2019d never call THAT a survivor. I killed her myself, even if she did get back up later.\u201D \u201CThen who?\u201D \u201CDo you remember Gor\u2019Dahn Freewind? The shaman from the internment camps? Used to beat you consistently at Three-Card Alterac when you weren\u2019t cheating?\u201D \u201CShama- you mean the orc?\u201D She rolled her eyes, \u201CYes, \u2018the orc.\u2019 Who you might recall was actually a senior researcher in his own right by the time things went critical.\u201D \u201CWhat about him?\u201D He was more than a little irritated with Bernita\u2019s games by this point. \u201CMy sources haven\u2019t found anything to indicate he\u2019s around.\u201D \u201CHe\u2019s known as Gor\u2019Dahn Barfist now, he\u2019s one of Thrall\u2019s advisors, having won a great deal of respect from Oggrimar\u2019s diplomatic community when he replaced his severed hand with a tool rather than the more traditional route of putting axes on his axes. We keep in touch regularly. One might almost go so far as to say... scrupulously.\u201D Rohnin was capable of taking a hint, \u201CIn short, if communication from one of you does not occur, the other will make... difficulties?\u201D \u201CHe offers me a shade more protection in that regard simply because Warchief Thrall would be... upset to lose one of his advisors.\u201D \u201CThat\u2019s a very paranoid arrangement.\u201D \u201CI spent the seven years working security for my great uncle at the complex, and most of the Third War guarding Southshore. I like things,\u201D he\u2019d have missed her brief, lingering glance over the succubus if he wasn\u2019t watching for it, \u201Csecure.\u201D Rohnin sighed, he knew he wasn\u2019t going to make any progress in this arguement today, \u201CYou\u2019re absolutely sure of their loyalty then?\u201D \u201CYes.\u201D \u201CWhy?\u201D \u201COverall? They get more of what they want. More chance to cause pain and death, more spirits to devour, and for the most part, I treat them better than the Legion ever did or ever would have. They\u2019d always have to obey someone, why not me?\u201D \u201CFor the most part?\u201D \u201CLamaar. He fails to be pragmatic enough to cooperate willingly, so why should he have the privileges such would earn?\u201D \u201CSo that\u2019s all it is? You think that you\u2019re perpetually secure as \u2018the high bidder\u2019? Don\u2019t you realize they\u2019ll betray you as soon as they get a better offer?\u201D \u201CI concede that\u2019s a bit of a risk with Wrench, or possibly Sonic Bomber,\u201D Bernita paused, noting Rohnin\u2019s confusion, \u201Cmy voidwalker, and felhound, you haven\u2019t been introduced yet. But Otto absolutely adores me, apparently to them the function of armour is entirely a display of rank, and as far as he\u2019s concerned I\u2019ve appointed him grand highlord over my armies.\u201D \u201CYour armies.\u201D Rohnin said it flatly, in an almost unfriendly tone. \u201CDon\u2019t give me that. Mostly it just means he bosses around Wrench and Sonic Bomber in my void pocket, and kicks Lamaar in the face. Which is exactly what I want him to do, so it all works out.\u201D He sighed, \u201CAnd the succubus?\u201D \u201CThe name I chose for my Companion has proven... precise. I will never be in danger from her. Really, Rohnin, is this necessary? You used to trust me with your life, can\u2019t you see to trusting me with mine?\u201D \u201CJust be careful, Bernita. Fine, yes, part of it is about wanting Greymountain\u2019s secrets to stay buried, but I do consider you a friend.\u201D \u201CAlways.\u201D"@en . . . "Human"@en . . "Either blue or brown. Most of the people who\u2019d be able to be sure which is fake are deceased, and the only one who\u2019d know now besides her isn\u2019t saying anything."@en . "A blond man in silver-trimmed purple robes, with the hood pulled up to conceal all features save his protruding facial topiary, made his way through the streets of Dalaran. His movements were measured, careful, sudden streaks of unfollowable motion between half-minute periods of nonchalant lounging. As he approached the wall surrounding the floating city, he faded from sight entirely, light passing through his very flesh without the slightest alteration of its course. So hidden, he reached his peculiar destination. Not all of the great city of Dalaran was successfully extracted from the foothills near Hillsbrad. The surviving buildings upon the floating island had been walled in for some additional protection, and of course, to reduce the risk of someone taking a habitual path from days of"@en . "Bernita Greymountain"@en . "1.76m"@en . . . . "slim, but showing signs of formerly heavier musculature seeing less use than it once did"@en . "37"^^ . . . . "Warlock"@en . "Red"@en . . . . "Dalaran, home again, albeit by a roundabout route"@en . . . "Bloodforged, formerly of the Greymountain Magical Research Complex"@en . "68.0"^^ . "Bernita Greymountain"@en . "Herbalism, Skinning"@en .