"Dacara"@en . "Dacara, officially the The Federated Republic of Dacara, is the second largest country in Europe located in the northen mainland. It borders; France, Belgium and The Netherlands to the east; Austria, Slovakia and Switzerland to the south; Russia and Ukraine to the west; and Denmark and Lithuania to the North. The city of Kelowna is the country's capital. Dacara is a Republic, organised as a Federation. It is economically strong and provides for its people, although capitalism and corporations are some what unrestricted which has caused a boomed the Dacaran economy in the past 40 years. As a modern nation-state, the country was first unified under charter of the Carolingian Empire. During much internal conflict due to oppression by the Dacaran monarch, Dacara's territory was unified under a fascist regime. In modern times democracy has filtered through and now is a Constitutional Federal Republic. Dacara is a Federation of eight states. The capital and largest city is Kelowna. Dacara is a leading member of the European Union, NATO and is a signatory of the Kyoto protocol. It contributes over 30% of the revenue to military expenditure. Dacara has developed a high standard of living and established an advanced system of social security. It holds a key position in international affairs and is recognised as a scientific and technological leader in several fields."@en . . . . . . "Dacara, officially the The Federated Republic of Dacara, is the second largest country in Europe located in the northen mainland. It borders; France, Belgium and The Netherlands to the east; Austria, Slovakia and Switzerland to the south; Russia and Ukraine to the west; and Denmark and Lithuania to the North. The city of Kelowna is the country's capital. Dacara is a Republic, organised as a Federation. It is economically strong and provides for its people, although capitalism and corporations are some what unrestricted which has caused a boomed the Dacaran economy in the past 40 years."@en . . . .