"Cucula"@en . "Cucula was a male Dormon who lived thousands of years ago. In April, 891 BCE (reference stardate \u221228/9104), Cucula attended the 144th Rigel Conference, which met to decide issues relating to the Treaty of Kammzdast that held the Orion race in slavery. There, Cucula the Dormon warned against the growing Orion power and independence, saying \"Ten thousand years ago, they were slaves. A thousand years ago, servants. When will they be masters?\". (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge)"@en . "Cucula was a male Dormon who lived thousands of years ago. In April, 891 BCE (reference stardate \u221228/9104), Cucula attended the 144th Rigel Conference, which met to decide issues relating to the Treaty of Kammzdast that held the Orion race in slavery. There, Cucula the Dormon warned against the growing Orion power and independence, saying \"Ten thousand years ago, they were slaves. A thousand years ago, servants. When will they be masters?\". (FASA RPG module: The Orions: Book of Common Knowledge) Only a quote from a \"Cucula the Dormon\" is given. This article assumes that \"Dormon\" is a race, rather a title."@en . . .