. "In Chapter Thirteen, Samantha Black Crow and Audrey Burton arrive in Lakeside, leading to Shadow's arrest for the murders of the two Spooks that Laura killed. While he is in the Lakeside jail, Media displays footage for Shadow of Mr. Wednesday being executed by Mr. World. Shadow is transported from jail by two deputies who turn out to be Czernobog and Mr. Nancy in disguise."@en . . "* Shadow\n* Marguerite Olsen\n* Wednesday\n* Sam Black Crow\n* Chad Mulligan\n* Audrey Burton\n* Media\n* Mr. World\n* Mr. Nancy\n* Czernobog"@en . "* Lakeside"@en . . . "In Chapter Thirteen, Samantha Black Crow and Audrey Burton arrive in Lakeside, leading to Shadow's arrest for the murders of the two Spooks that Laura killed. While he is in the Lakeside jail, Media displays footage for Shadow of Mr. Wednesday being executed by Mr. World. Shadow is transported from jail by two deputies who turn out to be Czernobog and Mr. Nancy in disguise."@en . . . . . . . "Chapter Thirteen"@en . . .