"Violet"@en . . "Tailed Beast, Sensor Type, Sage,"@en . "Kaiden Uchiha~Creator"@en . . "Moeru is a female High-level Spectre Dragon and Bellerophon's Familiar, who acquired her during his first trip through the Familiar forest."@en . "Guardian of Sunagakure, priestess"@en . "Moeru"@en . . . . "Moeru is a female High-level Spectre Dragon and Bellerophon's Familiar, who acquired her during his first trip through the Familiar forest."@en . . . "Spectre Dragon"@en . "\u71C3\u3048\u308B"@en . . . "High-level Dragon"@en . "Alive"@en . "kawatora"@en . "Female"@en . "\u71C3\u3048\u308B, Moeru"@en . "No"@en . . "Fire Release, Water Release, Magnet Release,"@en . "Moeru"@en . . . "Moeru"@en . . . . "Moeru"@en . . . . "Magnet Release,"@en . . . "No"@en . "Moeru (\u71C3\u3048\u308B, Moeru) is the three tailed tiger of the sand, a beautiful and majestic being of chakra she governs the land of air country."@en . "Anime"@en . . "Sunagakure,Kaguya's Dimension~Home"@en . . "Moeru_beast.jpg;Tailed Beast form;\nMoeru_human_form.jpg;Moeru human form"@en . "Moeru (\u71C3\u3048\u308B, Moeru) is the three tailed tiger of the sand, a beautiful and majestic being of chakra she governs the land of air country."@en . "Alive"@en . .