"Tor Jolan was a Bajoran composer. Julian Bashir had listened to some of Tor's work when he was posted to Deep Space 9. In late 2370, he told Major Kira Nerys of his interest in Tor's pieces. Bashir thought Tor's work was similar to that of the Boldaric masters of the 23rd century. (DS9 episode: \"Crossover\") In 2376, Tor's music was played during Bajor's signing ceremony for its entry into the United Federation of Planets. (DS9 novel: Cathedral)"@en . "Tor Jolan"@en . . . . "Tor Jolan was a famous Bajoran composer. He was considered one of the greatest names in modern Bajoran art. Kira Nerys was quite surprised when she learned Doctor Julian Bashir was familiar with Tor's work. The doctor had made a goal to listen to Bajoran music. This almost led them to find a common ground, until Bashir started comparing Tor's work to the Boldaric masters of the 23rd century. (DS9: \"Crossover\") This character was only mentioned in dialogue. According to the script , Tor Jolan was pronounced as \"TOHR joh-LAHN\"."@en . . . . . "Tor Jolan was a famous Bajoran composer. He was considered one of the greatest names in modern Bajoran art. Kira Nerys was quite surprised when she learned Doctor Julian Bashir was familiar with Tor's work. The doctor had made a goal to listen to Bajoran music. This almost led them to find a common ground, until Bashir started comparing Tor's work to the Boldaric masters of the 23rd century. (DS9: \"Crossover\") This character was only mentioned in dialogue. According to the script , Tor Jolan was pronounced as \"TOHR joh-LAHN\"."@en . . . . "Tor Jolan was a Bajoran composer. Julian Bashir had listened to some of Tor's work when he was posted to Deep Space 9. In late 2370, he told Major Kira Nerys of his interest in Tor's pieces. Bashir thought Tor's work was similar to that of the Boldaric masters of the 23rd century. (DS9 episode: \"Crossover\") In 2376, Tor's music was played during Bajor's signing ceremony for its entry into the United Federation of Planets. (DS9 novel: Cathedral)"@en . . . .