. "Stun setting was the term used for non-lethal low yield settings on directed energy weapons, powerful enough to cause disorientation, unconsciousness, and minor skin burns to a humanoid lifeform. (TOS: \"The Man Trap\" ; TNG: \"Samaritan Snare\" ; VOY: \"Distant Origin\") There were many resilient species against which the stun setting had little or no effect, including Augments, (Star Trek Into Darkness) the Xindi-Reptilians, (ENT: \"Carpenter Street\") and Humans infected by a parasitic being. (TNG: \"Conspiracy\" ) To some more vulnerable species, even the stun setting was potentially lethal, for example the Trill symbionts. (DS9: \"Invasive Procedures\") When used at close range, a phaser set on stun was capable of inducing sufficient trauma to kill a Human, if fired at a vital organ such as the brain. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) Some Andorian weapons did not have a stun setting. (ENT: \"Cease Fire\") Phase-pistols in use by Starfleet in the 2150s featured stun as one of two settings, the other being kill. (ENT: \"Broken Bow\") Their stun setting could also be used to ignite fires. (ENT: \"Desert Crossing\") Later Starfleet phasers in the 23rd and 24th centuries had several different levels of stun setting. Starfleet regulations stated that phasers were to be locked at the level one stun setting. (TNG: \"Aquiel\" ) A phaser set to stun could render a Human female unconscious in 0.9 seconds, something that was of no use to Miles O'Brien when a Pah-wraith possessed his wife, as it was still more than enough time for the Pah-wraith to kill her. (DS9: \"The Assignment\") In an ultimately omitted scene extension from the script of TOS: \"Court Martial\" , Spock gave Captain Kirk a phaser just before Kirk left the bridge of the USS Enterprise in order to search the ship for Benjamin Finney, who Spock speculated might already be armed. Though Kirk checked the phaser and started to make an adjustment on it, Spock notified him the weapon was already on the stun setting, for which Kirk was thankful."@en . . . "Stun setting was the term used for non-lethal low yield settings on directed energy weapons, powerful enough to cause disorientation, unconsciousness, and minor skin burns to a humanoid lifeform. (TOS: \"The Man Trap\" ; TNG: \"Samaritan Snare\" ; VOY: \"Distant Origin\") A phaser set to stun could render a Human female unconscious in 0.9 seconds, something that was of no use to Miles O'Brien when a Pah-wraith possessed his wife, as it was still more than enough time for the Pah-wraith to kill her. (DS9: \"The Assignment\")"@en . . . . . . . . "Stun setting"@en . . .