. "Rescue Kreisler \n\nRetrieve Kreisler's optical disc \n\nEliminate elite squad"@en . "Kanuti Mountains, Alaska, United States of America: KemSynth Petroleum - KemSynth Hydroponics"@en . . "Kreisler's Garden"@en . "Security Section D"@en . "Flamethrower-brandishing thug"@en . "Freeman's Answer"@en . "Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror"@en . . "Red Section soldiers\n\nFlamethrower-brandishing thug\n\nElite squad"@en . "Kreisler's Garden"@en . "Gabe Logan"@en . "William Kreisler: \"You're too late... They got him in the substation... And they're gonna blow it up...\" Gabe Logan: \"Teresa, check the schematics for a hothouse. And tell Lian to head over to the substation. I'll meet her there.\" Teresa Lipan: \"Copy that. As soon as I restore contact, I'll let her know. I'm looking at the schematics for Security Section D, and a whole section of it's blacked out. Looks like enough room for a hothouse.\" Gabe Logan: \"Whatever the hell it is, I bet the optical disc is there... Logan out.\""@en . "Mak-10 9mm\n\nM4 Carbine \n\nSpectre \n\nMDS-7\n\nLaser Mines"@en . "William Kreisler: \"You're too late... They got him in the substation... And they're gonna blow it up...\" Gabe Logan: \"Teresa, check the schematics for a hothouse. And tell Lian to head over to the substation. I'll meet her there.\" Teresa Lipan: \"Copy that. As soon as I restore contact, I'll let her know. I'm looking at the schematics for Security Section D, and a whole section of it's blacked out. Looks like enough room for a hothouse.\" Gabe Logan: \"Whatever the hell it is, I bet the optical disc is there... Logan out.\""@en .