"One of the key goals of Memory Alpha is to provide an accurate, original reference source for Star Trek fans. Therefore, we take the possibility of copyright infringement very seriously. Material coming from external sources \u2013 that is, material that you have not written yourself \u2013 may only be submitted by the original author. In all such cases, it is important to cite your sources in a \"Reference\" section, and to explicitly state that you have granted permission for this material to be used on the article's talk page. It is not the job of rank-and-file members of the Memory Alpha community to police every article for possible copyright infringements. However, from time to time you may come across an article that you believe may be infringing someone's copyright, or worse, is plagiarized from an unauthorized source. (Unauthorized sources are those which we know we are not allowed to copy from; this includes works such as the Star Trek Encyclopedia or the official Star Trek website.)"@en . . . "One of the key goals of Memory Alpha is to provide an accurate, original reference source for Star Trek fans. Therefore, we take the possibility of copyright infringement very seriously. Material coming from external sources \u2013 that is, material that you have not written yourself \u2013 may only be submitted by the original author. In all such cases, it is important to cite your sources in a \"Reference\" section, and to explicitly state that you have granted permission for this material to be used on the article's talk page."@en . . . "Memory Alpha:Dealing with possible copyright infringements"@en . . . . .