"Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter, Mason, Electronics. Master of Medeival Warfare."@en . "Count is a noble title, typically below a Duke or Duchess, and above a Baron or Baroness in rank. Its female counterpart is usually Countess, although no named Countesses have yet appeared in the Warcraft franchise."@en . "USA"@en . "This portrait of a count hangs next to the first-floor landing of the Grand Staircase of Hogwarts Castle. In 1992, Hermione Granger told Harry Potter that it was not a good sign to hear voices, even in the Wizarding world, unaware that the voices he was hearing was really the Parseltongue of Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk going through the school's pipes. The subject of this portrait agreed with her."@en . "No criminal record. Yet"@en . . . . . "\uBC31\uC791"@en . "Deceased"@en . "The Count is an Apostle, the ruler of a county centered around a castle and the father of Theresia. He serves as the main antagonist of the Guardians of Desire arc."@en . . . "Paragon City"@en . . . . "Count or female Countess was a noble title. The planet Serenno was ruled by counts."@en . . . . "He cannot travel when his unicycle wheel got deflated."@en . . . . . . . . . "count is an option for attachments that simply checks the count of something. turns places restriction on which turns the RA may be satisfied. can be a list \"1:3\" means turns 1 and 3. can include ranges \"1:3-5\" means turns 1,3,4,5. use + to represent infinity \"1-2:4-+\" means turns 1,2,4 and every turn after 4. techs places a restriction based on which techs the player has. may be a list, count is the minimum number that must be had. count = 0 means precisely 0 (i.e. have none of the listed techs), and omitting defaults to 0."@en . . "Red"@en . . . "Count is the title of certain nobles on ancient Earth. It was also the title of Vor nobles on Barrayar who served as District Count, though the term derived from 'accountant' in Barrayaran usage."@en . . . . "Dessert Desert"@en . "Penelope Mahoney, Seamus Cassidy"@en . . . . . "180.0"^^ . "Count is a now-redundant command used to determine how many coppers, crowns, or marks you are carrying."@en . . "Count"@en . . "310.0"^^ . . "In 2013's puzzle, a very interesting discovery was made, and for the most part fairly overlooked. That discovery was the Gematria Primus, a table which can be used to convert letters into numbers. These, when added together, equal other numbers, some of which have proven to be very interesting so far throughout the puzzles. The best way to work these out right now is not the Gematria table, but instead a very handy script written by soulseekah. It can be found here."@en . "Apostle"@en . "140"^^ . . "Count was a title used on Earth. Dracula was a count who lived until at least the 20th century. (TOS comic: \"The Haunting of Thallus!\") Count Dressler was the ruler of a tiny kingdom on Earth until he fled the planet in the 23rd century. (TOS comic: \"The Voodoo Planet\")"@en . "Count was a ruling title of the Minor House Fenring. The most famous was Count Hasimir Fenring who ruled with his wife, Lady Margot Fenring. This article is a : It may require more information."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Count"@nl . "Secret"@en . "wizard"@en . . . . . . . . . "Jonothon has an innate insight on how things work"@en . . . . "Tiffi helped him by pumping a wheel using a pump to continue the trip."@en . . . . . . "Caucasian"@en . "Count was a title used on Earth. Dracula was a count who lived until at least the 20th century. (TOS comic: \"The Haunting of Thallus!\") Count Dressler was the ruler of a tiny kingdom on Earth until he fled the planet in the 23rd century. (TOS comic: \"The Voodoo Planet\")"@en . . . . . . "Hrabia"@en . . "\u0413\u0440\u0430\u0444/\u041A\u0430\u043D\u043E\u043D"@en . "*Dooku\n*Jogurner\n*Denetrius Vidian\n*Ursa Wren"@en . "Overview"@en . "Red"@en . "Count is the title of certain nobles on ancient Earth. It was also the title of Vor nobles on Barrayar who served as District Count, though the term derived from 'accountant' in Barrayaran usage."@en . "1"^^ . . . . "count is an option for attachments that simply checks the count of something. turns places restriction on which turns the RA may be satisfied. can be a list \"1:3\" means turns 1 and 3. can include ranges \"1:3-5\" means turns 1,3,4,5. use + to represent infinity \"1-2:4-+\" means turns 1,2,4 and every turn after 4. techs places a restriction based on which techs the player has. may be a list, count is the minimum number that must be had. count = 0 means precisely 0 (i.e. have none of the listed techs), and omitting defaults to 0."@en . "Count"@en . "Count is the lowest rank you can have in the game. All Dukes and Kings hold at least one province as a Count. Without a higher title (such as Duke or King), a Count cannot have vassals and is subject to either a Duke or (more rarely) a King. Every time you conquer a demesne you gain the title of Count of that place. If you hold enough titles in the same geographic region you can try to create a Duchy, promoting you to Duke and changing your sovereign, since Dukes cannot have Dukes as vassals."@en . "Conde"@en . . . . "Count"@en . "Guardians of Desire (1)"@en . . . "15"^^ . . . . "This portrait of a count hangs next to the first-floor landing of the Grand Staircase of Hogwarts Castle. In 1992, Hermione Granger told Harry Potter that it was not a good sign to hear voices, even in the Wizarding world, unaware that the voices he was hearing was really the Parseltongue of Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk going through the school's pipes. The subject of this portrait agreed with her."@en . . . . . . "Hrabia"@nl . "Episode 22"@en . . . "#000000"@en . . . . . "Count (of Countess) was een adellijke titel ('graaf' in het Nederlands) die op bepaalde planeten van kracht was. Count Dooku was bijvoorbeeld Count of Serenno."@nl . . . . . . . . . "The Count is found in the Count of Carcassonne mini-expansion, and can be placed on one of the four areas of the City of Carcassonne to prevent followers moving from that area. Should a new follower be placed anywhere in the City, that player may move the Count to a new area."@en . . "Count (male) or countess (female) was a title of nobility. Dooku, a Sith Lord and the political leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, was a count from the planet Serenno. Dooku reclaimed his title of count, along with his ancestral lands and wealth on Serenno, after he abandoned the Jedi Order. The thorilide mogul Denetrius Vidian was also a count. As such, he was addressed as \"my lord.\" Ursa Wren, leader of Clan Wren, was a countess."@en . "Titanium Disulfate armor, axe and shield. Various gadgets"@en . . . . . . . "#000000"@en . "2.3"^^ . . . "Jonothon was a fairly normal kid living a fairly normal life. He grew up with his simple younger brother, Seamus and the two had alot of fun. High school came and Jonothon went to the local tech school were he specialized in electronics. He graduated and went on to the local community college and got a degree in electrical engineering. He worked in a TV repair shop for a few years, moonlighting in construction work. In his spare time Jonothon worked on his inventions. He never seemed to be able to create anything new, but he was able to recreate anything he'd read about in a magazine of saw on the Discovery Channel, it was just a matter of time for him to understand how something worked. He got into Medieval recreations in high school, a girl he was dating took him to a Renaissance fair. They broke up, but his love for medieval warfare continued on. Jonothon would go on to apprentice, squire and eventually become a knight, as rigorously trained as any english knight in the high middle ages. Jonothon eventually recreated a machine he read about that wove single molecule thick strands of titanium disulfate together. It is his greatest machine yet. With it he built himself a suit of armor to show off at the next renaissance fair. His cousin, Penelope stopped by for a visit and convinced Jonothon to build a suit of armor for her and Seamus and together they would do something about the gang situation down in Brickstown. They formed the vigilante team The Tiger Knight (WH) and proceeded to dismantle a number of gangs. Behind the scenes Penelope was taking various gangbangers and building a new gang, Los Tigres (WH). When Jonothon found out he objected, but soon found himself in a position of power, with wine, women and song at his beck and call. Jonothon grew accostumed to a life of leisure and crime."@en . . . . . . . . "Count is a noble title, typically below a Duke or Duchess, and above a Baron or Baroness in rank. Its female counterpart is usually Countess, although no named Countesses have yet appeared in the Warcraft franchise."@en . . "Count"@en . . . . . . . "Jonothon Cassidy"@en . . . . "A available only to male characters in level 60+ guilds. Eligible characters can purchase it from Freeport/Qeynos/Kelethin city merchants for 3p 10g 48c 2577348 status."@en . "Jonothon was a fairly normal kid living a fairly normal life. He grew up with his simple younger brother, Seamus and the two had alot of fun. High school came and Jonothon went to the local tech school were he specialized in electronics. He graduated and went on to the local community college and got a degree in electrical engineering. He worked in a TV repair shop for a few years, moonlighting in construction work."@en . "Male"@en . "Count"@en . . "Image Gallery"@en . . . "God Hand"@en . . "Conde"@nl . "Electronics repairman"@en . "The Count had several unique moves: Approaching his target slowly, the Count grabs them by the neck and squeezes it roughly, immobilizing them and choking them at the same time. From there, he retrieves his mace from his belt and sweeps their legs out from underneath them, sending them collapsing to the floor. With his target defenseless, the Count brutally slams his mace down onto his victim's chest, shattering their ribcage and leaving them coughing up blood. Stealthily walking up to his target from behind, the Count roughly shoves them by the shoulder, causing the target to turn around in response. Having already unsheathed his mace, the Count smashes it hard into their face, shattering his victim's skull and killing them instantly. Rushing to his target, the Count kicks his foot into their stomach, winding them, before wielding his mace in both of his hands and smashing it upwards like a strike of a golf club. Driving his weapon into the face of his keeled over victim, his weapon breaks their skull as they are knocked upwards into the air. From there, the Count secures his mace at his side before gravity returns his target to the floor, head first. Running up to his target from behind, the Count hits his bladed mace into their right leg, unbalancing them, before spinning around them with his mace to gain momentum. As they are left with one leg for support, the Count fully turns himself around them and twists his mace to add rotational force, before swinging it into the side of his unfortunate victim's face. Crushing his target's skull and sending them flying to the side, they slump into a pile on the floor as they land, while the Count replaces his weapon at his side. Grabbing his seated target's foot, the Count drags them off the bench until their head rests against it. Before his victim can do anything to defend themselves, he forcefully kicks them in the face, violently breaking his target's neck on the bench behind them. Having spotted his target, the Count leaps from above, while unsheathing his mace as he jumps. Skillfully breaking his fall by landing on his hapless victim, he brutally smashes his mace into their skull, crushing it and killing them instantly. With his target dead, the Count stands up and removes his mace from their head, before placing it back at his waist."@en . . . "Human"@en . "C\u00E2non:Conde"@en . . . "Episode C0"@en . "Count (of Countess) was een adellijke titel ('graaf' in het Nederlands) die op bepaalde planeten van kracht was. Count Dooku was bijvoorbeeld Count of Serenno."@nl . . . . "*Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry"@en . "Count was a ruling title of the Minor House Fenring. The most famous was Count Hasimir Fenring who ruled with his wife, Lady Margot Fenring. This article is a : It may require more information."@en . . "Count or female Countess was a noble title. The planet Serenno was ruled by counts."@en . "Despite being based on the main villain in the Castlevania franchise, the Count very rarely played a major role in the TV series and was often in a more subservient position. Like a traditional vampire, the Count has the ability to transform into a bat; however, his bat form looks different from episode to episode. He is also skilled in necromancy and can animate and control undead creatures. He was the officiant at the wedding of Simon Belmont and Mother Brain. (\"Mr. and Mrs. Mother Brain\")"@en . . "Delta Mutant"@en . . "The Count is an Apostle, the ruler of a county centered around a castle and the father of Theresia. He serves as the main antagonist of the Guardians of Desire arc."@en . "In England a Count (female: Countess) or Earl is a peer who ranks below a Duke. The title of Count/Countess is received by county elections or by Royal Warrants."@en . . . "None"@en . ""@en . "A noble rank. \n* In the Middle Sea Empire, the Count was the military commander of a Region and thus responsible to a Duke"@en . "Trained in medeival combat"@en . . . "Dessert-Desert.png"@en . . . . "Reality:"@en . . . . . . . "1"^^ . "Before 1992"@en . . . "Green"@en . "Count is a now-redundant command used to determine how many coppers, crowns, or marks you are carrying."@en . . . "#FFFFFF"@en . . "yes"@en . "Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering"@en . . "\u0413\u0440\u0430\u0444"@nl . "repairman"@en . . "A available only to male characters in level 60+ guilds. Eligible characters can purchase it from Freeport/Qeynos/Kelethin city merchants for 3p 10g 48c 2577348 status."@en . . "Kytross"@en . "White"@en . . . "Graf #kanon"@en . . . "In England a Count (female: Countess) or Earl is a peer who ranks below a Duke. The title of Count/Countess is received by county elections or by Royal Warrants."@en . . . . . . . "The Count had several unique moves: Approaching his target slowly, the Count grabs them by the neck and squeezes it roughly, immobilizing them and choking them at the same time. From there, he retrieves his mace from his belt and sweeps their legs out from underneath them, sending them collapsing to the floor. With his target defenseless, the Count brutally slams his mace down onto his victim's chest, shattering their ribcage and leaving them coughing up blood."@en . . "The Count is found in the Count of Carcassonne mini-expansion, and can be placed on one of the four areas of the City of Carcassonne to prevent followers moving from that area. Should a new follower be placed anywhere in the City, that player may move the Count to a new area."@en . "Count (male) or countess (female) was a title of nobility. Dooku, a Sith Lord and the political leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars, was a count from the planet Serenno. Dooku reclaimed his title of count, along with his ancestral lands and wealth on Serenno, after he abandoned the Jedi Order. The thorilide mogul Denetrius Vidian was also a count. As such, he was addressed as \"my lord.\" Ursa Wren, leader of Clan Wren, was a countess."@en . . . "Infiltration"@en . . . . . . "Wife"@en . . . . . . "Despite being based on the main villain in the Castlevania franchise, the Count very rarely played a major role in the TV series and was often in a more subservient position. Like a traditional vampire, the Count has the ability to transform into a bat; however, his bat form looks different from episode to episode. He is also skilled in necromancy and can animate and control undead creatures. He was the officiant at the wedding of Simon Belmont and Mother Brain. (\"Mr. and Mrs. Mother Brain\")"@en . . . "Grey"@en . . "Count is the lowest rank you can have in the game. All Dukes and Kings hold at least one province as a Count. Without a higher title (such as Duke or King), a Count cannot have vassals and is subject to either a Duke or (more rarely) a King. Every time you conquer a demesne you gain the title of Count of that place. If you hold enough titles in the same geographic region you can try to create a Duchy, promoting you to Duke and changing your sovereign, since Dukes cannot have Dukes as vassals."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Count"@nl . "\u0413\u0440\u0430\u0444"@en . . . "Kreivi"@nl . . . "#7285ce"@en . "Yes"@en . . . "A noble rank. \n* In the Middle Sea Empire, the Count was the military commander of a Region and thus responsible to a Duke"@en . . "In 2013's puzzle, a very interesting discovery was made, and for the most part fairly overlooked. That discovery was the Gematria Primus, a table which can be used to convert letters into numbers. These, when added together, equal other numbers, some of which have proven to be very interesting so far throughout the puzzles. The best way to work these out right now is not the Gematria table, but instead a very handy script written by soulseekah. It can be found here."@en . "Conde"@nl . . . . . . . "The Count"@en . . . . . . . . . . . "Graf"@nl . . .