. "Ashpidar was the commander of the Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base during the Yuuzhan Vong War. A Gotal female from Antar 4, she was once engaged to a commercial entrepreneur, with whom she intended to raise a family. However, he was killed in a mining accident. Devastated, she left Antar 4, and had not been back in twenty years. During the Battle of Esfandia, Commander Ashpidar was attacked by Tegg, an Ugnaught Peace Brigader at the facility, who tied electrical wires to her cones. Nevertheless, Ashpidar managed to survive the attack."@en . . "Ashpidar was the commander of the Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base during the Yuuzhan Vong War. A Gotal female from Antar 4, she was once engaged to a commercial entrepreneur, with whom she intended to raise a family. However, he was killed in a mining accident. Devastated, she left Antar 4, and had not been back in twenty years. During the Battle of Esfandia, Commander Ashpidar was attacked by Tegg, an Ugnaught Peace Brigader at the facility, who tied electrical wires to her cones. Nevertheless, Ashpidar managed to survive the attack."@en . "GFFA"@en . . . . . . . "Ashpidar era la comandante de la Base de Comunicaciones de Largo Alcance de Esfandia durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. Una hembra gotal de Antar 4, ella una vez fue la prometida de un emprendedor comercial, con quien ten\u00EDa la intenci\u00F3n de formar una familia. Sin embargo, \u00E9l muri\u00F3 en un accidente minero. Devastada, ella dej\u00F3 Antar 4 y no volvi\u00F3 por 20 a\u00F1os. Durante la Batalla de Esfandia la comandante Ashpidar fue atacada por Tegg, un Brigadista de la Paz ugnaught, quien le at\u00F3 cables el\u00E9ctricos a los conos. Sin embargo, Ashpidar pudo sobrevivir al ataque."@es . . . . "Ashpidar"@es . . . "FGAL"@es . . . . . "Ashpidar era la comandante de la Base de Comunicaciones de Largo Alcance de Esfandia durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. Una hembra gotal de Antar 4, ella una vez fue la prometida de un emprendedor comercial, con quien ten\u00EDa la intenci\u00F3n de formar una familia. Sin embargo, \u00E9l muri\u00F3 en un accidente minero. Devastada, ella dej\u00F3 Antar 4 y no volvi\u00F3 por 20 a\u00F1os. Durante la Batalla de Esfandia la comandante Ashpidar fue atacada por Tegg, un Brigadista de la Paz ugnaught, quien le at\u00F3 cables el\u00E9ctricos a los conos. Sin embargo, Ashpidar pudo sobrevivir al ataque."@es . . . . "*Esfandia Long-Range Communications Base\n*Galactic Alliance Defense Force"@en . "Ashpidar"@en . "*Base de Comunicaciones de Largo Alcance de Esfandia\n*Fuerza de Defensa de la Alianza Gal\u00E1ctica"@es . "Ashpidar"@en . "Ashpidar"@es . . "Ashpidar"@es . . . "Ashpidar"@es . . . . "Ashpidar"@en . . . "Ashpidar"@en .