. "S\u00F3lo Anime"@es . "The Tonfa was a peasant weapon."@en . "Dual Elbow Blades"@en . "MHFofficial"@ja . . "30"^^ . "Tonfas are a type of weapon the Suikoden series. In the main series all tonfa users automatically have a pair of them. However, they very rarely appear in the series."@en . . . "No"@en . . "Tonfa is one of Talim's weapons in Soulcalibur IV. It can be bought in Character Creation for 6,500 Gold after completing Story Mode with Talim. A type of weapon used in the unique martial arts of the Ryukyu Islands, a region that prospered as the midway point for trade between China and Japan. They are designed for balanced offense and defense. They have no actual blade, but they can deal powerful blows."@en . . "Tonfa"@en . . . . "MHF - GG \u30D7\u30ED\u30E2\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u30E0\u30FC\u30D3\u30FC\u7A7F\u9F8D\u68CD\u7DE8"@ja . . "Melee"@en . "Tonfa"@en . . . "None"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Defensiva, Ofensiva, Suplementario"@es . . . "Anime, Game"@en . "Tonfa"@sv . "Raphael used tonfa as his training weapon in The Passing. Michaelangelo brandished them in Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation as his normal weapon due to censorship in Europe which led to his 1987 counterpart not using Nunchakus in the European airings of the 1987 TV Series & the same for his live action movie counterpart as well. Raphael is seen equipping them amongst many other weapons in Showdown, although he never seems to use them. At various times, Foot Ninja have been seen wielding tonfa. Perri Grey equips a nightstick, a variation of the tonfa often associated with modern law enforcement. In the 2003 TV series it was used by the Mokusai No Bushi."@en . . . . . "\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30FC"@es . . "La Tonfa, tambi\u00E9n conocida como tongfa o tuifa, es un arma originaria de Okinawa, de la cual se deriv\u00F3 posteriormente el bast\u00F3n de mando utilizado por la polic\u00EDa moderna. En sus or\u00EDgenes, la tonfa fue una herramienta utilizada para golpear los granos de cereales y quitarles la c\u00E1scara, o seg\u00FAn otras fuentes, un asa para hacer girar una rueda de molino. La longitud de la tonfa ha de ser ligeramente superior a la del antebrazo. Habitualmente, las tonfas se utilizan por parejas, para poder as\u00ED efectuar defensas y ataques simult\u00E1neamente."@es . . . . "N/A"@en . . "MHF-\uFF27\u300E\u65B0\u6B66\u5668\u7A2E\u300C\u7A7F\u9F8D\u68CD\u300D\u629C\u5200\u30C0\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u300F"@ja . . . . . . . "La Tonfa, tambi\u00E9n conocida como tongfa o tuifa, es un arma originaria de Okinawa, de la cual se deriv\u00F3 posteriormente el bast\u00F3n de mando utilizado por la polic\u00EDa moderna. En sus or\u00EDgenes, la tonfa fue una herramienta utilizada para golpear los granos de cereales y quitarles la c\u00E1scara, o seg\u00FAn otras fuentes, un asa para hacer girar una rueda de molino. La longitud de la tonfa ha de ser ligeramente superior a la del antebrazo. Habitualmente, las tonfas se utilizan por parejas, para poder as\u00ED efectuar defensas y ataques simult\u00E1neamente. Actualmente, el uso de las tonfas se ense\u00F1a en el Kobudo, y en ocasiones tambi\u00E9n se incluye en otras artes marciales como el Karate. Tonfa es una arma usada por Jax en Mortal Kombat:Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat: Unchained y en Mortal Kombat:Armageddon."@es . "La Tonfa (Okinawa :\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30FCtonfaa , chino : \u62D0; pinyin : gu\u01CEi) es un arma ninja hecha generalmente de madera, que habitualmente se utilizan en parejas para poder as\u00ED el usuario defenderse de los ataques enemigos y realizar ataques simult\u00E1neos. El mango del arma permite efectuar movimientos circulares, dotando a los ataques mayor fuerza debido al momento del giro. La tonfa es un arma muy vers\u00E1til debido a que el mango no est\u00E1 completamente centrado, lo que permite disponer de dos longitudes distintas para realizar movimientos seg\u00FAn lo requiera la situaci\u00F3n."@es . "Tonfas are a type of weapon the Suikoden series. In the main series all tonfa users automatically have a pair of them. However, they very rarely appear in the series."@en . . "153"^^ . . . "Tonfa"@en . "Rock Lee, Ruiga, Tenten"@en . "320"^^ . . . . "Tonfa \u00E4r ett kampsport vapen fr\u00E5n planeten Jorden som \u00E4r gjord av tr\u00E4. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game\")kategori:Tau'ri teknologikategori:Vapen"@sv . "Tonfa"@en . "La Tonfa (Okinawa :\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30FCtonfaa , chino : \u62D0; pinyin : gu\u01CEi) es un arma ninja hecha generalmente de madera, que habitualmente se utilizan en parejas para poder as\u00ED el usuario defenderse de los ataques enemigos y realizar ataques simult\u00E1neos. El mango del arma permite efectuar movimientos circulares, dotando a los ataques mayor fuerza debido al momento del giro. La tonfa es un arma muy vers\u00E1til debido a que el mango no est\u00E1 completamente centrado, lo que permite disponer de dos longitudes distintas para realizar movimientos seg\u00FAn lo requiera la situaci\u00F3n. Con la tonfa se pueden realizar numerosas t\u00E9cnicas de defensa, ya que su forma y posici\u00F3n protege el antebrazo con gran eficacia y permite desviar tanto ataques con armas como ataques f\u00EDsicos de patada o pu\u00F1o. Cogida por extremo, el mango de la tonfa puede utilizarse para realizar agarres, enganchando el cuello, rodilla, brazo o incluso el arma del adversario para dificultar sus movimientos o desarmarlo. En el anime de Naruto, un ninja llamado Ruiga lo maneja principalmente para localizar el agua en el ambiente y esquivar los lugares secos y rocosos y as\u00ED mantener su jutsu Elemento Agua: Convergencia Agua Cielo ."@es . . . . "Low"@en . . . . . . . "Tonfa is one of Talim's weapons in Soulcalibur IV. It can be bought in Character Creation for 6,500 Gold after completing Story Mode with Talim. A type of weapon used in the unique martial arts of the Ryukyu Islands, a region that prospered as the midway point for trade between China and Japan. They are designed for balanced offense and defense. They have no actual blade, but they can deal powerful blows."@en . . . . "Raphael used tonfa as his training weapon in The Passing. Michaelangelo brandished them in Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation as his normal weapon due to censorship in Europe which led to his 1987 counterpart not using Nunchakus in the European airings of the 1987 TV Series & the same for his live action movie counterpart as well. Raphael is seen equipping them amongst many other weapons in Showdown, although he never seems to use them. In the 2003 TV series it was used by the Mokusai No Bushi."@en . . "MHF-\uFF27\u300E\u65B0\u6B66\u5668\u7A2E\u300C\u7A7F\u9F8D\u68CD\u300D\u7A7A\u4E2D\u653B\u6483\u300F"@ja . . . . "Tonfa"@en . "Tonfa"@es . "The Tonfa was a peasant weapon."@en . . . . "S\u00F3lo Anime"@en . "40"^^ . . . . . "A consists of a stick with a perpendicular handle attached a third of the way down the length of the stick. Tonfa are may be used to strike, jab, block, and bludgeon. Because of their design and application, Tonfa are most skilfully wielded by those already highly proficient in close-range combat."@en . "The origin of the tonfa is debated, but experts believe it originated in either China or Indonesia. It is used in both Southeast Asian and Chinese martial arts and was probably brought to Okinawa through their influence. The Chinese believe it was developed from a crutch but Okinawan folklore holds that during the reign of the ruler Sh\u014D Shin, restrictions were placed on the use of weaponry in order to stabilize the country after a period of civil war. This restriction is said to have favoured the development of unconventional agricultural tools as weapons of self-defense. In this context, it is said that the tonfa was developed from a wooden handle of a millstone, a common agricultural implement. In modern times, the tonfa was the basis for the police baton but their combat application is "@en . "Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary"@en . . "Tonfa"@ja . . . "320"^^ . . . "Melee"@en . . . "60"^^ . . "The Tonfa, also known as the nightstick, is one of the two melee weapons used by Eri and Fio, the other being the Hatchet. The tonfa is used for their \"melee stab\" animation, while the hatchet is used for their \"melee slash\". Image:Baby.gif This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "A consists of a stick with a perpendicular handle attached a third of the way down the length of the stick. Tonfa are may be used to strike, jab, block, and bludgeon. Because of their design and application, Tonfa are most skilfully wielded by those already highly proficient in close-range combat."@en . "The origin of the tonfa is debated, but experts believe it originated in either China or Indonesia. It is used in both Southeast Asian and Chinese martial arts and was probably brought to Okinawa through their influence. The Chinese believe it was developed from a crutch but Okinawan folklore holds that during the reign of the ruler Sh\u014D Shin, restrictions were placed on the use of weaponry in order to stabilize the country after a period of civil war. This restriction is said to have favoured the development of unconventional agricultural tools as weapons of self-defense. In this context, it is said that the tonfa was developed from a wooden handle of a millstone, a common agricultural implement. In modern times, the tonfa was the basis for the police baton but their combat application is different."@en . . "Tonf\u0101"@en . . . . . . "Defensiva, Ofensiva, Suplementario"@en . . "Tonfa"@es . "6500"^^ . "No"@en . "La Tonfa (Okinawa :\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30FCtonfaa , chino : \u62D0; pinyin : gu\u01CEi) es un arma ninja hecha generalmente de madera, que habitualmente se utilizan en parejas para poder as\u00ED el usuario defenderse de los ataques enemigos y realizar ataques simult\u00E1neos. El mango del arma permite efectuar movimientos circulares, dotando a los ataques mayor fuerza debido al momento del giro. La tonfa es un arma muy vers\u00E1til debido a que el mango no est\u00E1 completamente centrado, lo que permite disponer de dos longitudes distintas para realizar movimientos seg\u00FAn lo requiera la situaci\u00F3n."@en . "425"^^ . . "80"^^ . . . . "\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30FC"@en . . . . "0"^^ . "Tonfa work like claws: they do not attack on their own, but use their offensive statistics to improve the damage from every other melee or ranged attack, adding both accuracy and damage. The Two hand bonus does not apply when equipped alongside with a heavy weapon, and they do not give any shield or dual wielding spellcasting penalties. When equipped alone or with claws, the Martial Arts skill will be used and trained. In earlier versions of Elona+, it functioned as a shield, including using the shield stat to increase PV. It could also be used to shield bash."@en . "La Tonfa (Okinawa :\u30C8\u30F3\u30D5\u30A1\u30FCtonfaa , chino : \u62D0; pinyin : gu\u01CEi) es un arma ninja hecha generalmente de madera, que habitualmente se utilizan en parejas para poder as\u00ED el usuario defenderse de los ataques enemigos y realizar ataques simult\u00E1neos. El mango del arma permite efectuar movimientos circulares, dotando a los ataques mayor fuerza debido al momento del giro. La tonfa es un arma muy vers\u00E1til debido a que el mango no est\u00E1 completamente centrado, lo que permite disponer de dos longitudes distintas para realizar movimientos seg\u00FAn lo requiera la situaci\u00F3n. Con la tonfa se pueden realizar numerosas t\u00E9cnicas de defensa, ya que su forma y posici\u00F3n protege el antebrazo con gran eficacia y permite desviar tanto ataques con armas como ataques f\u00EDsicos de patada o pu\u00F1o. Cogida por extremo, el mango de la tonfa puede utilizarse para realizar agarres, enganchando el cuello, rodilla, brazo o incluso el arma del adversario para dificultar sus movimientos o desarmarlo. En el anime de Naruto, un ninja llamado Ruiga lo maneja principalmente para localizar el agua en el ambiente y esquivar los lugares secos y rocosos y as\u00ED mantener su jutsu Elemento Agua: Convergencia Agua Cielo ."@en . "100"^^ . "40"^^ . . . . "The Tonfa, also known as the nightstick, is one of the two melee weapons used by Eri and Fio, the other being the Hatchet. The tonfa is used for their \"melee stab\" animation, while the hatchet is used for their \"melee slash\". Image:Baby.gif This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it."@en . "Tonfa \u00E4r ett kampsport vapen fr\u00E5n planeten Jorden som \u00E4r gjord av tr\u00E4. (RPG: \"Stargate SG-1: Roleplaying Game\")kategori:Tau'ri teknologikategori:Vapen"@sv . "250"^^ . . "Tonfa work like claws: they do not attack on their own, but use their offensive statistics to improve the damage from every other melee or ranged attack, adding both accuracy and damage. The Two hand bonus does not apply when equipped alongside with a heavy weapon, and they do not give any shield or dual wielding spellcasting penalties. When equipped alone or with claws, the Martial Arts skill will be used and trained. Enchants are done with armor scrolls or the option with the blacksmith, but count towards damage instead of DV/PV. Each enchant adds +1 damage and +1% accuracy to every melee or ranged attack. In earlier versions of Elona+, it functioned as a shield, including using the shield stat to increase PV. It could also be used to shield bash. Unlike claws, every tonfa in the game is a precious weapon."@en . "1"^^ . . "MHF-\uFF27\u300E\u65B0\u6B66\u5668\u7A2E\u300C\u7A7F\u9F8D\u68CD\u300D\u9023\u6483\u300F"@ja . . . "MHF-\uFF27\u300E\u65B0\u6B66\u5668\u7A2E\u300C\u7A7F\u9F8D\u68CD\u300D\u5909\u5F62\u300F"@ja . . . . . . . . . "Tonfa"@es . "MHF-\uFF27\u300E\u65B0\u6B66\u5668\u7A2E\u300C\u7A7F\u9F8D\u68CD\u300D\u30AC\u30FC\u30C9\u30FB\u30B9\u30C6\u30C3\u30D7\u300F"@ja . . . . . . "0"^^ . . "300"^^ . . . "Tonfa"@en . . "Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3"@en . . . .