. . . . . "Most people think of fish eggs when they think of caviar but it's obvious that it is in fact rabbit pellets. Yes, you see freshly collected rabbit crap is caviar. Then when they dry it up it becomes raisins. The best kind of caviar comes from albino rabbits. Canned fish eggs are generally made using a simplified adaptation of the process used to mass-produce other meat products. Parts of fish, such as scales, bones, and intestines, oh and the eggs too, are ground finely and mixed with salt and spices, especially arsenic, and formed into a batter, which is poured on the floor and left to rot. After a good rain, the remains are scraped up, cooked, chopped into tiny balls, and placed into tins or jars, and, with broth or brains added, processed the same as other canned goods. They also figure into the diet of many in the US. Caviar is also the official currency of the Russian Mafia. This is subject to change, as Microsoft is planning to buy out the Russian Mafia in the near future. \u201CIf you see a big piece of rubber on a fish, it is the son of a caviar worshiper\u201D ~ Glob"@en . . "24"^^ . . . . "Beluga Sturgeon is the largest of the three caviar species, and Beluga caviar has a mild, delicate flavor with a blue-gray color. Osetra is a smaller fish with small-grained eggs that are nutty in flavor with a golden yellow color. Sevruga is the smallest of the three, with eggs that are strongly flavored and reddish or dark colored. The fish eggs most commonly used in \"domestic caviar\" are Atlantic Sturgeon, White Sturgeon, Hackleback Sturgeon, Paddlefish, Bowfin Fish, Golden White Fish, Salmon, and Trout. Poor quality caviar tastes metallic, salty and fishy. Caviar may be simply defined to many as being \"fish eggs\". Caviar is among the most expensive wild foodstuffs in the world, but the fish that produce the little black eggs are rapidly disappearing. Ninety percent of caviar comes from"@en . . "Yes"@en . "Caviar"@en . . "Caviar"@fi . "No"@en . . "2007-07-03"^^ . "Yes"@en . . "No"@en . . "No"@en . . "Le Caviar (Corps Arm\u00E9 et Violent d'Intervention contre les Alg\u00E9riens Rebelles) est une troupe d'intervention d'\u00E9lite de l'arm\u00E9e fran\u00E7aise. Intervenant en premi\u00E8re ligne, les soldats du Caviar sont internationalement renomm\u00E9s."@fr . . . . "Chercher \"caviar\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . "Le Caviar (Corps Arm\u00E9 et Violent d'Intervention contre les Alg\u00E9riens Rebelles) est une troupe d'intervention d'\u00E9lite de l'arm\u00E9e fran\u00E7aise. Intervenant en premi\u00E8re ligne, les soldats du Caviar sont internationalement renomm\u00E9s."@fr . . "20"^^ . . . . . . . "In 2366, Captain Jean-Luc Picard always kept some real caviar from the Caspian Sea on the USS Enterprise-D for special occasions, such as a buffet with a Klingon exchange officer and Worf's brother Kurn, who, however, did not seem to be fond of the delicacy. (TNG: \"Sins of the Father\" ) Captain Picard felt the replicators did not do the dish justice, and always tried to keep some on hand. Q, on the other hand, had a considerably less favorable opinion of the dish. (TNG: \"Deja Q\" )"@en . . . . . "gemw"@en . . "Most people think of fish eggs when they think of caviar but it's obvious that it is in fact rabbit pellets. Yes, you see freshly collected rabbit crap is caviar. Then when they dry it up it becomes raisins. The best kind of caviar comes from albino rabbits. Caviar is also the official currency of the Russian Mafia. This is subject to change, as Microsoft is planning to buy out the Russian Mafia in the near future. \u201CIf you see a big piece of rubber on a fish, it is the son of a caviar worshiper\u201D ~ Glob"@en . . "Barbarian Training"@en . "50"^^ . . "Beluga Sturgeon is the largest of the three caviar species, and Beluga caviar has a mild, delicate flavor with a blue-gray color. Osetra is a smaller fish with small-grained eggs that are nutty in flavor with a golden yellow color. Sevruga is the smallest of the three, with eggs that are strongly flavored and reddish or dark colored. The fish eggs most commonly used in \"domestic caviar\" are Atlantic Sturgeon, White Sturgeon, Hackleback Sturgeon, Paddlefish, Bowfin Fish, Golden White Fish, Salmon, and Trout. Poor quality caviar tastes metallic, salty and fishy. Caviar may be simply defined to many as being \"fish eggs\". Caviar is among the most expensive wild foodstuffs in the world, but the fish that produce the little black eggs are rapidly disappearing. Ninety percent of caviar comes from wild sturgeon in the Caspian Sea. Caviar comes from the icy waters of the Caspian Sea where the environment is most conducive to producing the finest sturgeon. Through chemical analysis it has been revealed that caviar does contain 47 vitamins and minerals."@en . . . "Caviar, sometimes black caviar, is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed, salted, non-fertilized sturgeon roe. The roe can be \"fresh\" (non-pasteurized) or pasteurized, the latter having much less gastronomic and economic value. Traditionally the designation caviar is only used for sturgeon roe, namely from the wild sturgeon species from the Caspian Sea, in most cases from Russia or Iran (Beluga, Ossetra and Sevruga caviars). These caviar varieties, according to their quality (flavour, size, consistency and colour) can reach (February 2009) prices between \u20AC 6,000 and \u20AC 12,000 per kilo, and are associated with gourmet and Haute cuisine environments. Presently, depending on specific national laws, the name caviar may be used by a variety of far less expensive products, substitutes and imitations of caviar, such as salmon roe (sometimes called red caviar), trout roe, lumpfish roe, etc. However, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization, roe from any species not Acipenseriformes (including Acipenseridae, or sturgeon strictu sensu, and Polyodontidae, or paddlefish) are not caviar, but \"substitutes of caviar\". This position is also adopted by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the World Wide Fund for Nature, the United States Customs Service, and the Republic of France. Caviar is commercially marketed worldwide as a delicacy and is eaten as a garnish or a spread; for example, with hors d'\u0153uvres."@en . "reclaimable"@en . "30"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . "Caviar can be used as bait while fishing at Baxtorian Falls, along with Fish offcuts and Roe, but only when there is no other usable bait in your inventory. Caviar cannot be mixed with any other ingredients with the Cooking skill to create a new type of food."@en . "food"@en . . . "Caviar"@fr . . . . . . . . "0.05"^^ . . . "Caviar can be used as bait while fishing at Baxtorian Falls, along with Fish offcuts and Roe, but only when there is no other usable bait in your inventory. Caviar cannot be mixed with any other ingredients with the Cooking skill to create a new type of food."@en . "No"@en . "Chercher \"caviar\" sur dicod'\u00D2c (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congr\u00E8s permanent de la lenga occitana)"@fr . . . "11326"^^ . . . "Caviar"@en . "Yes"@en . . . . "Tiedosto:Caviar.gif Caviar eli kaviaari on ruoka jota tarvitaan Barbarian Trainingissa potioneiden tekoon."@fi . "Drop"@en . "Tiedosto:Caviar.gif Caviar eli kaviaari on ruoka jota tarvitaan Barbarian Trainingissa potioneiden tekoon."@fi . "In 2366, Captain Jean-Luc Picard always kept some real caviar from the Caspian Sea on the USS Enterprise-D for special occasions, such as a buffet with a Klingon exchange officer and Worf's brother Kurn, who, however, did not seem to be fond of the delicacy. (TNG: \"Sins of the Father\" ) Captain Picard felt the replicators did not do the dish justice, and always tried to keep some on hand. Q, on the other hand, had a considerably less favorable opinion of the dish. (TNG: \"Deja Q\" ) In 2377, after spending time inhabiting the body of Seven of Nine, The Doctor complained that she denied herself the luxuries of life, telling her that \"Instead of replicating caviar, you choose nutritional supplement 13-alpha.\" (VOY: \"Body and Soul\")"@en . "Caviar, sometimes black caviar, is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed, salted, non-fertilized sturgeon roe. The roe can be \"fresh\" (non-pasteurized) or pasteurized, the latter having much less gastronomic and economic value. Presently, depending on specific national laws, the name caviar may be used by a variety of far less expensive products, substitutes and imitations of caviar, such as salmon roe (sometimes called red caviar), trout roe, lumpfish roe, etc. Caviar is commercially marketed worldwide as a delicacy and is eaten as a garnish or a spread; for example, with hors d'\u0153uvres."@en . "Yes"@en . "Yes"@en . "Caviar, or expensive fishy eggs."@en .