. . . . . . "Technician Will Kayden was a crewman aboard the USS Rutledge under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Affectionately known as \"Stompie,\" Kayden was fond of entertaining his fellow crewmen with Celtic harp playing and Irish folk songs, particularly \"The Minstrel Boy\" which was especially enjoyed by Captain Maxwell, Miles O'Brien and Tim Sinclair. Kayden was a tall, freckled young man with a slight build, orange-red hair and a wide grin. He felt a kinship with O'Brien and Sinclair due to their Irish descent and shared a loyal friendship with the elder crewman."@en . "Will Kayden ist ein menschlicher Offizier der Sternenflotte im 24. Jahrhundert. W\u00E4hrend des F\u00F6deral-Cardassianischen Krieges dient er an Bord der USS Rutledge unter dem Kommando von Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Zus\u00E4tzlich ist er sehr gut mit Crewman Miles O'Brien befreundet. Von seinen Freunden erhielt er den Spitznamen \"Stompie\" und ist au\u00DFerdem bekannt daf\u00FCr, dass er h\u00E4ufig einen alten Erdensong namens \"The Minstrel Boy\" singt. Kayden stirbt schlie\u00DFlich im Kampf gegen die Cardassianer, als die Rutledge versucht, die Zivilisten auf Setlik III zu retten. Dieses Ereignis geht sp\u00E4ter als das Setlik-III-Massaker in die Geschichte ein. (TNG: ) 2367 denken, an Bord der USS Phoenix, O'Brien und Maxwell an Kayden und singen zusammen \"The Minstrel Boy\". (TNG: )"@de . . . "Will Kayden ist ein menschlicher Offizier der Sternenflotte im 24. Jahrhundert. W\u00E4hrend des F\u00F6deral-Cardassianischen Krieges dient er an Bord der USS Rutledge unter dem Kommando von Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Zus\u00E4tzlich ist er sehr gut mit Crewman Miles O'Brien befreundet. Von seinen Freunden erhielt er den Spitznamen \"Stompie\" und ist au\u00DFerdem bekannt daf\u00FCr, dass er h\u00E4ufig einen alten Erdensong namens \"The Minstrel Boy\" singt. Kayden stirbt schlie\u00DFlich im Kampf gegen die Cardassianer, als die Rutledge versucht, die Zivilisten auf Setlik III zu retten. Dieses Ereignis geht sp\u00E4ter als das Setlik-III-Massaker in die Geschichte ein. (TNG: )"@de . . . . . "Technician Will Kayden was a male Human crewman aboard the USS Rutledge under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell in the 24th century. Affectionately known as \"Stompie,\" Kayden was fond of entertaining his fellow crewmen with Celtic harp playing and Irish folk songs, particularly The Minstrel Boy, which was especially enjoyed by Captain Maxwell and Miles O'Brien. Kayden was described as a tall, freckled young man with a slight build, orange hair, and a wide grin. He felt a kinship with O'Brien due to their Irish descent and shared a loyal friendship with the elder crewman. He was among Captain Maxwell's handpicked team to rescue survivors during the Setlik III Massacre. Kayden was killed by Cardassian forces as he and O'Brien attempted to save a number of civilians. Miles O'Brien would recall Will and his music fondly when the USS Enterprise-D was dispatched to investigate the destruction of Cardassian transport ships by the USS Phoenix, commanded by his former captain, Benjamin Maxwell. (TNG episode: \"The Wounded\", DS9 novelization: Emissary)"@en . . . . "Will Kayden was a Starfleet officer serving in the 24th century. During the Federation-Cardassian War, Kayden served aboard the USS Rutledge under Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Kayden was good friends with fellow Rutledge crewman Miles O'Brien. He was affectionately nicknamed \"Stompie\" by his shipmates and was well known for his fondness of the old Earth song The Minstrel Boy. In combat, Maxwell remembered Kayden as being as cool under fire as a mountain lake. He died fighting the Cardassians on Setlik III during the Setlik III massacre. (TNG: \"The Wounded\" )"@en . "Will Kayden was a Starfleet officer serving in the 24th century. During the Federation-Cardassian War, Kayden served aboard the USS Rutledge under Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Kayden was good friends with fellow Rutledge crewman Miles O'Brien. He was affectionately nicknamed \"Stompie\" by his shipmates and was well known for his fondness of the old Earth song The Minstrel Boy. In combat, Maxwell remembered Kayden as being as cool under fire as a mountain lake. He died fighting the Cardassians on Setlik III during the Setlik III massacre. (TNG: \"The Wounded\" ) This character was only mentioned in dialogue. The novelization of DS9: \"Emissary\" expanded on Kayden's character."@en . "Technician Will Kayden was a crewman aboard the USS Rutledge under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell. Affectionately known as \"Stompie,\" Kayden was fond of entertaining his fellow crewmen with Celtic harp playing and Irish folk songs, particularly \"The Minstrel Boy\" which was especially enjoyed by Captain Maxwell, Miles O'Brien and Tim Sinclair. Kayden was a tall, freckled young man with a slight build, orange-red hair and a wide grin. He felt a kinship with O'Brien and Sinclair due to their Irish descent and shared a loyal friendship with the elder crewman. He was among Captain Maxwell's handpicked team to rescue survivors during the Setlik III massacre. Kayden was killed by Cardassian forces as he and O'Brien attempted to save a number of civilians. Miles O'Brien would recall Will and his music fondly when the USS Enterprise-D was dispatched to investigate the destruction of Cardassian transport ships by the USS Phoenix, commanded by his former captain, Benjamin Maxwell. (TNG: \"The Wounded\"; DS9 novel: Emissary; Star Trek: Pendragon: \"Ceremonies of Innocence\", et. al.)"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Will Kayden"@en . . "Technician Will Kayden was a male Human crewman aboard the USS Rutledge under the command of Captain Benjamin Maxwell in the 24th century. Affectionately known as \"Stompie,\" Kayden was fond of entertaining his fellow crewmen with Celtic harp playing and Irish folk songs, particularly The Minstrel Boy, which was especially enjoyed by Captain Maxwell and Miles O'Brien. Kayden was described as a tall, freckled young man with a slight build, orange hair, and a wide grin. He felt a kinship with O'Brien due to their Irish descent and shared a loyal friendship with the elder crewman."@en . . . "Will Kayden"@de . . . .