. "Gooderham and Worts Distillery"@en . "In the Season One episode 1966, the distillery buildings were extensively used to represent East Berlin, where the flashback (and much of the story) was set. Exterior views of the district as a whole provided street views, as cars drove by the old brick buildings in dimly lit night scenes. The Berlin wall was hinted at in the distance. One of the buildings became State Archive No. 7, the library and depository in which Nick hopes to discover a copy of the Abarat. The exterior of the building was filmed with the addition of appropriate signage. Most of the interior views of State Archive No. 7 were shot in a stone-built cellar. This was entered by a wooden staircase. In the room at the bottom, a large table with some chairs provided a crude office where the curator and his staff (actually his children) worked at cataloguing the collection. Further into the cellar, there were shelves and boxes of uncatalogued material. It is here that Nick hopes to find the Abarat, with the help of the curator\u2014or, more particularly, of his daughter Lili. To get their assistance, he offers to show them a secret tunnel out of East Berlin. This tunnel is supposedly under an old church, and appears on a map that Nick shows the curator. Another building on the site was used to represent the church and the tunnel. When LaCroix betrays Nick and his friends to the Staasi, Nick keeps his promise and takes them to the church. With the secret police in pursuit, they make their way through the tunnel. Nick has to betray the secret of his true vampire nature in order to get them safely to the other side, where he leaves them in the West. He then returns to East Berlin, hoping to continue his search for the Abarat. However, he discovers State Archive No. 7 in flames. LaCroix has burned the building down in order to ensure that Nick knows that he has no chance of finding the book, and the promise it holds for a cure for vampirism."@en . . . "In the Season One episode 1966, the distillery buildings were extensively used to represent East Berlin, where the flashback (and much of the story) was set. Exterior views of the district as a whole provided street views, as cars drove by the old brick buildings in dimly lit night scenes. The Berlin wall was hinted at in the distance. One of the buildings became State Archive No. 7, the library and depository in which Nick hopes to discover a copy of the Abarat. The exterior of the building was filmed with the addition of appropriate signage."@en . .