. "Uninteractive Fiction"@en . . "Do you want to restart, restore or undo your last action? QTF?I didn't even do anything>_> You're in a bucket. Look outside Outside a sea rolls about your bucket floating, high waves sloshing about. Calm waters are about your bucket though, so that's nice. Look inside A mouse sits in a corner, playing a fiddle. It is quite calm, so I suppose it could be called a violin. Besides that, the metal is a very pale blue gray, with chalky white dust about it. The handle seems a little kinked though. Talk to mouse The mouse is too intent on playing the fiddley violin to speak with mortals. Kill coin Kill mouse"@en . "Do you want to restart, restore or undo your last action? QTF?I didn't even do anything>_> You're in a bucket. Look outside Outside a sea rolls about your bucket floating, high waves sloshing about. Calm waters are about your bucket though, so that's nice. Look inside A mouse sits in a corner, playing a fiddle. It is quite calm, so I suppose it could be called a violin. Besides that, the metal is a very pale blue gray, with chalky white dust about it. The handle seems a little kinked though. Talk to mouse The mouse is too intent on playing the fiddley violin to speak with mortals. i \n* Coin Eat coin You can't eat the coin...duh. Kill coin Come on...you're not serious, are you? Kill mouse Now that's just plain mean. Give mouse coin Now that's a good try, but the shine attracts the mouse's attention only enough for it to snicker at you before it resumes ignoring. Get out of bucket Giving up hope, you find yourself in the sea. The bucket sinks as you fail to make a gracious leap, and the mouse drops its fiddley violin, angrilly. Take fiddle You have the fiddley violin, and the mouse is glaring at you, angrilly. Give mouse fiddle The mouse looks veers away, angrilly swimming away. Swim after mouse The mouse seems to have dissappeared Swim west Fatigue strikes,and you drown."@en . . . . . .