. "To take a second look at the appearance of Salvation War, both spiritual factions aren't really all that powerful and the legions of Hell appear more like stereotypical artistic representations of Demons, Angels, and various mythological monsters (to boot why actual classical monsters were created by Hell at all since they never actually existed at all makes no true sense but YMMV on that) then anything that either is believed to exist or fictionally shown to exist (even several horror films depict supernatural good and evil (mostly evil) as either far more frighteningly alien and or powerful then what is shown here). While the faction of Heaven make themselves appear either like completely uncaring Jerk Asses or oddly Magnificent Bastards just asking for a punch in the mouth. Basically Every non human faction acts completely contrary to popular belief or philosophical understanding so the only possible explanation is would be that the being known as Yahweh in the story is not the actual Judea-Christian God of biblical fame and the entire war is in actuality a Xanatos Gambit by actual God to test both or either Humanities faith or free will. The test of faith is in \"Gods\" message that Hell is inevitable for all humans so they just lay down and die and except it. The humans that do are rewarded for their faith by being taken not to Hell but Fluffy Cloud Heaven instead. The ones who dont and start the Curb Stomp War against the armies of the afterlife is the Test of free will. Basically God doesn't mind unquestioning faith but he doesn't want completely boot licking yes men either who go along with his everyword like robots, thats not what Humans were created for. In fact there are 2 examples of God actually doing this the prominent 1st is Gods command to Abraham to kill his son Issac (which God stopped before the deed was done) as a test of faith, the second in which another biblical figure (whose name escapes me right now) literally wrestles with a angel over one of gods commands to him. Afterwhich God commends him on this saying that at times gods words should be scrutinized and not always blindly followed. That was the test of free will. Basically the entire war is to see who is unquestionably faithful and who will not just cow-tow to the Almighty's every fickle whim and be willing to question Gods reasoning (even if the question is a surface to air missile to the face). also corallary to this the other main reason of the Salvation war might be..."@en . . . . . . . "The Salvation War/WMG"@en . . . . . "To take a second look at the appearance of Salvation War, both spiritual factions aren't really all that powerful and the legions of Hell appear more like stereotypical artistic representations of Demons, Angels, and various mythological monsters (to boot why actual classical monsters were created by Hell at all since they never actually existed at all makes no true sense but YMMV on that) then anything that either is believed to exist or fictionally shown to exist (even several horror films depict supernatural good and evil (mostly evil) as either far more frighteningly alien and or powerful then what is shown here)."@en . . . .