"Gozu"@es . . . "Gozu"@es . "Cabeza de buey"@es . . "Episode 8\nEpisode 3"@fr . "\u30B4\u30BA"@fr . . "m\u00E4nnlich"@de . . "Goz"@fr . "7800.0"^^ . "lebend"@de . "Maschio"@it . "Masculino"@es . "Male"@en . "Gozu"@fr . "Gozu"@it . . "Atsushi Ono"@it . . . "100"^^ . . "Gozu(\u30B4\u30BA,Gozu) \u00E9tait le candidat n\u00B0371 de l'examen Hunter."@fr . . . . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D, Gozu) es un shinobi que est\u00E1 al servicio de Orochimaru. Es integrante de la misi\u00F3n de capturar al Sanbi y la persona m\u00E1s fuerte f\u00EDsicamente de todo el Equipo Guren."@en . . . . . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D), is a character from the Savage Reign series. __TOC__"@en . . "Gozu (\u6975\u9053\u6050\u6016\u5927\u5287\u5834 \u725B\u982D Gokudo kyofu dai-gekijo: Gozu), aka Yakuza Horror Theater: Gozu is a 2003 Japanese film directed by Takashi Miike."@en . . . . "Gozu"@en . . "right|304pxUna de las leyendas urbanas m\u00E1s cr\u00EDpticas en Jap\u00F3n es la de \"Cabeza de Vaca\" (gozu, en el japon\u00E9s original); una historia que seg\u00FAn el imaginario popular, es tan espeluznante que el solo hecho de contarla puede desencadenar eventos sobrenaturales. La leyenda de Cabeza de Vaca data del siglo XVII, con rumores que dicen que el solo escucharla narraci\u00F3n de dicha historia ocasion\u00F3 que los habitantes de una aldea se vieran presas de un terror tan grande que tuvieron escalofr\u00EDos por d\u00EDas, antes de morir finalmente del susto. \"\u00A1Det\u00E9ngase!\", gritaron. \"\u00A1No nos la cuente!\""@es . "\u725B\u982D"@fr . . . "91"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Mezu"@fr . . "Gozu"@en . . . . "Gozu.png"@it . . . "Mezu , Jaguar members"@en . . . . "Alive"@en . . . . "190.0"^^ . . . . . "Sin identificar"@es . "Human"@en . "Gozu"@en . . "Episode 33"@en . "Guerrier de Bianu, Mercenaire"@fr . . . . . "Ryouichi Tanaka"@fr . . . "Gozu era un experimento de Orochimaru el cual perdi\u00F3 el control y lo tuvieron que encarcelar, donde casi no le daban agua y comida. Hasta que un d\u00EDa, cuando casi mor\u00EDa de sed, Guren lleg\u00F3 y le dio un poco de agua. Desde ese momento \u00E9l ha estado agradecido con ella."@es . . . "Gozu.png"@de . "Ryo Horikawa"@fr . "Gardien de l'Enfer"@fr . . "Dragon Ball Z \u00E9pisode 013"@fr . "Experimento de Orochimaru"@en . . . "90"^^ . . . . . . "Menor"@es . . . . "UK DVD cover"@en . "is a shinobi from Otogakure and a member of Team Guren."@en . "Gozu (called Gozul in some translations) is a finder of the Black Order . He appears in the story The Village Where the Witch Dwells in the first novel of the D.Gray-man: Reverse novels and later in the episodes 33, 34 and 35 of the anime."@en . . . . . "Two Kagitsume, long claws"@en . . "D\u00E9c\u00E9d\u00E9"@fr . "Gozu(\u30B4\u30BA,Gozu) \u00E9tait le candidat n\u00B0371 de l'examen Hunter."@fr . . . "371"^^ . . . . . . "Jaguar martial arts"@en . "85.0"^^ . . "Guardi\u00E1n del portal"@es . "O"@en . . "Yuuji Kishi \nKouichi Nagano"@fr . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D, Gozu) \u00E8 un personaggio presente in una saga filler dell' anime Naruto, ed \u00E8 un nukenin, di un villaggio sconosciuto, catturato da Orochimaru e utilizzato da Guren nella saga del Isobu."@it . "Gozu.png"@en . . . "Taille image Commentaire Informations Nom Original Alias Premi\u00E8re apparition Manga[[]] Premi\u00E8re apparition AnimeDragon Ball Z \u00E9pisode 013 Premi\u00E8re apparition Film[[]] Jeu vid\u00E9os[[]] Naissance D\u00E9c\u00E8s Origine Statut Race Taille Poids Voxographes Fran\u00E7ais Japonais Famille Entourage Signification du nom Techniques Gozu (\u30B4\u30BA) est un ogre charg\u00E9 d'emp\u00EAcher les d\u00E9funts de s'\u00E9chapper de l'Enfer avec Mezu. Il est sous les ordres directs de Enma Dai\u00F4. Dans la version originale de l'anim\u00E9, Gozu s'exprime en rajoutant \"oni\" (\u304A\u306B, d\u00E9mon du folklore japonais) \u00E0 la fin de ses phrases."@fr . . . "Noirs"@fr . "\u725B\u982D"@es . "Gozu ist ein eigentlich sehr stiller Mensch, der kaum etwas sagt und meistens alles auf eigene Faust macht. Doch kann er im Kampf ziemlich brutal werden. Gozu ist einer von Orochimarus Gefangenen, doch wurde er von Guren freigelassen, um in einem Kampf jeder gegen jeden um sein Leben zu k\u00E4mpfen. Als er mit 21 anderen Gefangenen mit Guren aus dem Gef\u00E4ngnis gehen konnte, stellten sich 16 Gefangene gegen Guren und wurden get\u00F6tet. Gozu geh\u00F6rte anfangs nicht zu Rinjis Freunden, sie lernten sich erst nach ihrer Befreiung etwas kennen."@de . . . . . . . . . . . "Taille image Commentaire Informations Nom Original Alias Premi\u00E8re apparition Manga[[]] Premi\u00E8re apparition AnimeDragon Ball Z \u00E9pisode 013 Premi\u00E8re apparition Film[[]] Jeu vid\u00E9os[[]] Naissance D\u00E9c\u00E8s Origine Statut Race Taille Poids Voxographes Fran\u00E7ais Japonais Famille Entourage Signification du nom Techniques Gozu (\u30B4\u30BA) est un ogre charg\u00E9 d'emp\u00EAcher les d\u00E9funts de s'\u00E9chapper de l'Enfer avec Mezu. Il est sous les ordres directs de Enma Dai\u00F4. Dans la version originale de l'anim\u00E9, Gozu s'exprime en rajoutant \"oni\" (\u304A\u306B, d\u00E9mon du folklore japonais) \u00E0 la fin de ses phrases."@fr . "Gozu was a bushi ronin who worked as a scout in the Colonies."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "M\u00E2le"@fr . "\u725B\u982D"@de . "Then whenever he was just four years old, his parents were killed in the line of duty. His father shot to death by a band of pirates and his mother used as ransomed against the World Government. But the government didn\u2019t seem to think much of the deaths and just swept it away, but this put Gozu into a state of sadness. He lost the only two in the world that he had, not having any friends because of his handicap and didn\u2019t learn any fighting styles or skills to be useful for the government. So thinking of him as dead weight, they had ordered Smoker who at the time was a captain and a close friend of Gozu\u2019s father. Ordering to kill of the kid, because he wouldn\u2019t have been any use to either the Marines or government. Smoker couldn\u2019t have the heart to kill off the kid of one of his friends, so late in the night. Smoker had taken Gozu from his sleep and on the docks at Loguetown, Smoker had taken Gozu there. Giving him a few belies to get him started, a knife and a new change of cloths. Smoker had instructed Gozu to sneak onto a boat and start a new life either as a pirate or whatever, not having the heart to tell him the truth. Smoker had then left without telling Gozu anything, the ship that Gozu had gone on was a Sao Zhang Clan Ship. Them at this time who were still a high ranking noble family, but before their downfall. Gozu had spent his day in secret on the ship and getting hungry, he looking through the supplies in the store rooms. He had come across a strange piece of fruit; he had remembered his father telling him that it would be a blessing if one was to find one of the devil fruit. So Gozu had ate the fruit which later he will find out that it was the Haki Haki no Mi. Then after eating it he had come to find out what its power was, he was able to see the auras of haki that they people were using and seeing their will as well. Gozu had finally have a way to learn martial artists and right at the moment the head of the Sao Zhang family had found Gozu, the stole away. So after hearing his story, the head of the Sao Zhang clan had agreed to adopt Gozu has his own son. Since the heads own son who had betrayed him and left the clan with some of his own followers. The head thought Gozu would be the prefect son for him, so from that day. Gozu had trained day in and out, in all kinds of martial arts styles and mastering all of the Sao Zhang Clan style. Whenever he was old enough, the head an old man as of now and on his last leg had instructed Gozu to go into the world and keep the true Sao Zhang Style alive. Gozu did as he was told, never looking back. He had gone off on his own and a few days after he left, the downfall of the Sao Zhang clan came at hand. Then as he went off as a pirate and assassin, only at the age of 16 he had earned himself a fearsome reputation. Then after an encounter with a ghost who had told him of a teacher who would keep on teaching him everything that he wanted to know. Gozu had found out the rest of the information and made his way to Donsai and after hearing his story. Donsai quickly seen the pain that both the world government and marines caused him. Thus he joined the Sujata pirates and never looked back. Gozu then had earned himself a bounty of File:Bsymbol10.gif 109,000,000 for such crimes as, running away from his execution order. Joining up with the Sao Zhang Clan and publicly stating that he wishes to see the end of all of the marines and world government. Then doing several assassinations attempts and murders of local martial artists, thus taking over several Dojo\u2019s. Joining up with the Sujata Pirates and committing crimes as one of its members. Then his most famous crime is taking his revenge out on Vice-Admiral Smoker, who at the time was shocked to see and hear about what Gozu was doing throughout the sea. With this Gozu sets out to see that he masters as many martial artist and styles that he could possible could. He wishes to aid in the battle against the World Government and marines, with Donsai and the rest of the Oculta Coalition. He wishes to prove that he also is the great martial artist in the world and to take his full revenge on Smoker who had kidnapped him and sent him off into the world. Lastly Gozu wishes to meet his Idols Silver of the Skyline Pirates and Fan Rao of the Skull Spade Pirates."@en . "Chapitre 22"@fr . . "S\u00F3lo Anime"@es . . . . "is a shinobi from Otogakure and a member of Team Guren."@en . . . "Gozu"@fr . . . "Experimento de Orochimaru"@es . "Gozu was a bushi ronin who worked as a scout in the Colonies."@en . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D) es un personaje menor del manga y anime InuYasha. Es junto a Mezu uno de los guardianes del Portal que conecta ambos mundos en el Reino de Fuego. Hace clara referencia a Cabeza de buey de la novela viaje hacia el oeste de la mitolog\u00EDa china."@es . . "Gozu"@it . . "\u725B\u982D"@it . "Susumu Chiba"@es . . "Gozu"@fr . . . . "\u725B\u982D"@es . . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Gozu \u00E9tait \u00E0 l'origine un des prisonniers de Guren, et devint un de ses hommes de main. Il \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s d\u00E9vou\u00E9 et cherchait constamment \u00E0 prot\u00E9ger Guren \u00E0 la fois face aux autres hommes de main, et face aux ninjas de Konoha. Gozu pouvait prendre la forme d'une masse de terre. Un peu \u00E0 la mani\u00E8re de Suigetsu H\u00F4zuki, dont le corps \u00E9tait compos\u00E9 d'eau, celui de Gozu \u00E9tait compos\u00E9 de terre et pouvait sans dommage apparents recevoir de nombreuses attaques."@fr . "Then whenever he was just four years old, his parents were killed in the line of duty. His father shot to death by a band of pirates and his mother used as ransomed against the World Government. But the government didn\u2019t seem to think much of the deaths and just swept it away, but this put Gozu into a state of sadness. He lost the only two in the world that he had, not having any friends because of his handicap and didn\u2019t learn any fighting styles or skills to be useful for the government. So thinking of him as dead weight, they had ordered Smoker who at the time was a captain and a close friend of Gozu\u2019s father."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D, Gozu) \u00E8 un personaggio presente in una saga filler dell' anime Naruto, ed \u00E8 un nukenin, di un villaggio sconosciuto, catturato da Orochimaru e utilizzato da Guren nella saga del Isobu."@it . "Imagesizepx"@en . "being a Jaguar"@en . "right|304pxUna de las leyendas urbanas m\u00E1s cr\u00EDpticas en Jap\u00F3n es la de \"Cabeza de Vaca\" (gozu, en el japon\u00E9s original); una historia que seg\u00FAn el imaginario popular, es tan espeluznante que el solo hecho de contarla puede desencadenar eventos sobrenaturales. La leyenda de Cabeza de Vaca data del siglo XVII, con rumores que dicen que el solo escucharla narraci\u00F3n de dicha historia ocasion\u00F3 que los habitantes de una aldea se vieran presas de un terror tan grande que tuvieron escalofr\u00EDos por d\u00EDas, antes de morir finalmente del susto. El gobierno local habr\u00EDa considerado a la historia demasiado peligrosa, y las copias existentes en papel fueron quemadas para evitar repeticiones del incidente original. Las pocas copias que pudieron salvarse, fueron cortadas en pedazos y distribuidas a lo largo del pa\u00EDs; y hasta hoy se cree que las versiones que se cuentan son solo fragmentos del original. Un rumor reciente narra la historia de un maestro de escuela que, inexplicablemente, logr\u00F3 conseguir uno de los fragmentos de \"Cabeza de Vaca\". Seg\u00FAn el rumor, el maestro llevaba a sus estudiantes a un viaje escolar, y era fan\u00E1tico de entretenerlos en el trayecto con historias de fantasmas. Los estudiantes, que casi siempre se volv\u00EDan incontrolables en los viajes; desarrollaron la tendencia de calmarse al escuchar los terror\u00EDficos relatos del docente, como una fascinaci\u00F3n bizarra y m\u00F3rbida por dichos relatos. En uno de esos viajes, el maestro les dijo que les contar\u00EDa el legendario cuento prohibido conocido como \"Cabeza de Vaca\", pero antes de que pudiese siquiera terminar la primer oraci\u00F3n de la historia, los chicos comenzaron a sentir p\u00E1nico. \"\u00A1Det\u00E9ngase!\", gritaron. \"\u00A1No nos la cuente!\" Un ni\u00F1o se torn\u00F3 p\u00E1lido y cubri\u00F3 sus o\u00EDdos, mientras que los otros comenzaron a gritar. Pero el profesor jam\u00E1s se detuvo. Se dice que sus ojos se volvieron blancos y que procedi\u00F3 a terminar la narraci\u00F3n como si estuviese pose\u00EDdo por una fuerza sobrenatural. Luego de una hora, el hombre recobr\u00F3 el sentido y se dio cuenta de que el autob\u00FAs hab\u00EDa ca\u00EDdo a una zanja. Todos los estudiantes se hab\u00EDan desmayado y ten\u00EDan espuma en la boca, mientras que el conductor yac\u00EDa sobre el volante, sudando y temblando. No se sabe qu\u00E9 ocurri\u00F3 despu\u00E9s, pero el profesor jam\u00E1s volvi\u00F3 a narrar la historia de \"Cabeza de Vaca\"."@es . . "2003-05-17"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5000"^^ . . . . . "Gozu era un experimento de Orochimaru el cual perdi\u00F3 el control y lo tuvieron que encarcelar, donde casi no le daban agua y comida. Hasta que un d\u00EDa, cuando casi mor\u00EDa de sed, Guren lleg\u00F3 y le dio un poco de agua. Desde ese momento \u00E9l ha estado agradecido con ella."@es . "Gozu (\u6975\u9053\u6050\u6016\u5927\u5287\u5834 \u725B\u982D Gokudo kyofu dai-gekijo: Gozu), aka Yakuza Horror Theater: Gozu is a 2003 Japanese film directed by Takashi Miike."@en . . . "Alabarda"@es . "Gozu"@de . "Son nom signifie litt\u00E9ralement t\u00EAte de vache"@fr . . . . . . . . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D, Gozu) es un shinobi que est\u00E1 al servicio de Orochimaru. Es integrante de la misi\u00F3n de capturar al Sanbi y la persona m\u00E1s fuerte f\u00EDsicamente de todo el Equipo Guren."@en . "Masaharu Satou"@fr . "Gozu"@en . . . . . "Gozu"@fr . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D) es un personaje menor del manga y anime InuYasha. Es junto a Mezu uno de los guardianes del Portal que conecta ambos mundos en el Reino de Fuego. Hace clara referencia a Cabeza de buey de la novela viaje hacia el oeste de la mitolog\u00EDa china."@es . "Noirs,bleus fonc\u00E9s\nNoirs"@fr . . "Gozu (called Gozul in some translations) is a finder of the Black Order . He appears in the story The Village Where the Witch Dwells in the first novel of the D.Gray-man: Reverse novels and later in the episodes 33, 34 and 35 of the anime."@en . "\u30B4\u30BA"@fr . . "Gozu.png"@es . . "Jaguar Terrorist"@en . "Gozu ist ein eigentlich sehr stiller Mensch, der kaum etwas sagt und meistens alles auf eigene Faust macht. Doch kann er im Kampf ziemlich brutal werden. Gozu ist einer von Orochimarus Gefangenen, doch wurde er von Guren freigelassen, um in einem Kampf jeder gegen jeden um sein Leben zu k\u00E4mpfen. Als er mit 21 anderen Gefangenen mit Guren aus dem Gef\u00E4ngnis gehen konnte, stellten sich 16 Gefangene gegen Guren und wurden get\u00F6tet. Gozu geh\u00F6rte anfangs nicht zu Rinjis Freunden, sie lernten sich erst nach ihrer Befreiung etwas kennen. Gozu erkl\u00E4rte, dass er seine eigenen Gr\u00FCnde h\u00E4tte, Guren zu folgen. Welche das sind, sagte er aber nicht. Es scheint allerdings, dass er sich etwas in sie verliebt h\u00E4tte. Er erhielt mit den anderen Gefolgsleuten von Guren den Auftrag, die Konoha-Nin, die sie verfolgten, auszuschalten. Dabei k\u00E4mpfte er mit Kakashi Hatake, wurde aber verletzt und musste sich zur\u00FCckziehen. Bei einem sp\u00E4teren Kampf opfert sich Gozu, um Guren vor Kakashis und Shino Aburames kombiniertem Angriff zu besch\u00FCtzen. Sp\u00E4ter stellte sich heraus, dass Gozu den Angriff \u00FCberlebt hat. Er setzte seine Kr\u00E4fte ein, um Guren aus ihrem eigenen Kristall zu befreien. Danach holten sie Yuukimaru ab und leben seitdem gemeinsam ein friedliches Leben."@de . . . . "Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Gozu \u00E9tait \u00E0 l'origine un des prisonniers de Guren, et devint un de ses hommes de main. Il \u00E9tait tr\u00E8s d\u00E9vou\u00E9 et cherchait constamment \u00E0 prot\u00E9ger Guren \u00E0 la fois face aux autres hommes de main, et face aux ninjas de Konoha. Il se sacrifia pour Guren en prenant \u00E0 sa place les \u00AB Mille Oiseaux \u00BB de Kakashi. Il surv\u00E9cut cependant \u00E0 l'attaque sous forme de terre au fond du lac o\u00F9 vivait Sanbi, et sauva Guren lorsque cette derni\u00E8re fut immerg\u00E9e dans le lac emprisonn\u00E9e dans son propre cristal. On apprit alors pourquoi il \u00E9tait si d\u00E9vou\u00E9 car elle lui apporta une louche d'eau un jour qu'il \u00E9tait sur le point de mourir de soif dans une des cellules d'isolement d'Orochimaru. Gozu pouvait prendre la forme d'une masse de terre. Un peu \u00E0 la mani\u00E8re de Suigetsu H\u00F4zuki, dont le corps \u00E9tait compos\u00E9 d'eau, celui de Gozu \u00E9tait compos\u00E9 de terre et pouvait sans dommage apparents recevoir de nombreuses attaques."@fr . . . . . "Anime"@fr . "Humaine"@fr . . . . . "Gozu (\u725B\u982D), is a character from the Savage Reign series. __TOC__"@en . . "Episodio 145"@es . "Gozu in Savage Reign."@en . "\u725B\u982D"@en . . "361668"^^ . . . "182.0"^^ . "Philippe Ariotti"@fr . . . "Ogre"@fr . "S\u00F3lo Anime"@en . . . "Unknown"@en .