"Joe befriends Billy Horne, a young white man who was raised by the Shoshones since childhood. Meanwhile, shady operator Milton Tanner produces some ancient deeds and claims a third of the Ponderosa belongs to him. While Ben works with his lawyer, Billy doesn't like what's being done to his new friends and takes matters into his own hands."@en . . . "1962-11-25"^^ . . "Coldness\u2026that was all that I was feeling. Winter had once again arrived in Albion and once again it was going to be a long three months. Rose and I were currently standing in front of a small fire, trying to warm ourselves. This winter was the worst winter I had ever experienced. The family of travellers, who normally allowed us to stay in their caravan, had not arrived this year, which meant that Rose and I must survive on our own. Freezing every night and day, hoping for a miracle\u2026for our wish to come true\u2026 My thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I felt something hit me on the head. Cautiously, with a small frown, I reached up and felt the top of my head. I soon found what had hit me. It was wet, and when I looked at my hand, I saw that the wet thing was white and brown. I quickly looked up and saw a little sparrow sitting on top of a chimney. I then put two and two together and hurriedly wiped it off my head. As if I wasn\u2019t dirty enough! \u2018Eww, yuck,\u2019 said my sister, half-laughing. \u2018Well, I hear that\u2019s luckily, like finding a four-leaf-clover. All though I think I\u2019d prefer the clover!\u2019 I had to agree with her, though I couldn\u2019t see how a bird pooping on you was lucky. In my opinion, it was unlucky. I mean, out of all the places around me, it had to do it where I was standing! \u2018Oh look, Little Sparrow.\u2019 Rose continued. \u2018Castle Fairfax looks so nice in the snow. Imagine the grand dining hall. I bet Lord Lucien\u2019s having roast duck this time of year. But he must be lonely since his wife and his little girl died. In that big castle, all by himself\u2026if only we could live there!\u2019 she sighed, gazing longingly at the castle. \u2018What is going on over there?\u2019 Rose wondered aloud, when the chattering of an exited crowd reached our ears. \u2018Come with me, Sis,\u2019 she added as she ran off to see what was happening. After a quick, longing glance at the fire, which was beginning to die down, I quickly ran after Rose. I caught up with her down a street talking to the creep, Arfur. \u2018Hello there young Rose,\u2019 he began. \u2018You look hungry. Have you recognised my offer?\u2019 I knew what he meant by \u201Coffer\u201D. Even though the guards could never find them, criminals, prostitutes and perverts were everywhere in Old Town, and Arfur was one of them. I don\u2019t know how many times now he has asked Rose to become his, with food and shelter for the both of us in return, but Rose always gave him the same answer\u2026thankfully. \u2018We\u2019ll never be that hungry!\u2019 she replied stubbornly, with a hint of anger. \u2018The answer is \u201Cno\u201D!\u2019 \u2018You\u2019ll be back, and I\u2019ll be waiting for you!\u2019 he snarled confidently, before walking away. I knew that he would never give up, and why would he want to? Rose was one of the most beautiful girls in town. My only wish was that one-day I would be just like her: smart, wise, beautiful, caring and courageous\u2026just to name a few traits. \u2018That creep! I hate him!\u2019 Rose muttered angrily, motioning for me to follow her. Moments later we discovered what all the commotion was about. \u2018Oh, it\u2019s just a trader.\u2019 She sounded disappointed. \u2018I can\u2019t see anything past this lot!\u2019 she added in annoyance, jumping up and down trying to see what was happening, while I just stood there listening to what the trader was saying. \u2018A-ladies and a-gentlemen,\u2019 began the trader Murgo. \u2018I have travelled the land accumulating wondrous and mysterious objects which I now offer to you for the modest price of five gold. Consider this\u2026this is truly a magical mirror, for as long as you look at it, it will make you beautiful\u2019 \u2018I\u2019ll take it!\u2019 called a man from the crowd. \u2018Very wise! Now just remember, the magic only works if you look at it in complete darkness. Now this is truly a marvel,\u2019 he continued. I assumed that he was showing the crowd something. \u2018This small, unassuming box is actually a device created by the ancients as used by the Old Kingdom rulers themselves. Turn the handle three times and you will be granted a single wish.\u2019 Whatever Murgo said next, I did not know, for Rose had begun talking again. \u2018There\u2019s no such thing as magic!\u2019 she declared stubbornly. The woman next to us turned and began to speak to us. She worn a red and white dress with a matching hood, but what stood out the most was her eyes. They were white! \u2018We live in grim times indeed with the young are to world-weary to believe in magic.\u2019 said the strange woman. \u2018Most children your age believe eagerly.\u2019 \u2018Look, I can see that your eyes are bad, but I\u2019m telling you, that music box is rubbish!\u2019 said Rose. \u2018That\u2019s what the seller thinks. He has no idea what he has stumbled upon, but you have an inkling, don\u2019t you? Some part of you wants to believe that it\u2019s magic,\u2019 the strange lady said, before walking away. \u2018Wh-what? Y-You really think it could be?\u2019 Rose asked, now uncertain. The strange lady paused before saying over her shoulder, \u2018For five gold coins you could have your answer.\u2019 \u2018For five gold coins, we could eat for a week!\u2019 exclaimed Rose. \u2018Listen to me, Rose. At the end of that week you and your Little Sparrow would be no closer to your dream. No closer to the inside of that beautiful castle.\u2019 The strange lady said as she walked away. I watched her go curiously. How did she know our names and about our dreams? Shrugging, I brushed it out of my mind and looked up at Rose, who had a thoughtful look on her face. \u2018What if it is real?\u2019 she said finally, looking down at me. \u2018I bet we could get five gold pieces and maybe this could be a way out of here after all. What is there to lose, Little Sparrow?\u2019 Little did I know that there was a lot we would loose from going on this little quest. \u2018Come on, there must be someone around here to pay us gold to do\u2026something.\u2019 Rose said, looking around as if she was looking for a sign saying where we should start. We stood there for a minute thinking, when we heard Derrick the Guard call out to us, \u2018Oi kids! C\u2019ere a minute!\u2019 We quickly ran over to him. \u2018Hello Derrick,\u2019 greeted Rose. \u2018Lose something?\u2019 \u2018My arrest warrant blew right out of my hands. They could be in all corners of Bowerstone by now, and I can\u2019t leave my post. Hey, why don\u2019t you find them for me? You could be like, ah, little constables! Sounds fun, right?\u2019 He must need them badly, I thought. \u2018How much does little constables get paid?\u2019 asked Rose, getting down to business. Normally we would have done it for free, but seeing as we needed the money\u2026 \u2018Paid? Listen kid, these are the five most wanted criminals in Bowerstone!\u2019 cried Derrick. \u2018Yeah? Well how badly do you want \u2018em?\u2019 pushed Rose. \u2018Fine, one gold for all five warrants,\u2019 Derrick said in defeat. \u2018Deal!\u2019 said Rose smiling. Yep, I was right. He was desperate. \u2018The warrants blew off in that direction, through that alley, by that bloke with the picture box.\u2019 Derrick added helpfully. \u2018So, we\u2019ll look out for those warrants, but for now let\u2019s find some more money.\u2019 said Rose as we headed towards the guy with the picture box, whatever that was. \u2018Hello children,\u2019 said Barnum, the guy with the picture box, when we stood in front of him. \u2018Hello,\u2019 said Rose. \u2018What\u2019s that?\u2019 she added, nodding towards the strange contraption he was standing next to. \u2018This? Why it\u2019s only the most amazing device conceived. It grabs your very likeness and transfiddles it onto a magic piece of paper. It\u2019s gonna make me rich! If only I could find someone to modellify for it.\u2019 he added, looking around. \u2018We\u2019ll do it!\u2019 Rose said quickly. Barnum looked at her happily, until she said, \u2018For a gold piece.\u2019 \u2018Hmm\u2026I only have one gold left.\u2019 He stood there thinking. I was about to tell Rose that we should do it for free and find another way to get the money, but Barnum beat me to it, well beat me to talking to her. \u2018You\u2019re right! I should investalise in my new venture. Deal!\u2019 He told us then to go and stand in front of a screen that had one of Bowerstone\u2019s streets painted upon it. \u2018A gold piece just to stand there\u2026sounds alright doesn\u2019t it?\u2019 Rose whispered to me as we took our positions. I still thought that we should be doing this for free, but I trusted Rose\u2019s judgement. \u2018Now all you have to do is strike a pose for my little device. You\u2019d be positively betwazzled by the result!\u2019 Barnum said enthusiastically. \u2018B-what?\u2019 Rose said, voicing my thoughts. I had never heard of such a word, but that wasn't saying much. \u2018Ah yes. I\u2019ve been improving my vocubularium with a wonderful book, bought from Mungo the Trader: a Thesaurus!\u2019 Barnum said cheerfully as he was fiddling with his picture box. Rose looked over at me. \u2018He's a bit silly,\u2019 she whispered, voicing my thoughts again, \u2018but this could be fun!\u2019 She then turned back to the picture box and posed. After a slight hesitation, due to deciding on how to pose, I followed her example and gave the picture box the thumbs up. Not much of a pose, compared to Rose\u2019s especially, but it worked and Barnum must have been happy with the outcome for a flash from the box went off and he cried \u201CWondrous\u201D out loud. \u2018This things going to be more popular than the pox!\u2019 Barnum said, handing me a gold piece. \u2018Now I just have to wait three months for the picture to develify and I can start showing it around! Oh, I can almost smell the gold!\u2019 \u2018Ha ha, three months he says!\u2019 laughed Ross, one of the citizens of Old Town, who was standing near by with a group of other men. \u2018Told you it was a swindle!\u2019 he added to his friends. Barnum ignored them and started to do something to his picture box. \u2018Easy money for us!\u2019 Rose said brightly, before lowering her voice so Barnum wouldn\u2019t hear. \u2018He's a bit scatty though\u2026hope he's alright.\u2019 After saying a quick goodbye to Barnum, we headed towards an alley. \u2018This must be the alley the warrants blew down. We should take a look.\u2019 muttered Rose. We headed down the alley in silence when we heard someone yell, \u2018Stupid dog!\u2019 \u2018That sounded like, Rex!\u2019 I said, looking up at Rose. \u2018You\u2019re right, it did sound\u2026\u2019 She broke off when a new voice yell, \u2018Look! Rex caught a dog and he's gonna kick the crap out of it!\u2019 The moment Rose heard that, she ran out of the alley towards the commotion. \u2018Aww, what\u2019s the matter poochie, does it hurt?\u2019 Rex said nastily. Rex was one of the biggest bullies in Old Town. He thought that he was tough and he could do no wrong. He bashed children, animals and anything that stood still longer than a second. He was practically a younger version of Arfur. \u2018Hey! What the hell you doing?\u2019 yelled Rose, storming over to him. \u2018Having a bit of fun, what\u2019s it to you?\u2019 Rex said before he head butted Rose, knocking her to the ground. I slowly reached for my wooden, toy sword. Nobody hurt my sister and got away with it! \u2018He hit a girl!\u2019 exclaimed one of the on looking kids. \u2018Yeah, and now I\u2019m gonna hit another one!\u2019 said Rex, turning to face me. He must have seen me get my toy sword out of the corner of his eye. He walked over to me with an air of confidence, believing that an eight-year-old girl, like myself, would be easily taken care of\u2026how wrong he was. As though it was in slow motion, I watched as his toy sword came towards me, and I blocked it easily. I then did a mixture of combos, none of which he could block. In the end he ran away from me crying, \u2018Ahh! Stop it! Lemme alone, you nutter!\u2019 The children that had been watching began to talk about the fight they had just witnessed. Some even congratulated me telling me that I fought like the Heroes you hear about in legends. I ignored then and quickly went to help Rose. \u2018Ow, did you see that? That lunatic socked me right in the head! Thanks for your help. I could have taken him, though.\u2019 Rose said. She hated it when I protected her. In her eyes, she should always be the one protecting me. After all, she is the big sister. Rose turned her attention to the dog that Rex had been tormenting, and slowly walked over to him. \u2018Poor thing. You\u2019ve had a horrible time. Don\u2019t be scared! I won\u2019t hurt you!\u2019 Rose added when the dog whimpered pathetically. \u2018What you need is someone nice to look after you.\u2019 The dog gave a bark and whin as if to say, \u2018What about you?\u2019 \u2018Oh, we can\u2019t keep you. We don\u2019t have enough food for ourselves!\u2019 Rose said sadly. Another whine. \u2018Well I\u2019m sorry, but we can\u2019t.\u2019 Rose said firmly. \u2018Now you just rest. Come on Little Sparrow, let\u2019s go,\u2019 she added, looking over at me. I hadn\u2019t approached the dog for I though we would scare it even more if we both approached. We left the dog and headed down the street, fully aware that he was watching us, at least I was anyway. As we headed down the street, we saw a piece of paper lying on the ground. \u2018Looks like a warrant, don\u2019t it?\u2019 Rose said excitedly, hurrying over to pick it up. It turned out that it was a warrant. A warrant for arson. \u2018Well, we have our first warrant.\u2019 Rose said happily, before she cried out, \u2018That\u2019s one there!\u2019 Before I could say or do anything, she was already running over to a bunch of huge containers\u2026at least that\u2019s what I think they are. \u2018Yes, another warrant!\u2019 Rose said when I arrived at the containers. She was busy reading what the warrant was for. \u2018Hmm, I don\u2019t think they\u2019ll miss this Leroy if they see him!\u2019 I was about to ask her why when the voice of Balthazar, the owner of the big warehouse in Old Town, reached our ears. \u2018Disgusting beetles! I hate them!\u2019 he yelled. Rose and I exchanged a look before we went over to see what was wrong. \u2018Need help with something?\u2019 asked Rose. \u2018Er\u2026sort of, yes. You kids aren\u2019t afraid of\u2026beetles, are you?\u2019 questioned Balthazar. \u2018No, that would be silly!\u2019 said Rose, looking at Balthazar in confusion. I mirrored her confusion. Why are beetles scary? They\u2019re not even that big. \u2018Yes, silly\u2026ha! No ones afraid of bothersome, evil, conniving beetles,\u2019 he said. I was beginning to wonder if we were talking about the same type of bug. \u2018Well since you\u2019re not afraid, how would you like to ruthlessly exterminate a few that are in my warehouse?\u2019 \u2018We\u2019ll do it for a gold piece!\u2019 Rose said quickly. \u2018Done!\u2019 Balthazar said immediately. \u2018I hope you can make them suffer, if those hideous vermin can suffer. Shot the beetles, shot to kill and while you\u2019re breaking their hateful little heads open\u2026try not to break any of my stuff.\u2019 Okay, now I was really confused. Why would you shot beetles? You step on them to kill them because they\u2019re so small. I shrugged to myself. Maybe he was overreacting? I thought as I went inside. After closing the door behind me, I looked around. I couldn\u2019t see any beetles, but it was a big warehouse and beetles were quite small. Just as I was beginning to look through the lower level of the warehouse, a voice called out. \u2018Hey kid!\u2019 I jumped and turned to face the window. Arthur was standing there. \u2018Balthazar owes some protection money to Nicky \u201CThe Nickname\u201D,\u2019 he continued, now that he had my attention. \u2018So how about you leave the beetles and break all of his stock instead? I\u2019ll give you a gold on Mr \u201CThe Nickname\u201D\u2019s behalf.\u2019 I stared at him for a moment, before I went back to what I was doing, ignoring him completely. Rose taught me long ago that he was trouble\u2026plus I didn\u2019t feel like having the guards on me once Balthazar saw what I did to his stock. I looked around the bottom level and I couldn\u2019t see any beetles, so I went upstairs and I still couldn\u2019t see any. Maybe they were scared away with Balthazar\u2019s yelling? I thought. I was about to head back downstairs when I heard a buzzing noise above me. I slowly looked up and saw a giant beetle, thankfully not a red one, but a giant beetle all the same. I now understood Balthazar\u2019s ramblings. I quickly took out my toy gun and shot all of the beetles. I use to shot them in one of our fields when my parents were alive. I hadn\u2019t realised that there were any giant beetles in Bowerstone. \u2018Ah crap!\u2019 Arfur said furiously as I walked down the stairs. \u2018Do you know what I had to go through to get those beetles? I\u2019ll remember this kid!\u2019 I didn\u2019t like the sound of that threat, but I was determined not to let it bother me. So I went outside as though nothing had happened. Balthazar quickly had a look around his warehouse, while I told Rose that the beetles had been giant beetles. \u2018That was a massacre!\u2019 Balthazar exclaimed as he came back outside. \u2018No mercy for the filthy buggers, that\u2019s what I like to see! And all my stock is still intact! Genius!\u2019 he said, handing me a gold piece, before his smile slowly slid from his face and was replaced with a thoughtful look. \u2018Now that I think about it, I wonder how those beetles got there.\u2019 Before I could answer him, Balthazar headed back inside. I looked at Rose, debating whether or not to tell her about what Arfur that said to me, but I decided to keep it to myself. I was probably overreacting and there was no point worrying Rose about it. She was very protective of me. Any who, as we headed back down the street we saw the dog again and he had something with him. Something that looked a lot like a\u2026 \u2018Hey, he found one for us! said Rose, walking over to the dog and picking up the warrant for burglary. \u2018Good boy! Oh, I know, your sweet, but I told you before that we can\u2019t keep you. Come on Little Sparrow, I think I see another warrant over there.\u2019 she said sadly, walking away from the dog and picking up the fourth warrant. \u2018What do we do now?\u2019 I asked Rose, looking around for the final warrant or a job that we could do. I soon got my answer. \u2018I\u2019m worthless!\u2019 said a near by tramp to a lady. \u2018That\u2019s the bottle talking!\u2019 The lady said sternly. \u2018Well get it back so I can tell it to shut up!\u2019 replied the tramp. I didn\u2019t know whether or not that I should laugh. His comment was classic, but I wasn\u2019t sure if he was in his right mind. Rose, however, seemed to have gotten an idea from them, for she was walking over to them confidently. I quickly followed her. \u2018Hey, look at that Betty\u2026two sets of twins!\u2019 said the tramp, catching sight of Rose and me. \u2018Oh, you\u2019ll get my booze back, won\u2019t you?\u2019 \u2018You can barely stand as it is!\u2019 reprimanded the lady named Betty. \u2018But they can!\u2019 argued the tramp. \u2018I bet they can even walk straight! Get my booze back from that git Magpie and I\u2019ll give ya a gold piece for it. His not even a proper beggar.\u2019 he continued conversationally. \u2018He had piles of stuff and it\u2019s all stolen from bona fide tramps, like myself.\u2019 \u2018Let it go, Pete.\u2019 Betty said desperately. \u2018Save your money for important things.\u2019 \u2018It is his money. Can\u2019t he decide how to spend it?\u2019 questioned Rose. \u2018She\u2019s making all kinds of sense,\u2019 said Pete. Betty ignored him and spoke to Rose. \u2018Well let\u2019s talk about my money. You find that bottle and I\u2019ll pay you to keep it out of his hands!\u2019 \u2018Come on, help an old man out!\u2019 Pete begged, apparently oblivious to the conversation that had just taken place. \u2018Sure,\u2019 I said, but I was thinking about giving it to Betty. \u2018So you\u2019ll bring me back my bottle?\u2019 said Pete, and when I nodded, he cheered, \u2018Yes!\u2019 Betty rolled her eyes. \u2018You\u2019ll find it and give it to me, won\u2019t you children?\u2019 I didn\u2019t get a chance to answer her, for Pete spoke before me. \u2018What a drink!\u2019 he sounded like a toddler to me. \u2018I\u2019ll not discuss it!\u2019 Betty said firmly. \u2018Come on, let\u2019s find this Magpie guy.\u2019 said Rose, leading me away from the arguing Pete and Betty. \u2018But I need a drink!\u2019 whined Pete. \u2018No, you don\u2019t!\u2019 argued Betty. \u2018You\u2019re right, Betty\u2026I need two drinks!\u2019 Was the last thing we heard Pete say, as we headed off to find Magpie, and we didn\u2019t have to look long. We found him in a little alcove between Balthazar\u2019s warehouse and some houses. \u2018That must be Magpie,\u2019 Rose whispered, looking at the sleeping figure on the ground. \u2018There\u2019s the bottle.\u2019 she added, pointing to the bottle next to the sleeping figure. \u2018Get it Little Sparrow, but don\u2019t wake him up!\u2019 I didn\u2019t know why I had to do it, but I didn\u2019t argue. I silently crept up to Magpie and just as I was about to grab the bottle\u2026Magpie spoke, making me freeze with fear. \u2018Ah, stupid Pete! You snooze, I take the booze!\u2019 he snored. My heart started to slow down once more, when I realised he was sleep talking. The moment I had the bottle in my hand, I hurried back to Rose. \u2018Good job,\u2019 she began. \u2018Let\u2019s go and collect our gold form the lady and the tramp.\u2019 We quickly hurried back over to the lady and the tramp, and the first thing we noticed as we arrived was that Pete was still trying to persuade Betty. \u2018You should give a poor man his drink back, out of friendship.\u2019 Pete said, trying to guilt her into it, but it didn\u2019t work. Just as he was about to try another technique, he noticed that Rose and I were back. \u2018Hey, the quadruplets are back!\u2019 he said, before positively beaming when he saw that we had his booze. \u2018You\u2019ve got booze \u2013 I can smell it!\u2019 \u2018Are you sure it\u2019s not your breath?\u2019 demanded Betty. \u2018I\u2019ll give you a gold piece for it!\u2019 said Pete, not hearing Betty\u2019s comment. \u2018No. Don\u2019t fall off the wagon!\u2019 Betty said urgently. \u2018Wagon? Where? Kids, look out for the wagon!\u2019 he cried, looking around for a wagon. The sight was quite comical. Betty just stared at him before turning to Rose and I. \u2018Does he sound like he needs that? Here, I\u2019ll give you a gold piece for it!\u2019 Knowing that it would be for the best, I handed the bottle to Betty. \u2018Thanks, dear,\u2019 she said, handing me a gold piece. Just as Rose and I were about to walk away, she stopped us. \u2018Hold it, there\u2019s some paper in the bottle. I think this is yours.\u2019 Betty said, handing Rose the paper, which turned out to be a warrant! We thanked her and started to walk away again, with Betty and Pete\u2019s voices floating after us. \u2018I used to be an accountant. Don\u2019t drink, it will ruin your life.\u2019 said Pete. \u2018Hmm, you admit it.\u2019 Betty said smugly. \u2018Um, I guess I do. From this day forth, I shall stay sober and return to my career as a tax and pensions consultant!\u2019 declared Pete. \u2018Oh, you poor man. Are you sure you don\u2019t want the bottle?\u2019 Betty asked seriously. I couldn\u2019t help it\u2026I just started laughing and Rose soon joined me. \u2018Well done, you probably saved his life,\u2019 laughed Rose. \u2018And that\u2019s all the warrants! We should go back to that guard.\u2019 To do this, we ended up going past Magpie, who had just woken up. \u2018Hey, where\u2019d the bottle go? Oh, don\u2019t say I put it in the pile! Damn! I really should tidy up sometime!\u2019 I heard him say. Yes Magpie, I thought. You snooze, I take the booze. As we were walking back up the alley, we found our path blocked by Arfur. \u2018Stop right there, you little brats!\u2019 he said in a deadly voice. Oh no. He was going to go through with his threat! I thought fearfully. \u2018Listen creep! I told you no this morning!\u2019 Rose said coldly. \u2018Shut it, girl! This isn\u2019t about that!\u2019 he said, eyes narrowing. Here it comes. His going to kill us, or worse! \u2018Those warrants you're collecting \u2013 I want \u2018em!\u2019 he said. What? My mind screamed. I thought that we were done for, for sure! However, I knew that we weren\u2019t out of trouble yet. \u2018So does our friend the guard.\u2019 Rose said calmly, but her voice was still cold as ice. \u2018Yeah, but you\u2019re going to give \u2018em to me, see! Otherwise, there\u2019ll be trouble!\u2019 Arfur said, taking a few steps closer to us. \u2018There\u2019ll be trouble, all right. You take these and I\u2019ll tell our friend the guard what you really want!\u2019 Rose said dangerously. \u2018All right you little hard case. What\u2019s he paying ya? A gold piece? I\u2019ll give you a gold right here, save ya to walk back.\u2019 he proposed. \u2018Well, seeing as you put it that way\u2026\u2019 I said slowly, before whipping out my toy gun and shooting him in the face. * * * \u2018Evening Jeeves,\u2019 said the guard that had brought us to the castle. \u2018Here are the children Lord Lucien asked for.\u2019"@en . "The Beginning ist das f\u00FCnfte H\u00F6rspiel aus der achten Staffel der Companion Chronicles. Autor des H\u00F6rspiels ist Marc Platt und im Mittelpunkt stehen der Erste Doctor und seine Enkelin Susan. In The Beginning erz\u00E4hlt Susan die Geschichte um die Flucht des Doctors von Gallifrey und seines damit verbundenen Stehlens der Typ 40 TARDIS. So ist es - chronologisch gesehen - die am weitesten zur\u00FCckreichende Doctor Who-Geschichte innerhalb aller Medien (TV, Comics, H\u00F6rspiele, B\u00FCcher)."@de . "Episode"@en . . . "Unknown"@en . . . "On a nameless planet, a medical experiment goes tragically wrong. The first Borg Queen is born and through her the greatest menace in history begins..."@en . "Accumulate Points"@en . "Better Dreams"@en . . . . . "398.0"^^ . "'The Beginning' is the title of the debut album from the American Rock band Personal Democracy. The album is expected to be released at some point in 2010 and has had various different title's but the band decided to call the album The Beginning various names rumoured were The Origins Of Destruction and Poison And Blood. Each song on the album will be written by Joshua Perry and on occasional songs there will be guest song writers including Max Armstrong, Lauren Grogan and Lucy Tyrell."@en . . "anthology"@en . "Forgotten Light"@en . "Sandy .jpg"@en . "2010"^^ . . "First Star Trek story"@en . "N/A"@en . . "2002"^^ . . . "\"The Beginning\" is the first episode of the sixth season of The X-Files."@en . . "The Beginning is the name given to the time between when the Nine Bright Shiners emerged and the creation of the Charter. Together, the first seven Shiners, Ranna, Mosrael, Kibeth, Dyrim, Belgaer, Saraneth and Astarael decided to bring order to Free Magic by creating the Charter. Five of them poured themselves entirely into the Charter: Ranna; Mosrael; Dyrim; Belgaer; and Saraneth, whilst Kibeth and Astarael remained in body in the world. However, the other two Shiners, Yrael and Orannis, did not agree with this. Yrael did not try to stop them, but he was found and bound as to serve the Charter as Mogget. Orannis tried to destroy them, but was bound by the Seven also. According to Mogget, this occurred before the world of the Old Kingdom intersected the world of Ancelstierre."@en . . . "The Beginning is a group of short storys telling of five matoran who will become both Toa, and the main characters in an upcoming Youtube Series. Although, The Beginning will be found here. \n* NOTE* This all takes place after Teridax'a ursuping Mata Nui, but before he dies. They also take place at about the same time, give or take a few hours seperate."@en . "One day, Phineas and Ferb were sitting in their backyard when Xavier and Fred came flying out of nowhere. They landed and tumbled across the backyard. \"Guys?\" Phineas asked. \"What happened?\" \"We got kicked out of the Museum of Natural History.\" Xavier replied. \"But that's not important!\" Fred yelled. \"We've discovered a New Beginning!\" \"What is it?\" Phineas asked. \"It's a new telivision series with new episodes on Comedy Central at 10/9 central and Disney at 8/7 central! It's called Phineas and Ferb:Extended!\" \"They canceled Phineas and Ferb?\" Phineas asked. \"No!\" Xavier replied. DO NOT EDIT TO BE CONTINUED!!!!"@en . . . "Final Story"@en . . . . "Studio Album"@en . "\"The Beginning\" is the first episode of the sixth season of The X-Files."@en . "'The Beginning' is the title of the debut album from the American Rock band Personal Democracy. The album is expected to be released at some point in 2010 and has had various different title's but the band decided to call the album The Beginning various names rumoured were The Origins Of Destruction and Poison And Blood. Each song on the album will be written by Joshua Perry and on occasional songs there will be guest song writers including Max Armstrong, Lauren Grogan and Lucy Tyrell."@en . . . . . . . . "Life & Death"@en . . . . . "Lonely in the World"@en . "The Beginning is the 9th track off of the album Frail Words Collapse by American Metalcore band As I Lay Dying."@en . . . "On a nameless planet, a medical experiment goes tragically wrong. The first Borg Queen is born and through her the greatest menace in history begins..."@en . . . . "hello File:Placeholder"@en . "The Beginning is the very first episode of \"Daughter of Doctor Who\"."@en . . . "The Beginning"@en . . . . . "Back In The Warzone"@en . "Once upon a war... In the beginning Lucas allowed the Star Wars fandom to exist. There was just Him in the beginning, the Lucas was all alone. The spirit of the Lucas reclined on His couches. So, to create Himself some company, the Lucas said: \"LET THERE BE LIGHT.\" He switched His beside light on. That was the first day. The Lucas then said: \"Let there be an expanse between My couch and My TV set.\" He flung a carpet down. That was the second day. Then the Lucas said \"Let the beer be gathered all into one place, and let there be empty beer cans in My kitchen.\" And this was so. He drank many cans of beer and dumped their empty bottles in His kitchen. And this was the third day. The Lucas' wife was not happy with the state of His/their kitchen. \"I don't want this bare oblivion,\" she cursed. \"GIVE ME PLANTS. NOW!\" And the Lucas went down to the corner shop, the florist's, and bought two rhododendrons and spider plants. These He put on the mantlepieces of the kitchen, His wife being too lazy by far to get them herself. And the Lucas said \"I happen to own much that fanboys would nick. So let there be two great lights: One by my front door, and another by the entrance gate.\" He had them installed by an electrician. And there was morning - and the lights came on. This was the fourth day. The Lucas bought several cats and dogs and mice and chipmunks and chinchillas and raccoons and other rodents. He blessed them all as pets of His house, and said: \"Be fruitful, increase in number... But do not shit on the rug.\" And it was so. This was the fifth day. And the Lucas said \"Let the whole earth produce animals, livestock and pets, that shall be as Mine forever that lives.\" And upon His wife's request He bought some pet turtles, and some pet goats, along with two goldfish and a pet hamster. And these pets flourished and lived in the Lucas' backdoor garden - It was the sixth day. Then the Lucas said to His wife: \"Let us create Man in our image, so that he may fill the earth and rule its animals.\" Thus the Lucas lay with His wife and created sons of His making, of His image, and daughters - Male and female He created them. Then it was evening; the sixth day. On the seventh day, the Lucas was pleased with what he saw, so the Lucas collapsed on His sofa, a can of beer in hand. On the seventh day, the Lucas rested. - To quote the Book of George released in 1 AD. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet."@en . "The Beginning Icon.png"@en . "The Dying Light"@de . . "200"^^ . . "The End"@en . . "The Beginning is the name given to the time between when the Nine Bright Shiners emerged and the creation of the Charter. Together, the first seven Shiners, Ranna, Mosrael, Kibeth, Dyrim, Belgaer, Saraneth and Astarael decided to bring order to Free Magic by creating the Charter. Five of them poured themselves entirely into the Charter: Ranna; Mosrael; Dyrim; Belgaer; and Saraneth, whilst Kibeth and Astarael remained in body in the world. However, the other two Shiners, Yrael and Orannis, did not agree with this. Yrael did not try to stop them, but he was found and bound as to serve the Charter as Mogget. Orannis tried to destroy them, but was bound by the Seven also. According to Mogget, this occurred before the world of the Old Kingdom intersected the world of Ancelstierre. The Nine Bright Shiners"@en . "Azaelia Silmarwen"@en . "TechCrunch author Michael Arrington posted an article on July 21st, 2008 detailing a project to build a sub-$200 web tablet featuring a completely open-source design, hardware and software. The tablet would run on a Linux kernel and low-spec hardware, be simple and unbloated, and cost, hopefully, under $200. The goal wasn't to make money, but to design a group-source product that would be useful and cheap. To that end, it would be sold at cost. You can read the original article here, and the secondary article here."@en . "300"^^ . "#54"@en . "Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill"@en . "The Beginning is a group of short storys telling of five matoran who will become both Toa, and the main characters in an upcoming Youtube Series. Although, The Beginning will be found here. \n* NOTE* This all takes place after Teridax'a ursuping Mata Nui, but before he dies. They also take place at about the same time, give or take a few hours seperate."@en . "The Beginning"@en . "Rock, Hard Rock"@en . . . . "WIP"@en . . . . "End of series"@en . "261.0"^^ . . . "This shows how everything started"@en . "10"^^ . . . . . "Coldness\u2026that was all that I was feeling. Winter had once again arrived in Albion and once again it was going to be a long three months. Rose and I were currently standing in front of a small fire, trying to warm ourselves. This winter was the worst winter I had ever experienced. The family of travellers, who normally allowed us to stay in their caravan, had not arrived this year, which meant that Rose and I must survive on our own. Freezing every night and day, hoping for a miracle\u2026for our wish to come true\u2026 \u2018Hello there young Rose,\u2019 he began. \u2018You look hungry. Have you recognised my offer?\u2019"@en . . "The Beginning is the first movie of the currently unnamed Mario movie trilogy by Roads. It was oddly started after its sequel, and isn't finished yet. :P"@en . . . "805"^^ . "The Beginning is the first movie of the currently unnamed Mario movie trilogy by Roads. It was oddly started after its sequel, and isn't finished yet. :P"@en . . "The First Moment"@en . . "165.0"^^ . "13.0"^^ . . "Dark Revenge"@en . . "Scene 1 Act 1 The age of Hero\u2019s Narrator: This, is Stormwind capital for the races of Azeroth. In the year 23 began a new age, an age of hero\u2019s. The tale I am going to tell you today is about two Hero\u2019s the first Hero\u2026 Narrator: Imoen, a squire of the Scarlet crusade. On the outside Imoen seems like a normal Human but on the inside she has a constant battle with herself and her emotions. I will begin this tale on the day when Imoen\u2019s world changed forever, a day that she will never forget\u2026 Act 1 Scene 2 Archbishop: Child, calm down life is to quick to rush- Hejin: Yes I will, thank you Archbishop."@en . "109"^^ . "The beginning"@en . . . "Season 1, Episode 1a/1b"@en . "Russell T. Davies"@en . . . . . . "10"^^ . . "6"^^ . "It Ain't Easy"@en . . "9"^^ . "The Beginning was released to mixed reviews."@en . . . . "4"^^ . "Title Call"@en . "The Beginning gained infamy for his June 14, 2007 topic \"Anyone want to see any hot pics of my recent ex?\". He initially promised to post a picture of his ex every 25 posts, but through the prodding of other users and his progressively better mood, the pictures became more frequent and more explicit. Famously, no picture reveals the ex's face, with many users giving insight as to the cause for this. The Beginning stated that at first, the reason was to protect the girl, herself, however, later on he enjoyed the aura of mystery surrounding the nature of her face. The last three pictures featured each of her three \"assets\". The pics were deleted and The Beginning was Warned at 01:42:00 AM EST, and Suspended at 01:44:00 AM EST. Kuge marked the topic for moderation and admitted it in his own topic. In a fit of irony, his topic was deleted in seconds. (Kuge actually did not mark the topic, but did the usual \"claim something, and then in the sig claim it's a joke\" trick.)"@en . . "One day, Phineas and Ferb were sitting in their backyard when Xavier and Fred came flying out of nowhere. They landed and tumbled across the backyard. \"Guys?\" Phineas asked. \"What happened?\" \"We got kicked out of the Museum of Natural History.\" Xavier replied. \"But that's not important!\" Fred yelled. \"We've discovered a New Beginning!\" \"What is it?\" Phineas asked. \"It's a new telivision series with new episodes on Comedy Central at 10/9 central and Disney at 8/7 central! It's called Phineas and Ferb:Extended!\" \"They canceled Phineas and Ferb?\" Phineas asked. \"No!\" Xavier replied. DO NOT EDIT TO BE CONTINUED!!!!"@en . . . "Once upon a war... In the beginning Lucas allowed the Star Wars fandom to exist. There was just Him in the beginning, the Lucas was all alone. The spirit of the Lucas reclined on His couches. So, to create Himself some company, the Lucas said: \"LET THERE BE LIGHT.\" He switched His beside light on. That was the first day. The Lucas then said: \"Let there be an expanse between My couch and My TV set.\" He flung a carpet down. That was the second day. Then it was evening; the sixth day. - To quote the Book of George released in 1 AD."@en . "The Beginning was released to mixed reviews."@en . "Acid Rain"@en . "Drive"@en . . "The Beginning was the entity that gave birth to all of Praetus, eventually becoming the realm of Naris and creating Beris, Siris and The End. Ois was formed from the edges of these planes as they began to bleed into each other, creating life. Sen is the space outside of Ois and the planes."@en . "Tales Of The Damned"@en . "hello File:Placeholder"@en . "November 2013"@de . . . "Masami Ueda"@en . . "Seig Heil"@en . . . . . "Rachel"@en . "Andy Sammonds"@en . . . . . . . . . . "The Beginning gained infamy for his June 14, 2007 topic \"Anyone want to see any hot pics of my recent ex?\". He initially promised to post a picture of his ex every 25 posts, but through the prodding of other users and his progressively better mood, the pictures became more frequent and more explicit. Famously, no picture reveals the ex's face, with many users giving insight as to the cause for this. The Beginning stated that at first, the reason was to protect the girl, herself, however, later on he enjoyed the aura of mystery surrounding the nature of her face. The last three pictures featured each of her three \"assets\". The pics were deleted and The Beginning was Warned at 01:42:00 AM EST, and Suspended at 01:44:00 AM EST."@en . "The Beginning is the third track on disc one of the \u014Ckami Original Soundtrack. It is played before the reminiscence of Issun in the beginning of \u014Ckami began, when the scenery of Kamiki Village is being drawn."@en . . . "Companions"@en . . "This is a story about the character Alanthis Shadowmoon. The fire crackled madly and acrid smoke burned the young girl\u2019s nostrils as she shivered uncontrollably, hunched into a ball beneath her mother\u2019s kitchen table. Through the veil of the tears that coursed down her soot-darkened face she could see the flames licking up the wooden walls in the room beyond, turning them slowly black. Above the noise of the rising inferno she heard the guttural voices of orcs, shouting to each other in their broken tongue as the searched the house for anything valuable worth pillaging, or anything yet alive that they might kill. A few feet away from her the lifeless eyes of her mother seemed locked on her weeping visage, her broken body twisted at a curious angle, blood still running thickly from her nose and ears. The voice was no more than a whisper, and the girl\u2019s eyes darted fearfully around, seeking its source. Her fingers reflexively tightened their white-knuckle grip on the hem of her dress. Through the mists of fear Alanthis realised that she did indeed recognise the voice. It was a voice that she had heard many times in her short life, whenever she was hurt, alone or afraid. Always it had soothed her, its tender lilting caress driving away the darkness, dispelling the fear. \u201CYes, I know you,\u201D she whispered, her voice so low it was little more than a mumble. \u201CWho are you?\u201D \u201CI am your guardian, child. I have been there for you right from the start, from the moment you first drew breath in this world.\u201D Alanthis imagined a smile lurking behind the soothing, hushed tones, a smile that held no warmth. Her mother\u2019s smile had always been warm; now her face was caught forever in a rictus of death. \u201CCan you help me? They\u2019re going to find me. They killed mother\u2026 I\u2019m sure they\u2019ve killed father too.\u201D A fresh torrent of tears left white-washed streaks through the grime that coated her cheeks. Alanthis knew this; there had been times before when the offer of help had been extended, and yet always she had shied from it. She had always felt a hesitance, as though she was standing on the edge of a precipice, and always she had refused. Even now, in this moment of dire need, something within her cowered at the notion, urged her to accept her inevitable doom, to ignore the persistent voice. There was a loud stomping as steel-shod boots shook the kitchen\u2019s wooden floor, raising dust about the legs of the orc to whom they belonged. Alanthis\u2019 blood ran cold as the heavy footfalls approached, stopping before the table, beginning to turn. Try as she might to suppress it, the terrible fear rose within her and she could do nothing to stifle a sob. The orcish feet halted, slowly turned; she could hear the weight of a weapon being hefted in gauntleted hands. This time there was no alternative. \u201CI accept,\u201D she murmured, with an eerie calm, her voice heavy with conviction. \u201CHelp me.\u201D For a moment, there was no response and her heart sank \u2013 her guardian had deserted her. Then all at once she felt the rush of shadow, as though a well had opened up within her, flooded her with a darkness she felt she could not contain. She felt it course through her veins, filling her up, seeping into every crevice within her, welling behind her eyes. Her vision of the room before her seemed to expand, as though she had walked from a lit room into darkness and her eyes had adjusted instantly. Her limbs felt cold, and yet strangely alive, and she involuntarily recalled plunging through the icy crust of the pond near her homestead the winter before, recalled the icy fire as the water touched her skin. Her breath felt like thick black smoke as she exhaled, and somewhere in the distance she imagined she heard the beating of dark wings, a leathery thrusting through air choked with night. The table suddenly vanished from above her, crashing into the corner of the kitchen. The orc that had thrown it aside gave a grunt of satisfaction as he looked down at her tiny form with a toothy grin, his small cruel eyes glinting happily in the last rays of the day\u2019s sunlight that streamed through the kitchen doorway, glimmering on his bloodied axe. It seemed to Alanthis that in that moment the world paused, held its breath for her. It felt as though she had a lifetime to take in every feature of her attacker, every detail of the room around them. She spoke a name, an ancient secret name, a word that she had never heard and always known. The orc\u2019s face changed; glee was replaced with confusion, and then with a vague fear as he looked down into his prey\u2019s eyes, tiny wells of utter blackness beneath an unruly mass of matted blonde hair. The room changed, as though all the light had been sucked from it, leaving only the memory of where it had fallen. The orc watched in horrid fascination as the little girl raised a hand towards him, slowly, as though reaching out for him, pleading with him. For one frozen moment he could not decide whether to shy from her or reach out to her. And then, abruptly, his life ended. The orcs body, consumed by the sudden, enveloping cascade of whispering darkness that poured forth from Alanthis\u2019 outstretched hand, clattered backwards into a pile of debris. When the shadows receded there was no mark upon his form, no wound that would explain his demise, or his calm, lifeless expression, eyes wide, mouth relaxed. Still on her knees, Alanthis closed her eyes and smiled a weary smile."@en . "Time for Yesterday"@en . . "1998-11-08"^^ . "6"^^ . . . "Marco"@en . "296.0"^^ . . . . "The Beginning is the second episode of Island of Murders. It premiered August 11, 2013."@en . "The Beginning is the fifty-fourth and final book in the Animorphs series."@en . "Scene 1 Act 1 The age of Hero\u2019s Narrator: This, is Stormwind capital for the races of Azeroth. In the year 23 began a new age, an age of hero\u2019s. The tale I am going to tell you today is about two Hero\u2019s the first Hero\u2026 Narrator: Imoen, a squire of the Scarlet crusade. On the outside Imoen seems like a normal Human but on the inside she has a constant battle with herself and her emotions. I will begin this tale on the day when Imoen\u2019s world changed forever, a day that she will never forget\u2026 Act 1 Scene 2 Enter Hejin, he is wearing a black robe with a black hood covering his face, when he enters the cathedral he removes his hood reviling a man with dark baggy eyes his face is very skinny. The cathedral is filled with priests kneeling and praying. There is a huge tall figure in a yellow robe speaking to priests Hejin walks up to this man. Hejin: [in a frantic tone] Archbishop, have you seen Imoen? I need to speak to her they told me to\u2026I must speak to her at once. Archbishop: Child, calm down life is to quick to rush- Hejin: [butting in] Please brother! I need to find her! Archbishop: *sigh* very well you\u2019ll find her downstairs\u2026can you tell her to keep it down I can hear her trainning from up here. Hejin bows Hejin: Yes I will, thank you Archbishop. The camera follows Hejin walking down this spiralling slope, he peers over the side of the wall. The camera moves to see Imoen swinging her sword in different directions. Camera pans to the front of Imoen. Imoen: [to herself] Ha! Take that scourge scum! Nice try! Raagh! *laughs to herself and takes a cloth and wipes her face with it smiling to herself* Imoen: Hejin! How are you friend? Hejin: Not good Imoen\u2026not good at all\u2026 Imoen: oh, tell me all about it, here take a seat. Hejin forces a smile and sits with Imoen. Imoen: So what\u2019s wrong? Hejin: I\u2026I\u2019ve been hearing things\u2026strange whispers\u2026telling me to do things\u2026 Imoen: What kind of things? Hejin: Dark things Imoen, I really don\u2019t really want to say\u2026 Imoen: *sigh* very well, I know someone who could help you out with this\u2026I\u2019ll tell him what you\u2019ve told me he should sent you a letter telling you what he will do next. Hejin: Thank you Sister- Imoen: Hejin, you aren\u2019t with us anymore\u2026it\u2019s Imoen now. We see the cathedral courtyard it\u2019s really sunny clear blue sky and there are children running about and priests discussing about the light, Imoen goes over to a stable near the cathedral. Imoen stoking her horse Imoen: hey there boy! [Jumps onto the horse] Northshire, let\u2019s go see father. Imoen rides off threw Stormwind. Act 1 Scene 3 Imoen is approaching Northshire gates there are two guards who nod at her as she rides past we hear the thoughts in her head. Imoen: [echoed to show it\u2019s her thoughts] This is troubling\u2026how in the light did this happen to him? He was fine when he left our order\u2026am I doing something stupid leaving father to deal with this? -sigh- Who knows\u2026 Act 1 Scene 4 Northshire cathedral has loads of banners and statue figure heads, as Imoen walks by she is greated by a priest. Priest: Hello there child. Imoen: Greetings Brother, have you seen father around? I need to speak to him. Priest: he\u2019s outside at your mothers grave\u2026 Imoen: Thank you! light be with you! Khallid: Nalia\u2026im sorry\u2026I couldn\u2019t tell her the truth. I will one day I promise you this, I\u2019m so ashamed by it\u2026no one must hear her talk about it\u2026it could lead to her death\u2026 Khallid: I\u2019ve read it\u2026I don\u2019t want this for her\u2026she deserves a better life\u2026I\u2019m so sorry Nalia\u2026im so sorry\u2026 Khallid: Ah my child. It is so nice to see you again\u2026ah, your stance has improved since my last visit I am pleased. Imoen: It\u2019s so good to see you again father! How have you been? Khallid: I\u2019m very well Child, we have a lot of new recruits coming in some are so impatient\u2026a lot like you hahaha! Imoen: I was very patient! Only took me five years to get where I am, Hmph! Khallid: heh heh I was jesting child. Now I sense you came here for another reason\u2026 Imoen: Yes\u2026a friend of mine, Hejin\u2026he told me he has been hearing voices they are telling him some dark thoughts Could- Khallid: Of course child! I will look into this at once\u2026now will you be staying here\u2026I think you should. Imoen: oh\u2026um ok\u2026sure Khallid: I\u2019ll sort out your bed, now what was his name again? Imoen: Hejin. Khallid: ok, run along now I\u2019ll sort this out. We see Khallid in an empty dark room reading a book, the book glows a green colour and in the doorway we see Imoen standing there looking confused\u2026she is wearing a small robe covering her up slightly. Khallid: [to himself quietly] How can this be? this wasn't supposed to happen...not yet. Imoen: Father how- Khallid: Agh! Don't sneak up on me like that- what in blazes are you wearing? Imoen: This is what they told me to wear. Khallid: please child, I cannot be disturbed it\u2019s hard enough to study without these interruptions. Imoen: What was that book? It looked very strange\u2026 Khallid: oh nothing you should worry yourself about, it is a book from the silver hand\u2026it\u2019s going to tell me about your friend of yours. Imoen: oh\u2026right. Ok sorry for bothering you Good night father. Act 1 Scene 5 Camera pans to Hejin opening a letter, which reads\u2026 Dear Hejin Imoen has came to me about your condition, how you got in this state I have no idea but somehow you have managed to tap into the spirit world. The voices you hear are called wraiths they are servants of the lich king himself to corrupt the dead\u2026Hejin when a spirit dies a being called the spirit healer usually heals the victim, but if they are left for a certain amount of time\u2026or they do not wish to come back, then the wraiths turn them into one of them. I bid you to meet me at the cathedral this morning I will show you to my house I know the ways of purging these creatures to pull you out of their grasp\u2026if you do not\u2026then you will die and turn into one of these beasts. Light be with you Khallid Camera pans to the cathedral we see Khallid kneeling at the altar. Soon Hejin turns up, they shake hands Khallid puts his arm around Hejin and they walk off. We know see Hejin and Khallid enter a house. Hejin: I\u2026I\u2019m a bit worried about this is it safe? Khallid: I can\u2019t say for sure lad. But leaving it will only get worse, this is the only chance you have. Hejin: -sigh- Very well what do I have to do? Khallid: Kneel beside me, I will place my hand on your head, you will feel strange for a small while\u2026you will also have the wraiths talk to you\u2026ignore them do NOT let them get to you otherwise they have already won\u2026understood? ''Hejin nods Khallid puts his hand on Hejin\u2019s head and this bright light appears around his hand. Hejin\u2019s face changes he looks more disturbed\u2026 Everything goes black we see Hejin standing in a small spotlight. Hejin: W-Where am I? Figure 1: What are you doing? Figure 2: He has chosen to destroy us\u2026 Figure 3: We must show him the truth\u2026 Figure 1: This woman\u2026you have feelings for her don\u2019t you? Figure 2: He cares for her\u2026 Figure 3: He cannot, he doesn\u2019t know what he has predicted\u2026 Hejin: You are nothing to me! You will stay out of mind! Khallid: Yes! You show them the power of good will Boy! We got one! One of the figures clutches his heart and a ray of light appears out of his mouth and eyes, he then evaporates. Figure 2: No\u2026 Figure 3: You do not know what you are doing\u2026 Figure 2: We need show him\u2026 Figure 3: Yes, Look Hejin\u2026see Imoen\u2019s past\u2026look. Hejin: Why are you showing me this? Figure 2: Don\u2019t you see? Figure 3: Imoen has told you of her father has she not? Figure 2: She hasn\u2019t\u2026argh\u2026 Khallid: Only one more now lad and it\u2019s all over! Figure 3: Imoen claims Arthas is her father\u2026Hejin\u2026he is not\u2026but our lord wants her\u2026he wants her beauty\u2026her company\u2026Imoen is crazy\u2026she is weak\u2026our lord will give her gift when she is ready\u2026you are ready now\u2026 Hejin: hahaha! Are you finished Wraith? You\u2019ll be dead soon. Figure 3: Fool! Do you know the power you could hold? You have a goal don\u2019t you\u2026I see it in your mind\u2026but you are to weak\u2026like her\u2026even if I die I will go into his mind! Figure 3: -cackle- He would prize this gift\u2026he could Finnish you off once for good\u2026to wield the shadow is a hard task\u2026you could have it! You could destroy the Scarlet Crusade! Kill Habues! Save Imoen! My lord will give you powers that are unimaginable! Khallid: Boy\u2026focus\u2026don\u2019t let them get to you. They promise nothing but self destruction. Figure 3: listen to him\u2026he\u2019s scared of your power\u2026he wants to take away your gift\u2026 Hejin: To stop\u2026the scarlet Crusade\u2026I will need some kind of power\u2026 Figure 3: yeees\u2026one single mortal cannot defeat the Crusade\u2026but a Lich champion can\u2026 Figure 3: Let me in\u2026let the shadow grow inside of you\u2026be part of you\u2026togther we will bring light to the world\u2026peace\u2026equality. Hejin: I\u2026I\u2026but what about Imoen\u2026Elizabetha\u2026? Figure 3: they will join us\u2026whether they like it or not\u2026you will be alone for a while\u2026but soon my friend\u2026soon they will join your side forever\u2026all the races of Azeroth will be one\u2026one being\u2026no more hatred\u2026Just peace\u2026happiness for eternity\u2026Can\u2019t you see Hejin? We aren\u2019t evil\u2026we are the new race\u2026Evolution. Hejin: Yes\u2026I see now\u2026 Figure 3: The man in front of you is going to get rid of your chance of Evolution\u2026kill him\u2026he will join us soon enough purge him of his sins\u2026 Hejin: And I will have this power? Figure: -low laugh- When you strike him you will have the power\u2026then you must kill\u2026her\u2026the one who is stopping Evolution\u2026telling them to slay us\u2026to follow the light\u2026Elizabetha\u2026 Hejin: consider it done. Khallid: No! I won\u2019t fail, not again! I won\u2019t let it! Hejin: I\u2019m afraid\u2026old man, you are to late\u2026I will have power, you won\u2019t stop me\u2026I will start evolution\u2026I will purge them all\u2026starting with you. Hejin cackles licking his blade Hejin: he he he, Now for her\u2026 Act 1 Scene 6 Hejin: Sister Elizabetha! You have to come at once! I\u2026I killed him! Elizabetha: Hejin? Who have you killed\u2026nevermind that\u2026where is he? Elizabetha: Oh, Hejin\u2026 Hejin: I killed him\u2026 Elizabetha: I\u2019ll try and bring him back\u2026Light\u2026grant me the power to save this mans life\u2026 As Hejin pulls his sword down to strike Elizabetha Khallid pulls Elizabetha towards him, the blade misses and cracks threw the floor boards. Elizabetha stands up her hands glowing in a holy light. Elizabetha: Back! Foul servant of the Shadow! Hejin: Gah! He should of died\u2026no matter\u2026I have a new power now\u2026 Hejin: [panting] You may have won this time\u2026but I have it will grow stronger I will kill you Elizabetha\u2026but for now\u2026 Khallid: Child\u2026-cough- I thank you\u2026But it is to late for me\u2026this was supposed to happen\u2026 Elizabetha: Sir\u2026shhh you\u2019ll be going to a good place\u2026the light- Khallid: Please! Listen to my words\u2026I was once a Knight of the silver hand\u2026I am also the foster father to Imoen\u2026 Elizabetha\u2019s face looks sad, Elizabetha: By the light\u2026 Khallid: Please\u2026you must protect her\u2026when she hears about this she will want revenge\u2026she mustn\u2019t fall to shadow\u2026don\u2019t let him have her\u2026otherwise all will be lost\u2026the prophecy has foretold of this\u2026child\u2026 Elizabetha: wait, prophecy? Khallid: Yes child\u2026all this has been predicted\u2026you must take my place\u2026 Elizabetha: wait, I don\u2019t understand\u2026what do you want me to do? Khallid: You must take my place\u2026you must be her parent\u2026you both wear the same tabard\u2026please\u2026as a dying mans wish- Elizabetha: I will. Khallid: Thank you, I know that with people like you\u2026this world might not be as dark as it seems\u2026You must have many questions\u2026Imoen will tell you everything\u2026now\u2026it\u2019s time to die\u2026 Elizabetha smiles and nods at the knights who salute her and walk off, she is left kneeling by Khallid\u2019s body in the cathedral tombs the camera pans out. End of act 1"@en . . "keins"@de . . "This is a story about the character Alanthis Shadowmoon. The fire crackled madly and acrid smoke burned the young girl\u2019s nostrils as she shivered uncontrollably, hunched into a ball beneath her mother\u2019s kitchen table. Through the veil of the tears that coursed down her soot-darkened face she could see the flames licking up the wooden walls in the room beyond, turning them slowly black. The voice was no more than a whisper, and the girl\u2019s eyes darted fearfully around, seeking its source. Her fingers reflexively tightened their white-knuckle grip on the hem of her dress."@en . "37"^^ . . "The X-Files"@en . . . . . "46.46"^^ . . . "Unknown"@en . "Daleks"@en . . . . . . "The Beginning is the fifty-fourth and final book in the Animorphs series."@en . . . "The Air Force battleship pulls out, and the commander tells Dominic they can pick up theEND when they get far enough away, but Dominic rushes out. Elsewhere, Renton is doing a mental checklist and making sure everything is where is supposed to be, and leans in the cockpit to check on Eureka, who appears somwehat comatose. He rushes over to theEND to check on Anemone, and finds her passed out too. Dominic then puts a gun to his head, and recognizes Renton when both Eureka and Anemone start to spaz out. Anemone's thrashing breaks her medicine, and she's shrieking at him to do something about her head. Eureka is calmer than Anemone and Renton tries to get her comfortable. He spots Dominic heading into town on his motorcycle, and demands to be taken along. Dominic threatens to shoot him, and Renton dares him to, and produces the bike's Drive and muffler. Surprised that Renton is a mechanic, Dominic reluctantly agrees. On the Gekko, the crew gets a reading on Renton, but nothing on Nirvash. Holland gets his 909 ready to go, though Talho complains about how long it will take. Ken-Goh warns that the military is probably sending somebody to pick up their KLF, which reinforces Holland on how important it is to collect their crew. As Renton repairs the motorcycle, he asks who Anemone is, but Dominic refuses to tell. When Renton asks about the Coralain, it distracts Dominic long enough that they spin out and he asks the boy how he heard about that name. They talk a bit about the Coralian, and there's still not much Renton can piece together, though Dominic seems shocked he went into the Kute's Zone. The arrive at the town and look for a hospital to collect medicine for Eureka and Anemone. The town's residents berate Dominic for not stopping the Coralian and want to know why the military is resorting to violence, but dominic refuses to answer them. Renton says it's hardly the time for a fight with the locals. However, he has no idea on what medicine Eureka needs and Dominic is terrible with directions. They eventually reach the hospital, and the doctor is annoyed with the order of too many medicine. Renton notices so many patients acting weird. He asks about them after a young girl stares at a Compatic Drive. Dominic calls it the Despair Sickness. With the medicine, they tend to Eureka and Anemone, and Renton asks after Anemone again, but Dominic rues they've gotten involved with a pair of pretty weird girls, and introduces himself. They bond a bit before the landscape starts getting cratered by the KLFs firing their cannons, though fortunately Holland and the crew are out in their LFOs. Renton clutches Eureka and promises to protect her at all costs, which fires up the Nirvash's Compatic Drive and puts them under a protective barrier. The Nirvash moves on its own, which freaks Mischa and Woz out, and everyone is shocked when the trapar starts increasing. Renton, holding Eureka, gives Dominic, holding Anemone, a final look before hopping into the cockpit. Outside the barrier, Matthieu asks what's going on with Holland, but it's Holland, so he snaps and tells them the trapar is coming backOnce inside the 909, he complains he doesn't know either. Renton finally notices the Compatic Drive saying 'Eureka', and wonders what she is. Dominic says that the Nirvash isn't acting like it should be, and it's very familiar. The Gekko's LFOs turn back as they see Nirvash fly towards them, and on the ground, Dominic decides they have met their true enemy and he is short and mechanically-inclined. Mischa tells the children that Eureka is alright, and the crew is impressed of how Renton rode into the Zone. Renton asks Holland what Eureka is, but Holland says she is a normal girl. Renton doesn't believe him and suspects Holland knew what would happen when the Nirvash hit the Zone. Holland suddenly grabs him by his shoulders and demands to know what was in the dream. Renton says it felt like he met his siter, which seems to please Holland. On the battleship, Dominic wonders who Renton is."@en . "The_Beginning.jpg"@en . . "The Next GEN was formed at the GEN + 10 conference on October 5th 2005. Over 50 young adults gathered at the conference as the GEN Youth Council. Sessions allowed conference participants to reflect on the role of youth in the Global Ecovillage Movement. Based on this gathering, Next GEN, a youth organized branch of GEN, emerged to seek the support and community critical to creating global change."@en . . . "1"^^ . "Tobias"@en . "274.0"^^ . "The Next GEN was formed at the GEN + 10 conference on October 5th 2005. Over 50 young adults gathered at the conference as the GEN Youth Council. Sessions allowed conference participants to reflect on the role of youth in the Global Ecovillage Movement. Based on this gathering, Next GEN, a youth organized branch of GEN, emerged to seek the support and community critical to creating global change."@en . . . "Enemies"@en . . . "The Beginning is the very first episode of \"Daughter of Doctor Who\"."@en . "none"@en . . "A guide to a tale by Martine."@en . . . "5"^^ . . "The Beginning"@de . . "Tony Visconti, Joshua Perry"@en . . . . "This shows how everything started"@en . "Character6"@en . "180.0"^^ . "The Happenings I"@en . "Reciprocity"@en . . "Before the I begin, there is something that must be said. There seems to be some confusion about the difference between a realm, a universe, and a world. A universe is any area that has infinite bounds. It is impossible to travel between universes without powerful magic, etc. A world is a single place among the universe. It is usually very large, and the people there do not usualy interact with the peoples of different worlds, if the even know that those other worlds exist. And finally, a realm is...hard to explain. There are usually three realms in one universe (or world, depending on the circumstances). There is the physical realm, where humans (or the equivelant to humans) usually live. There is the heaven, or afterlife, where people exist after they die. And there is the Aetherealm, th"@en . "13"^^ . . "Prologue"@en . "The Beginning was the entity that gave birth to all of Praetus, eventually becoming the realm of Naris and creating Beris, Siris and The End. Ois was formed from the edges of these planes as they began to bleed into each other, creating life. Sen is the space outside of Ois and the planes."@en . . "103"^^ . "The Happenings"@en . "The Beginning is the third track on disc one of the \u014Ckami Original Soundtrack. It is played before the reminiscence of Issun in the beginning of \u014Ckami began, when the scenery of Kamiki Village is being drawn."@en . "2005-07-10"^^ . "The Air Force battleship pulls out, and the commander tells Dominic they can pick up theEND when they get far enough away, but Dominic rushes out. Elsewhere, Renton is doing a mental checklist and making sure everything is where is supposed to be, and leans in the cockpit to check on Eureka, who appears somwehat comatose. He rushes over to theEND to check on Anemone, and finds her passed out too. Dominic then puts a gun to his head, and recognizes Renton when both Eureka and Anemone start to spaz out. Anemone's thrashing breaks her medicine, and she's shrieking at him to do something about her head. Eureka is calmer than Anemone and Renton tries to get her comfortable. He spots Dominic heading into town on his motorcycle, and demands to be taken along. Dominic threatens to shoot him, and R"@en . . "Joe befriends Billy Horne, a young white man who was raised by the Shoshones since childhood. Meanwhile, shady operator Milton Tanner produces some ancient deeds and claims a third of the Ponderosa belongs to him. While Ben works with his lawyer, Billy doesn't like what's being done to his new friends and takes matters into his own hands."@en . . . "Jake"@en . . "Frayed"@de . . . . . . . "Sontarans"@en . "The Beginning is the second episode of Island of Murders. It premiered August 11, 2013."@en . . "TechCrunch author Michael Arrington posted an article on July 21st, 2008 detailing a project to build a sub-$200 web tablet featuring a completely open-source design, hardware and software. The tablet would run on a Linux kernel and low-spec hardware, be simple and unbloated, and cost, hopefully, under $200. The goal wasn't to make money, but to design a group-source product that would be useful and cheap. To that end, it would be sold at cost. You can read the original article here, and the secondary article here. After almost 6 months, 2000 comments full of ideas and offers to help, and tons of useful information found and posted, there has been zero response from the TechCrunch end. The project died without some simple, organized planning and leadership. This wiki has been created towards that end, to allow prospective and entrenched team members, collaboraters, and followers of the project to have a place to do their thing. I'm not nearly skilled enough to do all of the programming, hardware selection, building, or design that will be needed to complete this project, so I'll be looking for people with programming experience, Linux experience (I'd love to use Android, so if anyone has any Android dev experience that they could use to modify for the hardware, please come forward), people who can select and put together the hardware, designers who can get a look, feel, and shape going that we like, and marketers/accountant type people to help manage the money. I saw a lot of good ideas in the comments of the original blog post, and I'm hoping some of that will be coming here to the wiki. A basic set of specifications is posted, but I'd like to nail down some specs and get a price point determined. Also, this wiki is my first. If anyone has experience with web design, wiki editing, or if anyone has some server space we can use, let me know, I'd love to get this project as easy to manage as possible."@en . . . . . . . "It yields 21 Rewards. Unlike an Event (from the Events Sequence), the storyline is fundamentally a series of Easy missions designed to get the player used to the game."@en . . . . . "WIP"@en . "Forgotten Light"@en . "443.0"^^ . . . "362.0"^^ . "The Beginning"@en . "Writer"@en . . . . "507.0"^^ . . . . "The Beginning is the 9th track off of the album Frail Words Collapse by American Metalcore band As I Lay Dying."@en . . . . "2006-07-08"^^ . "Ghost in the Machine"@de . . . . . "The Beginning"@en . . "Before the I begin, there is something that must be said. There seems to be some confusion about the difference between a realm, a universe, and a world. A universe is any area that has infinite bounds. It is impossible to travel between universes without powerful magic, etc. A world is a single place among the universe. It is usually very large, and the people there do not usualy interact with the peoples of different worlds, if the even know that those other worlds exist. And finally, a realm is...hard to explain. There are usually three realms in one universe (or world, depending on the circumstances). There is the physical realm, where humans (or the equivelant to humans) usually live. There is the heaven, or afterlife, where people exist after they die. And there is the Aetherealm, the realm of energy. Usually ghosts exist here. It is also where power and energy is (usually) drawn from. Now that this is covered, I can continue on with the story."@en . . . . . . . "It yields 21 Rewards. Unlike an Event (from the Events Sequence), the storyline is fundamentally a series of Easy missions designed to get the player used to the game."@en . . . "yes"@en . . . . . . . . "4"^^ . . "1"^^ . "6"^^ . "Yes"@en . "May 2001"@en . . "Cassie"@en . . "4"^^ . . . . . . "The Beginning ist das f\u00FCnfte H\u00F6rspiel aus der achten Staffel der Companion Chronicles. Autor des H\u00F6rspiels ist Marc Platt und im Mittelpunkt stehen der Erste Doctor und seine Enkelin Susan. In The Beginning erz\u00E4hlt Susan die Geschichte um die Flucht des Doctors von Gallifrey und seines damit verbundenen Stehlens der Typ 40 TARDIS. So ist es - chronologisch gesehen - die am weitesten zur\u00FCckreichende Doctor Who-Geschichte innerhalb aller Medien (TV, Comics, H\u00F6rspiele, B\u00FCcher)."@de . . . .