"thumb|350px|Escena modificada en la que Greedo dispara y falla. Han shot first (\u00ABHan dispar\u00F3 primero\u00BB) es la frase utilizada para referirse al pol\u00E9mico cambio hecho en una escena de Star Wars Episodio IV: Una Nueva Esperanza. En la escena, Han Solo se encuentra con el cazarrecompensas rodiano Greedo en la cantina de Mos Eisley. Han le debe dinero a Jabba el Hutt por deshacerse de algo de carga que se supon\u00EDa que deb\u00EDa pasar de contrabando para \u00E9l. Pero Greedo ha venido para quedarse con el dinero de Han, en lugar de para llev\u00E1rselo a Jabba. Han y Greedo se sientan uno frente al otro en una mesa y mantienen una conversaci\u00F3n tensa, mientras Greedo apunta con su bl\u00E1ster a Han. Durante la conversaci\u00F3n, y sin el conocimiento del rodiano, Han sigilosamente prepara su propia pistola debajo de la mesa. Greedo le dice a Han \u00ABLlevo mucho tiempo esperando este momento.\u00BB y Han responde \u00ABS\u00ED, y yo tambi\u00E9n.\u00BB En la versi\u00F3n original de la pel\u00EDcula en cines, Han dispara a Greedo y este muere sin disparar siquiera. La escena fue modificada para la reedici\u00F3n de 1997 para presentar a Han usando su arma en represalia al ataque de Greedo, que falla con un disparo a quemarropa a menos de 2 metros de distancia. Por lo tanto, la frase \u00ABHan dispar\u00F3 primero\u00BB es una r\u00E9plica a la afirmaci\u00F3n expl\u00EDcita de George Lucas de que \u00ABGreedo dispar\u00F3 primero.\u00BB"@es . "\"Han shot first\" is the battle cry of many a distraught fanboy (and some fangirls) who took umbrage with the Special Edition of Star Wars. In it, Greedo was shown shooting first at Han\u2014missing him by a kilometer at point-blank range\u2014and then getting PWNed. I guess Rodians can't shoot worth a piss either. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet."@en . . "In the original theatrical version of the film, Solo shoots Greedo under the table and Greedo dies without firing a shot. In the 1997 Special Edition version, the scene was altered so that Greedo shoots at Solo first, but misses (at point-blank range), followed by the original shot by Solo, now retaliatory. Thus, the phrase \"Han shot first\" is a retort to director George Lucas' explicit assertion that \"Greedo shot first.\""@en . . . . . . "7"^^ . . "Han shot first"@es . "[[Fichier:Han-solo-greedo.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Han Solo vient de tuer Greedo.]]Dans cette sc\u00E8ne, les personnages de Han Solo et Greedo se rencontrent \u00E0 la Cantina de Chalmun de Mos Eisley, o\u00F9 Greedo est venu pour r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer la prime sur Han Solo. Les deux protagonistes sont assis l'un en face de l'autre \u00E0 une table lorsque Greedo sort son blaster pour tirer sur Solo. Pendant la conversation, et alors que Greedo ne s'aper\u00E7oit de rien, Solo a d\u00E9j\u00E0 pr\u00E9par\u00E9 son propre blaster sous la table."@fr . . . . . "thumb|350px|Escena modificada en la que Greedo dispara y falla. Han shot first (\u00ABHan dispar\u00F3 primero\u00BB) es la frase utilizada para referirse al pol\u00E9mico cambio hecho en una escena de Star Wars Episodio IV: Una Nueva Esperanza. En la escena, Han Solo se encuentra con el cazarrecompensas rodiano Greedo en la cantina de Mos Eisley. Han le debe dinero a Jabba el Hutt por deshacerse de algo de carga que se supon\u00EDa que deb\u00EDa pasar de contrabando para \u00E9l. Pero Greedo ha venido para quedarse con el dinero de Han, en lugar de para llev\u00E1rselo a Jabba. Han y Greedo se sientan uno frente al otro en una mesa y mantienen una conversaci\u00F3n tensa, mientras Greedo apunta con su bl\u00E1ster a Han. Durante la conversaci\u00F3n, y sin el conocimiento del rodiano, Han sigilosamente prepara su propia pistola debajo de la "@es . "Han shot first"@fr . "To say \"Han shot first\" is to refer, often with distaste, to George Lucas's changes to the original trilogy. Often cited by film purists, this phrase more specifically refers to a change made to the A New Hope Special Edition, in the scene involving the characters Han Solo and Greedo in the cantina. In the original version, after Greedo says, \"I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time\" (talking about killing Han), Han replies \"Yes, I bet you have\" and shoots Greedo under the table while Greedo was pointing a blaster at him. (Thus, Han didn't merely shoot first; he was the only one who fired.)"@en . "To say \"Han shot first\" is to refer, often with distaste, to George Lucas's changes to the original trilogy. Often cited by film purists, this phrase more specifically refers to a change made to the A New Hope Special Edition, in the scene involving the characters Han Solo and Greedo in the cantina. In the original version, after Greedo says, \"I've been looking forward to this moment for a long time\" (talking about killing Han), Han replies \"Yes, I bet you have\" and shoots Greedo under the table while Greedo was pointing a blaster at him. (Thus, Han didn't merely shoot first; he was the only one who fired.) In the Special Edition, Greedo shoots at Han and misses, without explanation, from point-blank range, and then Han shoots him. Later, it was altered again to have Han and Greedo shooting at almost the same time (though Greedo still shoots first), with Han dodging out of the way of Greedo's shot. With such a short time between each shot, it could be assumed that Han was already planning to shoot Greedo, rather than reacting to Greedo's shot. The principal objection from critics seems to be that the change dilutes and compromises Han's rebellious and ruthless nature. The change is felt to detract from Han's antiheroic qualities, and diminishes the character's growth and development over the story from a Machiavellian smuggler who cares only about himself (and his co-pilot Chewbacca) into a committed member of the Rebel Alliance fighting to bring freedom to the galaxy, as his shot is clearly in self-defense. A secondary objection considers the improbability that the character Greedo would miss at that range if he fired deliberately. Thus, his gun must have discharged accidentally, a rather unromantic death. This retroactive sanitizing was loosely paralleled in a 2002 DVD version of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, in which the firearms held by police officers in the original 1982 film were digitally altered to two-way radios. Although fan criticism of \"Greedo shot first\" is generally considered to be a legitimate point of view, the incident also provided early inspiration (and ongoing ammunition) for those who engage in verbal attacks on George Lucas, a practice known as \"Lucas bashing.\""@en . "news/7-topics-star-wars-fans-love-to-debate"@en . . "Han shot first"@en . . . . . . . "In the original theatrical version of the film, Solo shoots Greedo under the table and Greedo dies without firing a shot. In the 1997 Special Edition version, the scene was altered so that Greedo shoots at Solo first, but misses (at point-blank range), followed by the original shot by Solo, now retaliatory. Thus, the phrase \"Han shot first\" is a retort to director George Lucas' explicit assertion that \"Greedo shot first.\""@en . . . "\"Han shot first\" is the battle cry of many a distraught fanboy (and some fangirls) who took umbrage with the Special Edition of Star Wars. In it, Greedo was shown shooting first at Han\u2014missing him by a kilometer at point-blank range\u2014and then getting PWNed. I guess Rodians can't shoot worth a piss either. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet."@en . "[[Fichier:Han-solo-greedo.jpg|thumb|right|250px|Han Solo vient de tuer Greedo.]]Dans cette sc\u00E8ne, les personnages de Han Solo et Greedo se rencontrent \u00E0 la Cantina de Chalmun de Mos Eisley, o\u00F9 Greedo est venu pour r\u00E9cup\u00E9rer la prime sur Han Solo. Les deux protagonistes sont assis l'un en face de l'autre \u00E0 une table lorsque Greedo sort son blaster pour tirer sur Solo. Pendant la conversation, et alors que Greedo ne s'aper\u00E7oit de rien, Solo a d\u00E9j\u00E0 pr\u00E9par\u00E9 son propre blaster sous la table. Dans la version originale du film de 1977, Solo tire sur Greedo par dessous la table et celui-ci meurt sans avoir tir\u00E9 une seule fois. Mais la sc\u00E8ne a \u00E9t\u00E9 modifi\u00E9e pour la sortie remast\u00E9ris\u00E9e de 1997 et montre alors Solo n'utilisant son arme qu'en r\u00E9action apr\u00E8s que Greedo lui eut lui-m\u00EAme tir\u00E9 dessus, parvenant \u00E0 rater Solo alors qu'il tire \u00E0 bout portant (moins de 2 m\u00E8tres. C'est pourquoi Han shot first est une r\u00E9ponse \u00E0 l'affirmation cin\u00E9matographique de George Lucas disant que Greedo shot first."@fr . . . . . . . . . .