. "Juin 1747"@fr . . "Tessa Kenway"@en . "Angielka"@pl . . "Tessa Kenway"@de . . "Tessa by\u0142a c\u00F3rk\u0105 bogatego w\u0142a\u015Bciciela ziemskiego. W 1723 roku, Edward Kenway wycofa\u0142 si\u0119 z \u017Cycia pirata i zosta\u0142 wprowadzony do rodziny Stephenson-Oakley przez Roberta Walpole. By\u0142y pirat wynajmowa\u0142 jeden z dom\u00F3w ojca Tessy, Tessa postanowi\u0142a pom\u00F3c Edwardowi kupi\u0107 sw\u00F3j w\u0142asny dom i znale\u017A\u0107 niezb\u0119dne s\u0142ugi, w ko\u0144cu zakochuje si\u0119 w nim i bierze go za m\u0119\u017Ca. Jej rodzina odrzuca ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwo, co prowadzi do tego, \u017Ce rodzina staje si\u0119 obca dla ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa. Razem z m\u0119\u017Cem, c\u00F3rk\u0105 Edwarda z pierwszego ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa Jenny, oraz Haythamem mieszkali przy Queen Anne's Square w Londynie. Dzi\u0119ki rodzinnym koneksjom pomog\u0142a Edwardowi kupi\u0107 ten dom. Tessa darzy\u0142a Haythama du\u017Cym matczynym uczuciem do czasu, gdy by\u0142a \u015Bwiadkiem jak zabi\u0142 w jej obronie jednego z napastnik\u00F3w podczas ataku na ich dom. W rezultacie tego ataku ojciec Haythama zosta\u0142 zabity. Napastnicy szukali tomu z informacjami dotycz\u0105cymi Pierwszej Cywilizacji, kt\u00F3ry posiada\u0142 Edward. Po tym jak zobaczy\u0142a, \u017Ce jej syn, do tej pory niewinny, zdolny jest z zimn\u0105 krwi\u0105 zabi\u0107 cz\u0142owieka, Tessa przysta\u0142a na propozycj\u0119 Reginalda Bircha, by Haytham szkoli\u0142 si\u0119 pod jego okiem w Europie. Sama pozosta\u0142a w Anglii, by dogl\u0105da\u0107 odbudowy domu, ale zmar\u0142a kilka lat p\u00F3\u017Aniej w 1747 roku. Kategoria:Anglicy Kategoria:Postacie z Assassin's Creed: Porzuceni Kategoria:Rodzina Kenway Kategoria:R\u00F3d Desmonda"@pl . "1747"^^ . . . . . . . . "Tessa by\u0142a c\u00F3rk\u0105 bogatego w\u0142a\u015Bciciela ziemskiego. W 1723 roku, Edward Kenway wycofa\u0142 si\u0119 z \u017Cycia pirata i zosta\u0142 wprowadzony do rodziny Stephenson-Oakley przez Roberta Walpole. By\u0142y pirat wynajmowa\u0142 jeden z dom\u00F3w ojca Tessy, Tessa postanowi\u0142a pom\u00F3c Edwardowi kupi\u0107 sw\u00F3j w\u0142asny dom i znale\u017A\u0107 niezb\u0119dne s\u0142ugi, w ko\u0144cu zakochuje si\u0119 w nim i bierze go za m\u0119\u017Ca. Jej rodzina odrzuca ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwo, co prowadzi do tego, \u017Ce rodzina staje si\u0119 obca dla ma\u0142\u017Ce\u0144stwa."@pl . . "Tessa was the daughter of a wealthy landowner. In 1723, Edward Kenway retired from a life of piracy, and was introduced to the Stephenson-Oakley family by Robert Walpole. The former pirate rented out one of Tessa's father's houses. Tessa decided to help Edward buy his own home and to find the necessary servants, eventually falling in love and marrying him. Her family disapproved of the union, leading to them becoming estranged."@en . . . "Tessa Kenway"@fr . . . "Tessa Kenway.png"@pl . . "Tessa was the daughter of a wealthy landowner. In 1723, Edward Kenway retired from a life of piracy, and was introduced to the Stephenson-Oakley family by Robert Walpole. The former pirate rented out one of Tessa's father's houses. Tessa decided to help Edward buy his own home and to find the necessary servants, eventually falling in love and marrying him. Her family disapproved of the union, leading to them becoming estranged. With the birth of Haytham, Tessa, Edward and Edward's daughter from his first marriage, Jennifer, lived in a manor on Queen Anne's Square in Bloomsbury. There, Tessa treated Haytham with unequivocal affection, until the night before his tenth birthday in 1735. On this night, five mercenaries broke into the house, and she witnessed her son kill an assailant in order to protect her. As a result of this attack, Edward, an Assassin, was killed for a journal that he possessed, which contained encoded information about the First Civilization. Following this, seeing her son as a killer, as opposed to the innocent boy he had been prior to the assault, Tessa agreed to let Reginald Birch train Haytham in Europe. She stayed behind in England to oversee the reconstruction of the manor, but passed away twelve years later after suffering a fall."@en . . . . . . . . . . "Assassin's Creed: Forsaken"@fr . . . . . . "Tessa Kenway"@fr . "Tessa, po \u015Bmierci"@pl . "Przed 1723"@pl . . . . "Tessa Kenway, geb. Stephenson-Oakley, war die zweite Frau von Edward Kenway. Sie war die Mutter von Haytham Kenway und somit die Gro\u00DFmutter von Ratonhnhak\u00E9:ton. Sie ist ein Vorfahre von Desmond Miles und dessen Vater William Miles."@de . "Tessa Kenway, geb. Stephenson-Oakley, war die zweite Frau von Edward Kenway. Sie war die Mutter von Haytham Kenway und somit die Gro\u00DFmutter von Ratonhnhak\u00E9:ton. Sie ist ein Vorfahre von Desmond Miles und dessen Vater William Miles."@de . "Tessa Kenway"@pl . . .