"No"@en . . "Manga"@en . "A simple yet moderately quick technique, the Tengetsusen is an attack that is accomplished by performing a swift, vertical slash with a bladed weapon, creating the afterimage of a crescent moon in the process. Due to this technique's nature it is often used in the middle of a combo to throw an opponent off guard and prepare for the next attack."@en . "A simple yet moderately quick technique, the Tengetsusen is an attack that is accomplished by performing a swift, vertical slash with a bladed weapon, creating the afterimage of a crescent moon in the process. Due to this technique's nature it is often used in the middle of a combo to throw an opponent off guard and prepare for the next attack."@en . . "Offensive"@en . "Tengetsusen"@en . "D"@en . "Crescent Moon"@en . "Yasaka Shinden"@en . "Tengetsusen"@en . . "Short"@en . "Taijutsu"@en . "No"@en .