. . . "The Vor'dalsh was a Sholec-class assault cruiser that saw service with the Cardassian Guard during the 24th century. In 2375, the Vor'dalsh destroyed a wing of D'deridex-class Warbirds after it self destructed after been crippled. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 2: Starships of the Cardassian Union)"@en . "Vor'dalsh"@en . . "The Vor'dalsh was a Sholec-class assault cruiser that saw service with the Cardassian Guard during the 24th century. In 2375, the Vor'dalsh destroyed a wing of D'deridex-class Warbirds after it self destructed after been crippled. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 2: Starships of the Cardassian Union)"@en .