"Polish 3rd Legions Infantry Division (3. Dywizja Piechoty Legion\u00F3w) was a tactical unit of the Polish Army between the World Wars. Formed in 1919, as a third unit composed significantly of veterans of the Polish Legions in World War I (after Polish 1st Legions Infantry Division and Polish 2nd Legions Infantry Division), the unit saw extensive action during the Polish-Bolshevik War and World War II. In the interbellum period, it was stationed in Zamo\u015B\u0107."@en . . . . . . "Polish 3rd Legions Infantry Division (3. Dywizja Piechoty Legion\u00F3w) was a tactical unit of the Polish Army between the World Wars. Formed in 1919, as a third unit composed significantly of veterans of the Polish Legions in World War I (after Polish 1st Legions Infantry Division and Polish 2nd Legions Infantry Division), the unit saw extensive action during the Polish-Bolshevik War and World War II. In the interbellum period, it was stationed in Zamo\u015B\u0107. During the Polish-Bolshevik War it was commanded by Edward \u015Amig\u0142y-Rydz (and others). It took part in the battle of Daugavpils, Kiev Offensive, battle of Warsaw (1920) and battle of Niemen. During the Polish Defensive War it was a part of Army Prusy under command of col. Marian Turkowski. After a week of fighting, it was forced back and dispersed by German XV Motorised Corps. Parts of the division were lated reorganized under 1st Legions Divisions and continued to fight until late September."@en . "3rd Legions Infantry Division (Poland)"@en . . .