"45"^^ . "Rajput Zamindar are a type of melee cavalry in Empire: Total War. They are available with the Elite Units of the East DLC, to the Maratha Confederacy."@en . "None"@en . "21"^^ . "Rajput Zamindar"@en . "2"^^ . . . "Rajput Zamindar are a type of melee cavalry in Empire: Total War. They are available with the Elite Units of the East DLC, to the Maratha Confederacy."@en . "Rajput Zamindar"@en . "12"^^ . "16"^^ . "None"@en . . . . "15"^^ . "1360"^^ . . . "340"^^ . "Sword"@en . "None; can utilize Wedge Formation and Diamond Formation"@en . . "Melee Cavalry"@en .