"Wario World"@fr . . "Greenfist"@fr . "Greenfist est le premier boss de Wario World. Il est affront\u00E9 au terme de la For\u00EAt des D\u00E9buts. Greenfist est un dinosaure vert avec des poings gris, et un visage carr\u00E9. Quand il s'\u00E9nerve, il devient rouge. Tel un boxeur, il se bat en donnant des coups, comme les Magons, et si Wario le frappe plusieurs fois, il devient enrag\u00E9 et se met \u00E0 donner plusieurs coups de poings enflamm\u00E9s. Wario doit le frapper afin de l'\u00E9tourdir puis ensuite ex\u00E9cuter un lancer contre le mur, un grand tourniquet ou encore effectuer une prise du marteau pilon dans le sol du terrain. Il doit r\u00E9p\u00E9ter cette op\u00E9ration trois fois jusqu'\u00E0 ce que Greenfist soit vaincu. Cat\u00E9gorie:Wario World Cat\u00E9gorie:Boss Cat\u00E9gorie:Boss de Wario World Cat\u00E9gorie:Ennemis Cat\u00E9gorie:Ennemis de Wario World Cat\u00E9gorie:Dinosaures"@fr . "Enemy"@en . "Wario World"@en . "Greenfist is an enemy in Wario World. He attacks by spitting out goop and summoning Swoopin' Stus and Tweesters, and can be defeated by either the Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding, or Power Throw. If a Power Throw is used and Greenfist is launched off the battlefield, two of his health skulls will be destroyed. His arena consists of a single, small green platform. To beat him, Wario must punch him enough times to stun him, then destroy one of his health skulls by using a Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding, or Power Throw. He can also lose a health skull just by falling off the battlefield."@en . "Greenfist is an enemy in Wario World. He attacks by spitting out goop and summoning Swoopin' Stus and Tweesters, and can be defeated by either the Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding, or Power Throw. If a Power Throw is used and Greenfist is launched off the battlefield, two of his health skulls will be destroyed. His arena consists of a single, small green platform. To beat him, Wario must punch him enough times to stun him, then destroy one of his health skulls by using a Piledriver, Wild Swing-Ding, or Power Throw. He can also lose a health skull just by falling off the battlefield. After three powerful moves - and by three powerful moves, that means three double-damage Power Throws that throw Greenfist off the battlefield - Greenfist is toast and Wario is allowed into Greenhorn Ruins. Greenfist is the first of the three bosses in Excitement Central. SandWorm is the second, and Dinomighty is the third."@en . "Greenfist"@fr . "Dinosaure"@fr . . "Greenfist est le premier boss de Wario World. Il est affront\u00E9 au terme de la For\u00EAt des D\u00E9buts. Greenfist est un dinosaure vert avec des poings gris, et un visage carr\u00E9. Quand il s'\u00E9nerve, il devient rouge."@fr . "None"@en . . "Greenfist"@en . . "Greenfist"@en . "Male"@en . . . . . "Greenfist"@en . . . . . . . "Dinosaur"@en . . . . . . . "Wario World"@en . "Greenfist as he appears in Wario World with half of his health skulls remaining"@en . . . . "Green and Tan"@en .