. "City"@en . "Taverns, Inns, Stores, Temples"@en . . . . . . "Baldur's Gate"@en . . "Baldur's Gate (city)"@en . "Baldur's Gate is the largest city in Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. The city is divided into nine districts and has many shops, Inns, and places of worship. It is also the home of many notable organizations such as the Flaming Fist, the Merchants' League, and the Iron Throne. The city is as massive below as it is above: it has an extensive sewer system which is often used by criminals to move unseen through the city. It can be utilized by the player to the same end should they be pursued by members of the Flaming Fist who guard and enforce the city's laws. This is fortunate as killing a city guard will turn the whole city against the player and decrease their reputation by 10 points. The city cannot be entered until Baldur's Gate Chapter 5 of Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate EE and plays a notable role in the Chapter 5 and the Chapters that follow."@en . "City Sewers, Thieves' Maze , Undercity"@en . . "Grand Duke, Sarevok, Duke Eltan"@en . . . . "Baldur's Gate is the largest city in Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. The city is divided into nine districts and has many shops, Inns, and places of worship. It is also the home of many notable organizations such as the Flaming Fist, the Merchants' League, and the Iron Throne. The city cannot be entered until Baldur's Gate Chapter 5 of Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate EE and plays a notable role in the Chapter 5 and the Chapters that follow."@en . "AR0100, AR0200, AR0300, AR0600, AR0700, AR0800, AR1100, AR1200, AR1300,"@en . . . .