. . "Businessman/Real estate developer/Terrorist"@en . "None"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . "Kalil Abramson was a powerful and wealthy businessman, real estate developer and terrorist mastermind, who was directly responsible for the abduction and death of Agent Dominic Vail. It was later revealed that Abramson was a high-ranking member of a Islamic militant group, led by Ala A Din Keshwar, and that he hired Rafael Taro and his brother Jose in hopes of facilitating a prisoner exchange for Keshwar who was believed to be held by the NCIS."@en . "show"@en . . . "S1 E21"@en . . . "Carlo Rota"@en . "Deceased- died after being shot in the chest by NCIS Special Agent G. Callen."@en . "1"^^ . . "Male"@en . "Carlo Rota"@en . "Kalil Abramson was a powerful and wealthy businessman, real estate developer and terrorist mastermind, who was directly responsible for the abduction and death of Agent Dominic Vail. It was later revealed that Abramson was a high-ranking member of a Islamic militant group, led by Ala A Din Keshwar, and that he hired Rafael Taro and his brother Jose in hopes of facilitating a prisoner exchange for Keshwar who was believed to be held by the NCIS. Vail's colleagues, G. Callen, Kensi Blye and Sam Hanna tracked Abramson to an abandoned building the businessman had bought and in the process, found themselves engaging in an intense gunfight with Abramson and his henchmen. During the gunfight, Abramson armed himself with a AK-47 and fired at Kensi before going to the rooftop where he fires at Vail and Sam, but when a terrorist emerged, Abramson took his eyes off the new arrival for a second and then continued shooting at the NCIS agents which ultimately led to his demise as no sooner had he ignored the newcomer, then the \"terrorist\" in question shot Kalil to death before pulling off the mask to reveal that it was Callen who had been posing as one of Abramson's men all along. Despite Abramson dying, the NCIS: Office of Special Projects eventually lost Vail, who was shot by one of Abramson's henchmen while shielding Sam, leaving the entire group completely devastated by his death."@en . "May 2010, downtown Los Angeles."@en . "Kalil Abramson"@en . "Kalili Abramson was a terrorist."@en . "Kalil Abramson"@en . "Shot dead by G. Callen"@en . . "Kalil Abramson"@en . . "1"^^ . . . . "S1 E21"@en . . "Kalili Abramson was a terrorist."@en . . .