. . "3"^^ . "Active"@en . . "6.0"^^ . . . . . . "Female"@en . "female"@en . "Natira"@en . . "2.21"^^ . . . . . . . "Romancing Leonard McCoy"@en . . . "Star Trek episode For The World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky."@en . . . "Natira was an alien leader first introduced in the Star Trek episode For The World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky."@en . "thumb|Natira. Natira ist eine Hohepriesterin der Fabrini und gleichzeitig die Anf\u00FChrerin der Bewohner des Asteroiden-Schiffes Yonada. 2268 wird die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) entsandt, um einen m\u00F6glichen Zusammensto\u00DF der Yonada mit einer F\u00F6derationswelt zu verhindern. (TOS: ) Natira wurde von Katherine Woodville gespielt und von Helga Tr\u00FCmper sowie Christin Marquitan (neue Szenen) synchronisiert."@de . . . . "Unknown"@en . . "Natira"@it . . . . . "Religious Leader, Political Leader"@en . . . "Unknown–2268"@en . . "Natira was a female Saltici, an intelligent bipedal creature with blue, crustaceous skin. She had a \"crown\" of seven claw-like tendrils on her head that she used in one of her favorite pastimes: plucking out the eyes of her torture victims. Natira had a history with Scorpius, although the precise nature of this history remains murky. She took him in and helped him many cycles ago when he was still an angry, hotheaded young creature, presumably at some point after his first escape from Tauza. The relationship was not one-sided, however; Natira also owed Scorpius \"too much that I cannot repay.\" Among other things, he apparently protected her from death at the hands of the Peacekeepers. Natira and Scorpius also have a long history of sexual, vaguely S&M-like encounters, despite the presumable age gap between the two. And yet, despite all of this history between the two of them, Natira never trusted Scorpius, and the favor was returned from him. At some time in the past, Natira had become the head of a Shadow Depository, and she ran it ruthlessly. Possessed of a sharp business sense and a backbone of steel, Natira obviously rose to a position of no small repute due to her managerial skills and successful depository, and at the time of Farscape, she is the undisputed ruler of her own little kingdom."@en . "Natira"@en . "Unknown, but she presumably had one; she was too rich not to"@en . . . "Aurelia's ambassador to the Federation"@en . . "Natira was a Fabrini high priestess, leader of the inhabitants of Yonada. It was her responsibility in the Fabrini society to consult the Oracle for the guidance of her people. In 2268, when the USS Enterprise tracked the course of a missile to its origin point, it was discovered that the point of origin was not a natural asteroid but a gigantic spaceship. The landing party beamed down to the inner surface but were captured by powerful guards. Natira had the landing team brought inside, where they discovered that the people of Yonada were unaware of their situation."@en . "Separated"@en . . "High Priestess of Yonada; Governess of the Promised World Lorina"@en . . "High priestess, leader of the Fabrini"@en . "Oratory, Religious and Political Leadership"@en . "gray"@en . . "Pulse rifle; the claws on her head, which she used to remove eyes from her victims' skulls."@en . "2268"^^ . . "Nel 2268, quando la USS Enterprise visit\u00F2 la nave, si scopr\u00EC che la nave-asteroide si trovava in rotta di collisione con un pianeta della Federazione. Mentre Kirk e Spock cercavano i controlli per modificare la rotta della nave, Natira e McCoy, che si trovava in uno stadio di malattia terminale, si innamorarono cos\u00EC profondamente che McCoy decise di rimanere su Yonada al momento della partenza dell\u2019 Enterprise. Accett\u00F2 lo \"strumento di obbedienza\" che permetteva al computer di controllare la popolazione di Yonada. Quando McCoy trov\u00F2 lo strumento di controllo, il computer gli provoc\u00F2 uno shock talmente forte da impedirgli di informare l\u2019 Enterprise. Kirk e Spock ritornarono sulla nave e spiegarono la storia di Fabrini e di Yonada. Natira, all\u2019inizio, non credette loro, ma non chiam\u00F2 nemmeno"@it . . . . . "Nel 2268, quando la USS Enterprise visit\u00F2 la nave, si scopr\u00EC che la nave-asteroide si trovava in rotta di collisione con un pianeta della Federazione. Mentre Kirk e Spock cercavano i controlli per modificare la rotta della nave, Natira e McCoy, che si trovava in uno stadio di malattia terminale, si innamorarono cos\u00EC profondamente che McCoy decise di rimanere su Yonada al momento della partenza dell\u2019 Enterprise. Accett\u00F2 lo \"strumento di obbedienza\" che permetteva al computer di controllare la popolazione di Yonada. Quando McCoy trov\u00F2 lo strumento di controllo, il computer gli provoc\u00F2 uno shock talmente forte da impedirgli di informare l\u2019 Enterprise. Kirk e Spock ritornarono sulla nave e spiegarono la storia di Fabrini e di Yonada. Natira, all\u2019inizio, non credette loro, ma non chiam\u00F2 nemmeno le guardie. Quando chiese all\u2019Oracolo spiegazioni in merito a ci\u00F2 che le era stato detto, l\u2019Oracolo inizi\u00F2 a torturarla tramite lo strumento e le fece perdere conoscenza. Ella acconsent\u00EC ad aiutare Spock a rimuovere lo strumento. McCoy disse loro dove avrebbero potuto trovare i controlli della nave e la rotta venne modificata. Esaminando il computer, Spock trov\u00F2 una cura per la malattia di McCoy. McCoy e Natira si separarono a malincuore. Lei per condurre la propria gente verso la terra promessa, e McCoy per continuare il suo dovere di medico della Flotta. (TOS: \"Ho toccato il cielo\") Natira fu interpretata da Katherine Woodville. La storia di Natira e Yonada viene ulteriormente sviluppata nel romanzo Ex Machina scritto da Christopher L. Bennett, pubblicato nel gennaio 2005."@it . . . . "Natira was a Fabrini high priestess, leader of the inhabitants of Yonada. It was her responsibility in the Fabrini society to consult the Oracle for the guidance of her people. In 2268, when the USS Enterprise tracked the course of a missile to its origin point, it was discovered that the point of origin was not a natural asteroid but a gigantic spaceship. The landing party beamed down to the inner surface but were captured by powerful guards. Natira had the landing team brought inside, where they discovered that the people of Yonada were unaware of their situation. As Kirk and Spock searched for the controls to redirect the ship, Natira and Dr. McCoy, who had a terminal illness, fell in love so deeply that McCoy wanted to stay on Yonada when the Enterprise left. He accepted the \"instrument of obedience\" that allowed the computer to control the people on Yonada. When McCoy found the control instrument, the computer shocked him so that he would not be able to inform the Enterprise. Kirk and Spock returned to the ship and explained the history of the Fabrini and that Yonada was actually a generational ship, not a true world. Natira did not believe them at first, but did not call her guards. When she asked the Oracle about what she had been told, the Oracle began to torment her through her instrument and knocked her out. She agreed to help Spock remove the instrument. McCoy told them where the ship's controls were to be found and they redirected the ship. In examining the computer, Spock found a cure for McCoy's illness. McCoy and Natira tearfully parted ways. She to lead her people to the promised land, and McCoy to continue his duties as a Starfleet doctor. (TOS: \"For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky\" ) Natira was played by Katherine Woodville. The story of Natira and Yonada is further developed in the novel Ex Machina written by Christopher L. Bennett, published in January 2005. This novel revealed that part of the reason for McCoy's feelings for her was motivated by his own fears of imminent death, as well as revealing that Natira had already harbored doubts about the Oracle after it had killed her father, going along with her belief in it to protect herself out of a lack of alternatives until the Enterprise crew revealed the truth."@en . . "250"^^ . . . . "Unknown"@en . "Natira"@en . . "2.19"^^ . . . "Natira was an alien leader first introduced in the Star Trek episode For The World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky."@en . . "thumb|Natira. Natira ist eine Hohepriesterin der Fabrini und gleichzeitig die Anf\u00FChrerin der Bewohner des Asteroiden-Schiffes Yonada. 2268 wird die USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) entsandt, um einen m\u00F6glichen Zusammensto\u00DF der Yonada mit einer F\u00F6derationswelt zu verhindern. (TOS: ) Natira wurde von Katherine Woodville gespielt und von Helga Tr\u00FCmper sowie Christin Marquitan (neue Szenen) synchronisiert."@de . "High Priestess of the Fabrini"@en . "Unknown, but older than Scorpius"@en . . "Natira"@en . "fed"@en . "Natira"@en . . "Natira was a Fabrini woman who served as High Priestess for the people of Yonada in the final stages of the worldship's voyage to Daran IV. Aboard Yonada, it was Natira's responsibility to consult the \"Oracle of the People\" for guidance for her people."@en . "no"@en . . "Natira was a Fabrini woman who served as High Priestess for the people of Yonada in the final stages of the worldship's voyage to Daran IV. Aboard Yonada, it was Natira's responsibility to consult the \"Oracle of the People\" for guidance for her people."@en . "132"^^ . "See the Fabrini to their new world , Lead the Fabrini"@en . . . . "Heroine"@en . . . "Natira"@de . "Brown"@en . . "Natira was a female Saltici, an intelligent bipedal creature with blue, crustaceous skin. She had a \"crown\" of seven claw-like tendrils on her head that she used in one of her favorite pastimes: plucking out the eyes of her torture victims. At some time in the past, Natira had become the head of a Shadow Depository, and she ran it ruthlessly. Possessed of a sharp business sense and a backbone of steel, Natira obviously rose to a position of no small repute due to her managerial skills and successful depository, and at the time of Farscape, she is the undisputed ruler of her own little kingdom."@en . . . . "Not a woman you'd want to cross."@en . . . "Dark Brown"@en . . "2360.0"^^ . "Frau Blucher, Medusa"@en . .