. . . . . . . . . . . "Construction of the Intrepid began in 2268, following the destruction of the original USS Intrepid by a space amoeba. By mid 2269, construction was almost completed, but was set back when the ship's warp nacelles were used to repair the USS Enterprise in orbit of Talin IV. (TOS episode: \"The Immunity Syndrome\"; TOS novel: Prime Directive) In 2276, the Intrepid was one of many starships to escort the USS Enterprise back to Earth following its testing of the inversion drive. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky)"@en . "Destroyed"@en . . "USS Intrepid (NCC-1730)"@en . "The USS Intrepid (NCC-1730) was a Constitution-class Federation starship in service in the late 23rd century."@en . "The USS Intrepid (NCC-1730) was a Constitution-class Federation starship in service in the late 23rd century."@en . . . . "Construction of the Intrepid began in 2268, following the destruction of the original USS Intrepid by a space amoeba. By mid 2269, construction was almost completed, but was set back when the ship's warp nacelles were used to repair the USS Enterprise in orbit of Talin IV. (TOS episode: \"The Immunity Syndrome\"; TOS novel: Prime Directive) Despite the hold-up the Intrepid was fitted with replacement nacelles, and soon began shakedown cruises under Captain T'Noy. One of its first missions in 2269, was to participate in the Great Starship Race along with the USS Enterprise, USS Hood, and USS Great Lakes. (TOS novel: The Great Starship Race) In late 2269, Intrepid and the USS Lexington rendezvoused with the Enterprise delivering Ambassador Richard Jourdan and Secretary of Protocol Kim Li Wing of the Federation Council on Intercultural Affairs to negotiate with the Patrian Republic. (TOS novel: The Patrian Transgression) In 2276, the Intrepid was one of many starships to escort the USS Enterprise back to Earth following its testing of the inversion drive. (TOS novel: The Wounded Sky) By 2276, Captain Suvuk was in command of the Intrepid. She was assigned to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone along with the Enterprise, the USS Constellation, and the USS Inaieu, after receiving news that the Romulans were preparing to attack the Federation. (TOS - Rihannsu: The Bloodwing Voyages novel: My Enemy, My Ally) By the 2280s, Intrepid was outfitted to the specifications of an Enterprise-subclass class XI vessel, specifically as a rear-fire heavy cruiser. (FASA RPG module: Federation Ship Recognition Manual; ST video game: Starfleet Command)"@en . . . . . "fed"@en . . . . "NCC-1730"@en . . "USS Intrepid"@en . .