"Jade Solitaire was a short story written by Timothy Zahn which appeared in the Tales from the New Republic anthology which was published by Bantam Spectra in December 1999. It takes place sometime before 18 ABY and is essentially the tale of how Mara Jade acquires her formidable starship, the Jade's Fire, which is seen in The Corellian Trilogy and The Hand of Thrawn Duology. It also describes how the Togorian female H'sishi came to join the crew of Talon Karrde."@en . . "Jade Solitaire"@en . . . "Jade Solitaire"@en . "Jade Solitaire was a short story written by Timothy Zahn which appeared in the Tales from the New Republic anthology which was published by Bantam Spectra in December 1999. It takes place sometime before 18 ABY and is essentially the tale of how Mara Jade acquires her formidable starship, the Jade's Fire, which is seen in The Corellian Trilogy and The Hand of Thrawn Duology. It also describes how the Togorian female H'sishi came to join the crew of Talon Karrde. Jade Solitaire was originally scheduled to be published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 17, but the Adventure Journal ceased publication before it could be featured."@en . "*Action VI transport\n**Wild Karrde\n*Freighter\n*Landspeeder\n*Starfighter\n*Personal Luxury Yacht 3000\n**Winning Gamble / Jade's Fire"@en . . . "*Berchestian\n*Bith\n*Drach'nam \n*Human\n*Noghri\n*Hutt \n*Togorian"@en . . "18"^^ . "Solo f\u00FCr Jade"@en . . . "*Bardrin Group \n*Captain\n*Councilor \n*First Greatness \n*Galactic Empire \n**Emperor's Hand \n**Galactic Emperor \n*Jedi \n**Jedi Master \n*Mistryl Shadow Guard \n*Mercenary \n*Mrahash \n*New Republic \n*Pirate \n*Scavenger\n*Sector Patrol \n*Smuggler\n*SoroSuub Corporation \n*Uoti Corporate"@en . "*Floater globe\n*The Force\n**Force sense\n**Telekinesis\n***Force grip\n***Force pull\n*Ghi trade language\n*Jedi training\n*Jumpsuit\n*Pustina\n*Slavery\n*Spaceport\n*Viewport\n*Wood"@en . . . . . . "*Bruallki \n*Krizar \n*Nerf"@en . . "*Ja Bardrin \n*Sansia Bardrin \n*Blath \n*Brok \n*Lando Calrissian \n*Chin\n*Czic \n*Dankin\n*H'sishi\n*Mara Jade\n*Talon Karrde\n*Odonnl\n*Palpatine \n*Chay Praysh \n*Luke Skywalker \n*Han Solo \n*Leia Organa Solo \n*Jabba Desilijic Tiure"@en . "*Combat practice remote"@en . . . . . . "Jade Solitaire"@en . "Pasjans wed\u0142ug Jade"@en . "*Coruscant \n*Gekto system \n*Kvabja \n*Makksre \n*Quyste \n*Tatooine \n*Torpris \n**Praysh's fortress \n***Nutrient slime pits"@en . "*Bacta tank \n*Blaster\n*Chrono\n*Comlink\n*Comm unit\n*Intercom\n*Long knife\n*Anakin Skywalker's second lightsaber\n*Neuronic whip\n*Prosthetic\n*Repulsorlift\n*Surveillance cam\n*Transparisteel\n*Turbolaser"@en .